Why The Quarantine Fatphobia Needs To Stop

A close up of a stop sign. In the background you can see a blue sky and trees - a reminder to stop the fatphobia

Why The Quarantine Fatphobia Needs To Stop Title Card. In the background there is a A close up of a stop sign a blue sky and trees

Hi Sweet Friends:

I know you have a lot on your mind right now. Me too! We’re collectively going through something incredibly difficult.

But the one thing you truly shouldn’t be worried about is your weight. Regardless of what all the memes keep trying to tell you.

The fear of gaining weight during this time of social distancing seems to be running rampant.

But it’s not funny. It’s not helpful. And it’s not good for anyone’s mental health.

While some of us may be sharing these jokes with good intentions, in hopes of laughing together or, in the very least, distracting ourselves from the matter at hand, what we’re doing is problematic.

Fatphobia hurts everyone. And the world truly doesn’t need any more hurt.

So I invited Maryann Auger, a non-diet, weight inclusive certified personal trainer, online coach, fitness instructor and nutrition coach to speak with us. She’s going to help us take a positive turn.

Ready? Let’s do this! Take it away Maryann…

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How To Make A Relaxing Coconut Milk Bath

A woman relaxes in a coconut milk bath

How To Make A Relaxing DIY Coconut Milk bath title card. In the background a woman relaxes in a milk bath

Hello Lovelies:

What’s luxurious, makes your skin feel silky smooth and is uber relaxing? A coconut milk bath yo!

And guess what? It’s actually really flipping easy to make your own coconut milk bath! Like 3 ingredients simple (ok – 4 if you want to add essential oils, but that’s totes up to you).

All you need are a few spare minutes to put everything together.

Maybe you want to put your feet up and relax in the tub, enjoying a subtle coconut scent while your skin soaks up all the moisture. Or perhaps you’re looking to spoil someone to a super awesome homemade gift. Or both (because, why the heck not, right?) Either way! You’re going to love this one.

Ready to make some skin care magic? Let’s check out why a coconut milk bath is awesome and how you can make it happen…

(Super Bonus – There’s a free Bath Recipe E-Book with even more awesome recipes waiting for you too!)

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Healthy Morning Routine Ideas For An Awesome Day

A tray of breakfast, decorated with flowers, sits on a bed

Healthy Morning Routine Ideas For An Awesome Day Title Card. In the background a tray of breakfast, decorated with flowers, sits on a bed

Hello Sweet Friends:

Do you ever wake up and rush out the door only to find yourself feeling groggy, stressed and tired?

The truth is, morning’s can be tough. And we often don’t have a ton of time to spare in the a.m.

But waking up only to zoom out the door can do more harm than good…

Are there any quick and simple self-care activities that you can tap into in the morning?

Of course there are! And I have 10 wonderful options for you to choose from.

Because creating a happy, healthy morning routine doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. You deserve to start your morning off with ease and move forward feeling relaxed and ready to take on the day.

Ready to check them out? Let’s dive in!

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How To Make ‘Self-Partnered’ Your Awesome New Relationship Status

A woman sits outside holding onto red balloons

How To Make 'Self-Partnered' Your Awesome New Relationship Status Title Card - In the background a woman sits outside holding onto red balloons

Hiya Sweet Friend:

Recently Emma Watson declared that she preferred to think of herself as “self-partnered.” Not single, but instead enjoying a lovely relationship with herself. How awesome is that?! Kudos to Emma for highlighting the importance of a loving and respectful relationship with your gorgeous self.

But what exactly does it even mean to be in a self-partnership? And do you have to be single to tap into it?

Heck no baby! Self-love is spectaculasome (spectacularly awesome). And building a relationship with yourself is a huge part of that. Being in a self-partnership is awesome for everyone!

Which means that dating yourself, regardless of your relationship status, is a marvelous idea.

How do you work on achieving that coveted “self-partnered” relationship status? I’ve got some awesome tips for you.

Let’s talk about it!

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Hiya! I’m Sara

I’m a wellness writer, Graves Disease thriver and self-love advocate.

And I’m passionate about empowering you to prioritize self-care and love yourself fiercely.

Let’s have some fun!