4 Reasons To Break “The Rules” And Love Your Cellulite

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Hello Lovelies:

I have cellulite! And if you’re a lady chances are you do too.

And chances are also high that you aren’t a big fan of it.

I mean, how could we possibly feel good about something when there’s an entire market of products and magazines telling us it’s awful and we need to get rid of it? Am I right?!

But I’ve got some news for you – our cellulite is pretty well here to stay.

And the best “cellulite treatment” option there is is learning to love and accept it.

That sounds kind of bonkers right? But there’s a really big reason why…

It turns out that everything we’ve been told about cellulite is wrong and re-thinking how we look at is truly a game changer.

Not feeling so sure about accepting cellulite just yet? Don’t you worry! Let’s talk about what cellulite really is and why learning to love it is the greatest thing you can do for yourself…

4 Reasons To Break "The Rules" And Love Your Cellulite | Have cellulite? Trying to find cellulite treatments that work and coming up empty handed? Let's talk about why everything we've been taught about cellulite is scientifically wrong. And how treating your cellulite with self-love and acceptance makes a world of difference. Click through for the goodness. #cellulitetreatment #selflove #selfcare #bodypositivity

4 Reasons To Love Your Cellulite

1. It’s More Common Than You Probably Think

90% of women have cellulite! That’s right – If you have it you aren’t some strangely defective butterfly with a problem. You’re a normal person with a fairly common trait. It’s so common in fact that some dermatologists consider it a secondary female sex trait (source).

2. Fat Isn’t Actually The Problem

Women of all shapes and sizes have it. Curvy, slim, short, tall, muscular… cellulite doesn’t discriminate. And that’s because fat isn’t the only factor to consider.

It’s all about the connective tissue baby! We’ve got a bit of a different set up than our male counterparts and that makes us way more prone to developing cellulite.

How is our connective tissue different?

4 Reasons To Break "The Rules" And Love Your Cellulite | Have cellulite? Trying to find cellulite treatments that work and coming up empty handed? Let's talk about why everything we've been taught about cellulite is scientifically wrong. And how treating your cellulite with self-love and acceptance makes a world of difference. Click through for the goodness. #cellulitetreatment #selflove #selfcare #bodypositivity

If you were able to magically take a peek into the amazing layers of your beautiful skin you’d see something pretty awesome. First we’ve got the epidermis, that wonderful outer layer you’re used to marveling at. Then we have the dermis, pulling in second to help shield your precious insides. And after that we have some wonderful little fat cells hanging out between layers of connective tissue.

Connective tissue is kind of a big deal. It’s there to connect our skin to our muscles. And us ladies have a unique set up. Our connective tissue sets itself up in parallel layers. Think of it as your body’s white picket fence. This makes it easier for fat cells to push through the tissue slightly, pressing into the skin and creating a dimpled effect. Men’s connective tissue is more of a basket weave, which helps to prevent cellulite from appearing (source 1, source 2).

Related: 3 Things You Need to Know About Practicing Self-Love

3. Hormones Also Have A Say

4 Reasons To Break "The Rules" And Love Your Cellulite | Have cellulite? Trying to find cellulite treatments that work and coming up empty handed? Let's talk about why everything we've been taught about cellulite is scientifically wrong. And how treating your cellulite with self-love and acceptance makes a world of difference. Click through for the goodness. #cellulitetreatment #selflove #selfcare #bodypositivity

Surprise, surprise, hormones play a role in whether or not we get little dimples on the surface of our skin too. After puberty estrogen influences our bodies to start storing more fat. Just in case we decide to start making babies any time soon. Hello breasts, larger hips, bigger booties and, potentially, cellulite!

Not only do we have a different connective tissue set up, but our hormones and biology lead us to storing 6 to 11% more fat than men. And that means we have more cells that might peek through our internal white picket fence, no matter what gorgeous shape or size we are (source).

4. You Can’t Cure Cellulite

4 Reasons To Break "The Rules" And Love Your Cellulite | Have cellulite? Trying to find cellulite treatments that work and coming up empty handed? Let's talk about why everything we've been taught about cellulite is scientifically wrong. And how treating your cellulite with self-love and acceptance makes a world of difference. Click through for the goodness. #cellulitetreatment #selflove #selfcare #bodypositivity

There are a ton of products, procedures and workouts that boast that they have the answer. In fact, American women spent $47 million on cellulite reduction products in 2008 alone. That’s one mountain of cold hard cash! And they typically only saw a temporary 25% to 50% improvement (source).

Weight loss isn’t always the answer either. While it may reduce the appearance of cellulite for some women, it might make no difference at all or increase visibility for others.

Why can’t we completely fix it? 

As you now know, it isn’t just about fat. We’ve got connective tissue and estrogen to consider. And there’s also fat distribution and skin thickness or thinness all lending a hand. Which isn’t something we can control. That’s all in our genes darling. Part of our uniquely wonderful blueprints.

Short of magically changing our connective tissue, there really isn’t any way we can permanently delete cellulite from our lives.

Related: 8 Ways to Love Yourself Fiercely (Your Health Will Thank You)

4 Reasons To Break "The Rules" And Love Your Cellulite | Have cellulite? Trying to find cellulite treatments that work and coming up empty handed? Let's talk about why everything we've been taught about cellulite is scientifically wrong. And how treating your cellulite with self-love and acceptance makes a world of difference. Click through for the goodness. #cellulitetreatment #selflove #selfcare #bodypositivity

So What IS The Best Cellulite Treatment Option

Self-love is the answer baby!

While things like exercise, coffee body scrub, massage, dry body brushing and certain self-care products may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite to some degree, chances are if you have it it’s here to stay. And honey, that’s ok!

Working on loving and accepting your gorgeous self, as you are, is the most wonderful way to overcome the insecurity and discomfort that often comes along with things like cellulite.

And remember, dimples are adorable! Even if they’re on your booty. <3

If working on self acceptance, especially accepting parts of yourself you aren’t particularly fond of, sounds daunting I have an entire post on it for you right here. But when it comes to accepting cellulite there are a few extra things that can help:

1. Empower yourself by acknowledging the fact that cellulite is common, normal and scientifically unbeatable.

2. Work on reeling in your inner mean girl. It takes time and effort, but the way we talk to ourselves (both internally and out loud) has a huge affect on how we feel. If you’re constantly putting yourself down you’re going to feel down. Acknowledge negative self talk as it comes without judgment or anger and respond with kindness. 

3. And hey, even when that inner mean girl isn’t rearing her ugly head, speak kindly to yourself. You know how compliments and kind words make you feel awesome? Well, it’s extra awesome when they’re coming from inside.

You are beautifully imperfect. We all are. How the back of your thighs look shouldn’t matter.

Now it’s your turn – do you have cellulite? Have you had difficulty accepting it? What advice would you give someone who wants to work on accepting cellulite as part of their beautiful selves? 

Health and love,


Thought of the day: My body is beautiful and worthy of love and adoration.

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    November 15, 2017

    Love this. I have celulite. Im the smallest ive been in my life but i still have it. I’ll be honest, it doesnt generally bother me. I have it worse in the leg I had knee surgery on so I guess it’s like a battle scar. Thank you for sharing this- definitely the right direction in accepting our bodies the way they are!

    • Reply


      November 16, 2017

      I’m so glad you’re on the acceptance train too Jamie! And I like the idea of thinking of them as battle scars. That makes it even more fun. 🙂 We are all worthy of self love and acceptance!

  2. Reply


    November 15, 2017

    I love how you wrote this inspirational piece, backed by stats/facts. Unfortunately i am afraid that with new expressions such as “instagram worthy”, and the popularity of the Kim K., the younger generations would be seeking “physical perfection” more than ever 🙁

    • Reply


      November 16, 2017

      I definitely agree Sylvia. It’s truly unfortunately that when untouched photos of people like Kim come out showing that they too have cellulite they’re also shammed. It’s lose, lose, lose… But I have seen some companies forgo Photoshop and show cellulite, scars, rolls too… like the Dove Real Beauty Campaign or the Aerie Real Campaign, which created a 20% growth for the company, and they are aimed at a younger audience. So that shows a ton of hope.

      It’s definitely not perfect, but I think there is some good out there too when it comes to encouraging and promoting positive body images. I’m hopeful that we’ll see more companies shift in a similar direction. And I think that we all have the power to be a positive light as well. <3

  3. Reply


    November 16, 2017

    I have some cellulite..ugh.. I try a few cream with no result. I know it’s there but I don’t let it bother me!

    • Reply


      November 16, 2017

      That’s great that you don’t let it bother you Jessica. You are definitely not alone. I have it and 90% of adult women have it as well. And we are all rocking our gorgeous dimples ;).

  4. Reply

    Pupil of Love

    November 18, 2017

    No matter i use I can’t ever get rid of my cellulite. Self love is the key! This is the first article I have seen to even suggest that. Love it!

    • Reply


      November 20, 2017

      I’m so happy you’re on the self love train too ?. You’re beautiful, cellulite and all! ?

  5. Reply

    Kimberly Parsons (@shuttershoney)

    November 20, 2017

    I have no problem accepting my cellulite, I’m a weightlifter and it still hasn’t went away. What I do struggle with is accepting the veins that show so much through my skin. That’s a big issue with me!

    • Reply


      November 20, 2017

      I love that you’re a weightlifter! That’s amazing and takes a lot of time, dedication and effort to keep up. You rock!
      I’m sorry there’s an aspect of your gorgeous self that you’re having a hard time accepting. It may take some time, but I’m sure that you’ll develop some mad self love for that part of you someday ♡. It doesn’t take away from your goodness at all! Sending you love and wishing you well!

  6. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    You are all beautiful, embrace every part of yourself ???? for we are blessed to have legs to have cellulite.. some people don’t even have the chance.

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      What a beautiful sentiment Ash! And such an important thing to keep in mind. There are so many things we should realize we are incredibly blessed to have and experience. When you reframe your thoughts everything truly changes. Thank you so much for sharing ?

  7. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    Love this post! It’s all about looking after yourself and learning to accept and love yourself ?

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      Absolutely! We are all worthy of self love and acceptance ?

  8. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    Yes, I have it and accept it with love.

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      Wonderful! As should we all ?

  9. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    Love this!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Our so called imperfections are not “problems” to be “treated”!!!

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      Heck yea! We are all so beautiful and worthy of self love, cellulite, scars, lumps and bumps included ?. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  10. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    As long as I feel good, I’ve grown to not care about all the little physical imperfections. Life’s hard enough without the inner bullying dialogue 🙂

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      Exactly! We shouldn’t be our own bullies! And those “imperfections” don’t take away from how beautiful and wonderful we are ♡. Totally agree ??. Hope today is wonderful Cameron!

  11. Reply


    November 23, 2017

    You’re so right. It’s all about acceptance. Thank you for speaking up about it. I think every women deals with this.

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      Oh goodness yes. In some shape or form for sure! I’m really glad you spread love and acceptance daily too. ♡ It’s lovely ?

  12. Reply


    November 24, 2017

    This is so great! I’ve had cellulite pretty much my whole teen/adult life even in high school when I weighed my lowest I still had it! I just started to accept it this summer! But it doesn’t matter how much you weigh you can have it even athletes do!

    • Reply


      November 24, 2017

      Heck yea McKenna! It’s totally normal. And never worth any stress. I’m so happy you’ve found your way towards acceptance. It’s hard and it takes time but it’s so worth it ??

  13. Reply

    Anne Marie

    November 24, 2017

    Love my cellulite!! My body does amazing things, cellulite and all. It’s grown 4 full babies, it’s ran a few marathons, it’s climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, it’s danced and chased kids. Cellulite and all. I also believe that the way to get a “bikini body” is to put on a bikini ?????❤️

    • Reply


      November 27, 2017

      Holla! I totally agree with you. Every body is a bikini body if you want it to be ^^. And damn your beautiful body has done some incredible things. It’s amazing and awe inspiring what they allow us to do. ? Thank you for sharing all that goodness gorgeous ?

  14. Reply


    November 24, 2017

    I love this post!! I’ve got random cellulite on the backs of my legs – and it’s always been there. I stopped caring years ago after I realized it was there. It’s not worth trying to “change”. I’m healthy and happy so what else do I need??

    • Reply


      November 27, 2017

      I love it! You’re so right Kelly. If we are healthy and happy we’re winning ?. I’m so glad you’re so full of self love and inspiration ?. Thank you for sharing! I hope today is wonderful ^^

  15. Reply


    November 24, 2017

    I have some and decided awhile back if I couldn’t see it , that it wasn’t there ?

    • Reply


      November 27, 2017

      You’re gorgeous, little skin dimples and all. And it’s really so true – the way the back of our legs looks really shouldn’t matter.

    • Reply


      February 27, 2019

      This is awesome. It’s all about looking after yourself. No one is going to do that for you. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Reply


    November 24, 2017

    I just ignore mine ? everyone has it!

    • Reply


      November 27, 2017

      Absolutely. It’s pretty darn normal ?.

  17. Reply

    Anna Smith

    November 24, 2017

    Love this – cellulite is totally normal. Everyone has it and that is fine!

    • Reply


      November 27, 2017

      Absolutely! There is nothing wrong with having cellulite at all <3

  18. Reply


    December 3, 2017

    Well, different way of thinking! Nice! I like it!

    • Reply


      December 3, 2017

      Thank you so much Sintija! I’m so happy you like it ♡. Love and acceptance are pretty freaking wonderful, eh? ?

  19. Reply

    Maryann Auger | Mani Fitness

    February 12, 2019

    I absolutely LOVED this article. Your way of bringing love and brightness in every single one of your posts is amazing. I also love the hard work you put in into backing up your posts with science. You’re all kinds of amazing ♥

    • Reply

      Ms. Health-Esteem

      February 21, 2019

      You’ve made my day sweetheart! Thank you <3. Love, light and evidence to back it all up is my goal. You make me feel like I'm succeeding in colour! Thank you <3

  20. Reply


    February 24, 2019

    This is such a stellar post. Cellulite is definitely not on the top of my ‘talk about over coffee’ list, even though I’m sure it’s on a lot of peoples minds! I love that you encourage self-love and accepting your body as it is, while working towards health goals. Awesome post, as always!

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      Thank you so much Heather! I think it’s so important that we meet ourselves where we are. It’s so easy to postpone self-love until you become this mythical better version of yourself. But, ultimate, there’s always something more to strive for so I think that that mindset hurts us long term. We can still strive for things and love ourselves now.
      And hey – certain things like cellulite are just here to stay. And that’s ok. We are beautiful, scars, dimples and all. <3 I'm happy you enjoyed it! It means the world to me! Sending tons of love your way hun :)

  21. Reply

    Natalie @ obsessive cooking disorder

    February 26, 2019

    dont’ have it yet but dreading it

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      I’m sorry to hear that Natalie! We are not required to be pristine and perfect. If you do develop cellulite you will still be the lovely person you are. I promise. It doesn’t take away from your value in any way! <3 There are far worse things in this world.

  22. Reply


    February 26, 2019

    Yup! I got cellulite too!

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      You and me both darling! Dimples are awesome ^^

  23. Reply

    Katy LV

    February 26, 2019

    Some interesting facts I didn’t know. Self love definitely heals!

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      It really is incredible how loving ourselves changes everything, eh? I’m happy you think so too <3. Thank you Katy!

  24. Reply

    travel with a silver lining

    February 27, 2019

    love this! sucha great post!

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you <3

  25. Reply


    February 27, 2019

    I love this post! We worry way too much about things we can’t control, cellulite being one of them. Love your cellulite, ladies!!

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      Heck yes Nicole! There are far more important things that deserve our attention far more than cute little dimples on our booties. Thank you tons for sharing your thoughts love <3. Hope all is well and you have an amazing weekend!

  26. Reply


    February 27, 2019

    I always love your message of self love babe! I had no idea it had to do with our connective tissue etc. I have bunches of cellulite but it’s just me- I’m all about working with what I’ve got and not sweating it! <3 Jamie

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      That’s such an awesome way to look at things Jamie! I’ve got it too. And Imma rock those cute dimples <3.

      I think self-love really is the most important part of our lifestyle, simply because everything kind of falls around it. It shifts our intentions and allows us to be more kind, understanding and compassionate towards ourselves. And reminds us not to sweat little things like booty dimples :). I'm glad you like it when I gab about it. Because I'm always happy to gush about self-love hehe.

      Thank you for all of your love and encouragement Jamie! Grateful for you 🙂

  27. Reply

    Jennifer Pompaski

    February 28, 2019

    I was just gonna share but i couldn’t just resist commenting! I love your outlook on the cellulite thing! I have cellulite and its been a big battle trying to accept it even when i am the type that would tell you to be a boss lady and own your truth! This is great and from henceforth, i will make every effort to embrace my cellulite!

    • Reply


      March 29, 2019

      That makes my day Jennifer! I’m so happy to hear that. It’s absolutely ok to struggle to accept certain things sometimes. We all do! But when we make a commitment to try and work on self-love we’re doing awesome :). I hope this change of perspective really helps! Sending you tons of love <3.

  28. Reply


    June 14, 2021

    When I was young I saw a 70ish year old woman hiking up a mountain. She had a strong, confident stride, and yes, she had wrinkles and probably cellulite too. But her eyes were clear and she exuded self confidence. She has been my guide star over the years. I don’t know her name, but I know how she inspired me. At 62 I scuba dive, hike, swim and lift weights. I also work full time. I have wrinkles, cellulite and jowls. I am happy that I made the decision a long time ago to truly live, and try to love my body through all of its female life stages and with all its imperfections. We don’t need to be fixed. We need to correct the perception that good health and beauty equal physical perfection. Surgical enhancements, stress, endless dieting and trying to “fix” ourselves hurts us all. Find what you aspire to be through all your life stages and set your course. Don’t let self doubt or unhappiness with some aspect of your body hold you back from being joyful.

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