A box stating create a life you love

Hiya Sweet Friend:

I have an important question for you:

What do you think of when you imagine a healthy lifestyle?

  • The “perfect” weight?
  • Salads for days?
  • Living in a gym?

Those 3 things seem to be the poster children of good health.

But does that image in your mind look fulfilling or sustainable?

Yea… I don’t think so either.

What if being healthy was more about…

  • Loving yourself wholeheartedly
  • Prioritizing your personal needs
  • Indulging in whatever self-care feels right
  • Eating an intuitive diet

Much better, right?

That’s what Ms. Health-Esteem is about.

Goodbye rigid healthy lifestyle guidelines. Hello fulfilling healthy living that makes sense for YOU. Because you and I are different baby, and our needs are just as unique and beautiful as we are.

In a nutshell, health-esteem is all about loving yourself, caring for yourself and thriving in a lifestyle that is tailored to your needs. Made for you by you. Because you deserve to be well and live in a way that works for you.

Which means that this is not about following a strict diet or a never-ending list of lifestyle musts. And it’s never about feeling limited and unfulfilled.

Health-esteem is completely personal to your wants and needs.

Heck yes!

So why am I here?

I’m here to provide beautiful you with ideas, tips and inspiration. But I don’t expect you to do it all (that would be freaking exhausting!) Try what sounds great, take what works and leave the rest behind. An awesome choose you own adventure.

Every week I’ll share self-care tips, self-love inspiration, delicious recipes and more. Together we’ll learn how to incorporate self-care activities into our busy lives and commit to loving ourselves fiercely. We’ll talk about how caring for ourselves affects our health. And we’ll have an absolute blast ;).

You take it from there, incorporating the things that feel right to you, leaving the rest behind.

See – a total choose you own adventure!

Ultimately, you truly deserve to feel empowered to create a life that makes you feel awesome and supports your well-being…and I’m here to help you do just that!

Sara of Ms. Health-Esteem - Healthy Living and Self-Care Tips sitting on a rock in the woods holding a green juice

That’s me! Enjoying the view and a delicious green juice. My name’s Sara Flanagan (aka Ms. Health-Esteem) and I’m PASSIONATE about empowering others to make themselves a priority and their needs a priority. Bonus points if it all comes from a place of self-love.

How did I get here?

In 2012, my world shifted.

You see, I had been dealing with an ever growing list of symptoms. Anxiety, irritability, racing heart, constant hunger, weight loss, insomnia, painful muscle spasms, hot flashes…

I could go on, but the point is, I felt like I was falling apart.

But in April of 2012, months of testing revealed that I had an autoimmune disease called Graves Disease.

Hearing the words “treatable but incurable” changed everything.

I’ll be honest… it wasn’t easy and I didn’t find my way to a better place for quite a while. There were lots of emotions to unpack. Totally normal.

But when I was ready, I learned a few very important, life changing lessons. Like this:

  • I deserve to be one of my top priorities.
  • I deserve my own unconditional love and forgiveness.
  • And it is totally possible to feed myself with kindness, thought and devotion and still love dessert. Food is fun, guys!

I will always have Graves Disease. I can’t change that. But taking ownership over my well-being and participating in my healing in a way that prioritized my personal needs, and not someone else’s idea of what it means to have a healthy lifestyle, have allowed me to thrive.

This commitment to myself helped me thrive. It was a huge part of finding my way to remission. It allowed me to work through relapses with a far better outlook. And, my favourite part, it’s made me feel healthier and happier than I ever have before.

You deserve to feel that way too.

Through e-books, weekly articles on self-care, acceptance, wellness and nutrition, and a pretty rad community of fellow Health-Esteemies too, I’ve helped tons of fantastic peeps like you.

Ready to get started?

Why don’t we kick things off with a FREE Self-Care Plan Workbook. Because you deserve to tap into the activities that help you relax, unwind and feel awesome. Trust me, it’s good for you! Get your free copy right here.

Oh, and you’ll also get weekly bonus content too. Because extra stuff is fun!

Click the button below to sign up.

Send Me The Goodness

And hey, thanks for being here. I’m truly grateful for you’re here

Health and love,


Hi Lovelies - Welcome to healthesteem.com

Hiya! I’m Sara.

I'm here to help you build your ultimate healthy lifestyle. Learn how to feed your body with kindness, love yourself wholeheartedly and look and feel your best. Let's have some fun!
Free Self Care Routine Planner
I am sharing my Health-Esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.