I am sharing my health-esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.

How To Drink More Water (When You Super Hate Water)

Drinking water being poured into a glass in front of a blue backdrop

How To Drink More Water (When You Super Hate Water) Title Pin. In the background you can see drinking water being poured into a glass in front of a blue backdrop

Hiya Sweet Friend:

You’re 100% awesome. And around 60 to 70% water. Which means you need to keep your awesome self well hydrated.

I know, I know. Water isn’t exactly the most exciting drink. But I’m not joking when I say it’s a pretty big deal.

So how can you drink more water when you absolutely hate it? 

I have a few easy options for you. And I promise, I’m keeping it simple and delicious.

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10 Best Instagram Accounts You Absolutely Need To Follow

Photo of a woman wearing a jean jacket and pink tuque holding and looking at her cell phone. The background is also bright pink

10 Best Instagram Accounts You Absolutely Need To Follow title Image. In the background is a photo of a woman wearing a jean jacket and pink tuque holding and looking at her cell phone. The background is also bright pink

Hey Sweet Friend:

I think we can agree that self-love and acceptance go a heck of a long way as you work to continue to take care, grow and evolve, right?

And so does a pinch of inspiration!

Since we spend so much time scrolling on Instagram (be honest, you do it too) that seems like a great place to up the inspirational ante.

So I gathered 10 awesome accounts you absolutely need to add to you follow list.

Get ready to cleanse your Instagram and load up on motivational goodness. You deserve it!

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4 Fun and Gentle Ways To Love Yourself Deeply

A young woman showing a love sign against a blue background

4 Fun and Gentle Ways To Love Yourself Deeply Title Graphic, in the background is a young woman showing a love sign against a blue background

Hey Sweet Friend:

You know who matters? You matter! And you are gorgeous, loveable and amazing. I hope you know it!

But that doesn’t make self-love any easier, does it?

And that’s ok! It’s totally normal, and completely common, to struggle with self-love. You are not alone!

But that doesn’t mean that things are completely hopeless. Sometimes little actions of self-kindness go a long way.

Which is why I’m share 4 gentle tips to love yourself.

Grab your favourite blanket, relax and get ready to feel inspired. Let’s talk about loving your gorgeous self…

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5 Delightful Reasons To Rewatch Your Favourite Comfort TV Shows

woman relaxing on the sofa at home, watching comfort tv shows and enjoying coffee

5 Delightful Reasons To Rewatch Your Favourite Comfort TV Shows" Title Imagine. In the background we see awoman relaxing on the sofa at home, watching tv and enjoying coffee

Hello Sweet Friends:

Do you have a go-to comfort tv show(s) that you replay over and over again? Yea, me too!

But did you know why you keep revisiting that show?

Is it self-care? Maybe stress relief? Perhaps it’s a feeling of nostalgia?

How about all that and more? Your favourite cozy shows offer far more than hilarious, predictable plot lines. The benefits can be pretty darn powerful.

So hit pause (because we both know Netflix is on in the background) or tune out for just a moment. We’re about to dive into why rewatching old favourites is absolutely a valid and pretty darn wonderful form of self-care.

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Would You Try a Butt Mask? I Did… Here’s What You Need To Know

A peach, crack facing up so it looks similar to a butt.

In the center are the words "Would You Try a Butt Mask? I Did... Here's What You Need To Know" In the background is a peach, crack facing up so it looks similar to a butt.

Hello Sweet Friends:

Hands up if your skin care routine is a beautiful part of your self-care routine. Me too!

And I bet trying new things is always fun? 100% same.

When I heard that butt masks were a thing my reactions went like this: What?! Since when?! Let’s try it!

While there are booty sheet masks and other things on the market, I decided to make my own with clay. Because what’s good enough for my face must be good enough for my behind… right? Right???

Here’s what happened…

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Work With Me - Sponsor mshealthesteem.com
Hiya! I’m Sara

I’m a wellness writer, Graves Disease thriver and self-love advocate.

And I’m passionate about empowering you to prioritize self-care and love yourself fiercely.

Let’s have some fun!

Instagram Love


Hi Lovelies - Welcome to healthesteem.com

Hiya! I’m Sara.

I'm here to help you build your ultimate healthy lifestyle. Learn how to feed your body with kindness, love yourself wholeheartedly and look and feel your best. Let's have some fun!
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I am sharing my Health-Esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.