13 Acts of Self-Love That Will Make You Feel Wonderful

A woman leans against a mirror as if hugging herself.

13 Acts of Self-Love That Will Make You Feel Awesome Title Card. In the background a woman leans against a mirror as if hugging herself.

Hello Lovelies:

Your relationship with yourself is a pretty big deal. That’s no surprise…

But do you ever struggle with self-love? Are you unsure of what to add to your self-love prescription? Or how to even put yourself first?

I feel you! And the truth is that self-love can seem pretty complicated sometimes. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be! Sometimes the smallest actions can have the biggest impact.

What you do to take care of yourself, comfort yourself and maintain a loving relationship with beautiful you matter. And the great news is that the simplest personal gestures often make the greatest long term impact.

Let’s take a peek at 13 awesome self-loving activities that can help. They’re gonna make you feel awesome! And they’re so simple they’ll slide right into your routine.

Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

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How To Create An Awesome Skin Care Routine

A 3/4 view of a woman smiling and touching her face.

How To Create An Awesome Skin Care Routine Title Card. In the background a woman smiles and touches her face.

Hello Lovelies:

Your skin is an incredibly important and absolutely gorgeous part of your body. And it can give you the most incredible confidence boost. The skin glow effect is real, am I right?

But does it sometimes feel like the smallest blip can disrupt your skin’s zen? Do you ever struggle to keep your skin happy?

Changes in seasons, dietary habits, stress and more can make your skin sad! And it’s easy to feel completely powerless, and even insecure, when this happens.

But that doesn’t have to be the case! There are so many things that you can do to be kind and in love with your beautiful skin.

Wanna learn more? Let’s talk about it sweet friend…

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5 Uplifting Ways To Re-Frame Healthy Lifestyle Habits

A woman dances freely in the street, enjoying some joyful movement

5 Uplifting Ways To Re-Frame Healthy Lifestyle Habits Title Card. In the background a woman dances freely in the street, enjoying some joyful movement

Hello Lovelies:

Your health is important. That’s no surprise at all. And we all know that exercise, diet and lifestyle are a big deal.

But all of those things can also be a huge drag! Like an avoid-at-all-cost kind of drag. (I’m looking at you unused gym membership!)

Could we be going about things the wrong way?

What if generally accepted views on diet and lifestyle are what’s holding you back? Maybe things could all be a heck of a lot more fun with a few simple changes…

Is it possible to change your approach so that you can joyfully create healthy lifestyle habits that make you feel awesome? Without having to do anything you absolutely abhor?

Of course it is! Let’s talk about it:

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How To Connect With Yourself When You’re Super Busy

A scenic shot of someone walking outside at dusk.

How To Connect With Yourself When You're Super Busy Title Card - In the background someone can be seen walking outside at dusk

Hello Sweet Friend:

Does it ever feel like you wake up in the morning and don’t stop until you lay down at night?

You live in a fast paced world. And it’s so easy to get lost in a never ending list of things to do. We’ve all been there.

But being a busy bee also means exposing yourself to more stress, draining your batteries and tons more. Even worse, it can be hard to make time for you in that busy schedule, right?

What happens when you don’t take the time to stop and check in with yourself?

Not connecting with you can leave stress unchecked, physical symptoms unnoticed and can even lend a hand towards burnout. And who has time for that?!

Your mental and physical well-being depend on your attention. You need and deserve to feel connected with you. And the good news is you can easily make it happen, even with a busy schedule. Sometimes all you need is 5 minutes.

Let’s talk about it!

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How To Tap Into The Power of Positive Thinking

A woman jumps in the air with an umbrella, caught in a moment that makes it appear as if she's flying.

How To Tap Into The Power of Positive Thinking Title Card, in the background a woman jumps in the air with an umbrella, caught in a moment that makes it appear as if she's flying.

Hiya Loves:

Good vibes only! You’ve seen that wonderful idea floating around social media, right? And it sure does sound lovely…

But are “good vibes only” the answer to building a positive mindset? Heck no! That’s impossible.

Being happy 100% of the time just isn’t doable. So if you’ve struggled to build a positive mindset only to deal with bad vibes and feel like a failure I’m here to help!

Because it’s totally possible to build a positive mindset while still respecting and working through negative emotions. In fact, positive thinking can be a huge help when things get tough.

Let’s find out what a positive mindset is (and isn’t) and how we can tap into the power positive thinking in a more realistic way.

Ready to go? Let’s do this!

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Work With Me - Sponsor mshealthesteem.com
Hiya! I’m Sara

I’m a wellness writer, Graves Disease thriver and self-love advocate.

And I’m passionate about empowering you to prioritize self-care and love yourself fiercely.

Let’s have some fun!