There Is Always Hope

Hello Lovelies:

Today brought some sorrow on its wings. It delivered an unwanted message from my marvelous neighbour country. It told us that sexism, racism, bigotry and xenophobia do not matter if you hold the right privileges. That one can still win a position of power despite multiple sexual assault accusations. That boasting about sexual assault is ok. That boasting about grabbing people ‘by the pussy’ is nothing more than locker room talk… and that talk like that is acceptable. I could go on, but I think the disheartening and disturbing reality of this message is clear. However, there is always hope, and hope is a powerful thing.


Super Simple Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

These delicious Stuffed Sweet Potatoes are a must. Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free and Vegan. They're guaranteed to please!

Hello Lovelies:

With fall slowly slipping through our fingers it’s time to load up on tons of root veggies, winter squash and all of the goodies that autumn harvest has to offer. I’ve been on a huge carrot binge (thanks to a bountiful harvest) but I think it’s time to move on to other orange friends, like the beautiful sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes have almost twice as much vitamin A as carrots! On top of that you’ve got tons of vitamin C, manganese, copper and lots of B vitamins! These lovely tubers have anti-inflammatory properties, may help to improve blood sugar levels and (my favourite part) they’re freaking delicious! Especially when you bake ’em and stuff ’em with extra yum (foreshadowing!)

And just when we thought things couldn’t get any more awesome, it turns out that eating sweet potatoes with a good fat (like fan favourite avocado) allows you to absorb even more of that awesome fat soluble vitamin A.

With all of this in mind I got to creating! I’m happy to present you with these super yum Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (complete with avocado):

These delicious Stuffed Sweet Potatoes are a must. Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free and Vegan. They're guaranteed to please!


Finding Gratitude in the Strangest Places

Why I'm grateful for my life with Graves Disease and finding gratitude in strange places

Hello lovelies:

Life is strange… It’s strange because shit happens, things blindside you and sometimes there are no right answers and no clean outcomes. It’s certainly strange for a plethora of other reasons; our very existence is strange if you stop and consider it… but I digress. Today I’m focused on that no right answer, sudden happenstance strangeness that occasional blinds many of us. Those moments when finding gratitude seems impossible.

Why I'm grateful for my life with Graves Disease and finding gratitude in strange places


Health-Esteem Queen Kaye – Health, Happiness and Following Your Dreams

Hello Lovelies:

Have you ever dreamed of making a huge change? Felt the need to pursue your passions in your gut? The scary desire to flip your world on it’s head? Many of us have been there, but finding the courage to pursue a new path can be difficult.

The lovely Kaye Hudson knows exactly what that’s like! This amazing wellness warrior realized that her acting career was no longer fulfilling. She was passionate about health and nutrition and felt a deep desire to pursue those interests and build a new career.

Meet the inspiring Health-Esteem Queen Kaye. Not only will she inspire you to cherish your gorgeous body, her story will motivate you to follow your dreams.

Today she is a graduate of the University of Westminster, London. She has a Bachelors in Biological Science (with honours). Her tenacity has allowed her to achieve her dreams. Her business, Health and Hudson, allows her to design and present nutrition workshops, run boot camps (this amazing woman is also a fitness instructor) and run a nutritional consultancy service.

Kaye’s story will not only inspire you to follow your dreams, it will inspire you to care for your incredible body, treat it with kindness and provide it with the best possible fuel.

Without further ado, I am so pleased to introduce you to Health-Esteem Queen Kaye:

Health-Esteem Queen Kaye


Work With Me - Sponsor
Hiya! I’m Sara

I’m a wellness writer, Graves Disease thriver and self-love advocate.

And I’m passionate about empowering you to prioritize self-care and love yourself fiercely.

Let’s have some fun!