Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn’t! Here’s Why…

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Hello Lovelies:

You know that feeling when you have a million things to do… but there’s a novel you swear is staring at you and you absolutely have to read it like right now? Or maybe laying on the floor with your cat meowing at them feels like the best use of your time?

That’s procrastination baby!

And if you’re living in the 21st century (I have tons of questions if you say you aren’t) you probably feel what I like to call procrastination shame.

But goodness – you shouldn’t!

Contrary to what you typically read on the internet, I’m here to praise the heck out of procrastinating! And I highly recommend that you continue to do it.

Don’t stop procrastinating sweet friend. It’s actually really, really good for you!

Feeling skeptical? Don’t you worry! We’re going to dive right into the world of procrastination. And I promise you’ll leave feeling a whole lot better about it. And ready to keep on doing whatever it is you and you cat have planned.

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

Wait… Procrastinating Is a Good Thing?

If you’re staring at your screen in confusion right now wondering why in the world I would tell you not to stop procrastinating, I totally get you. We’ve been told that procrastination is a bad thing our wholes lives. So the idea of it being good for us sounds kind of bonkers. But I’ve got some pretty exciting news for you:

Procrastination is wonderful for you mental well-being, silences your inner critic and even makes you more productive and creative. Don’t worry, I’ll explain why in a hot minute.

While we’re usually flooded with tips and tricks to be more productive, get more done and work harder, that message is actually setting us up for a world of hurt. Sometimes the kindest and most wonderful thing we can do for ourselves if to give ourselves permission to simply rest. And procrastination is a big, beautiful part of that.

So if you’re procrastinating right now… well, man, I’m flattered you’re using that rest time to read this! Thanks man! But also – don’t feel bad for not being productive. Doing nothing is far more productive than we’ve been led to think.

Let’s find out why…

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

But Before We Get Started

I know that it can be flipping hard to make time for self-care (procrastination included). We’ve all got some pretty long to-do lists after all… it’s really easy to put ourselves at the bottom of the list.

But we really shouldn’t! Making time for ourselves only helps. When we indulge in our needs we end up more present for others, more productive and more energetic. Basically, everyone wins when you prioritize a little time for yourself.

But that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy…

With that in mind, I made you a FREE Self-Care E-Book and Printable Self-Care Planner. Because sometimes adding you time to your schedule is the best way to make it happen.

Get your free copy instantly right here, or by filling in the form below:

3 Awesome Reasons NOT To Stop Procrastinating

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

(Truth talk – Gaming is one of my favourite ways to procrastinate. Dragon Age Inquisition and I have been hanging out lately ;))

1. Procrastination Wasn’t Always Considered A Bad Thing

Up until very recent history, procrastination was actually considered an important part of the decision making process. It definitely wasn’t something you would feel guilty about.

Seriously – The Greeks and Romans were all about that procrastination life, expecting people in positions of power to procrastinate until they absolutely needed to make a decision. (source)

Why did they love procrastination so much?

Because delaying things a while gave people the time to think things through. No sense rushing through important decisions, right?

It wasn’t until the Puritanical era when Jonathan Edwards held a sermon about how we need to stop procrastinating. He called it “the sin and folly of depending on future time”. Suddenly procrastinating didn’t seem like such a hot idea. (source)

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

And bam! Fast forward to present day and procrastination is practically a straight up dirty word. I guess Jonathan Edwards gave a pretty convincing sermon…

But guess what buttercup? We could super benefit from changing out minds…

Our brains spend way too much time on overdrive these days. We are all overworked and absorbing way too much information with little or no rest. Which is terrible for our mental well-being, increasing our risk of burnout and limiting our productivity and creativity. We can’t possibly always be in a state of doing. A little more procrastination might help (tons!)

Related: Stressed? Prevent Burnout Syndrome With These 3 Simple Tips

2. Procrastination Is Good For You

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

We’ll always have tons to do. And it’s so easy to get lost in it. But our overworked, multitasking brains actually suffer. And that makes us less attentive, less effective and less connected with ourselves.

In fact, The National Sleep Foundation believes that we are working too many hours and sleeping too little… and that makes us super inefficient (source). Their solution – napping!

Disconnecting and procrastinating (like taking a wonderful nap):

  • Makes us more alert
  • Helps us concentrate
  • Boosts our memory.

Pretty awesome, eh?

Super bonus! Learning to step back, unplug and procrastinate helps to relieve stress, anxiety and even depression (source).

And hey, taking time away from your daily hustle and bustle gives you the chance to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and emotions and take the time to get to know your beautiful self. Developing a kind and loving relationship with yourself is never a bad thing.

Related: 20 Daily Acts of Self Love to Add to Your Routine

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

3. It Makes You More Creative

The coolest part about procrastination is that your subconscious brain is still thinking things through, simply at a more relaxed pace. And when the clock is really ticking you jump on things in a more creative way. How could is it that all that leeway time makes you more creative?

When you’re working under the pressure of a time constraint your inner critic shuts it’s mouth. You stop being so judgmental of your creation and simply get things done. We are truly our own worst enemies, but when we procrastinate until we really do need to get on it we don’t have time to over think things.

This leads to more original thinking. It gives you the chance to improvise and work in a flow state, making you more uninhibited, creative and expressive. And if that sounds too good to be true, check out this study by John Hopkins Researchers. The flow state is kind of cool guys.

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

My favourite part – you let go of the idea of perfection, which can be so crippling that it can stop us from doing anything at all. But procrastinating didn’t leave you with the time to worry about that. So you simply create freely, unhindered by impossible standards. See why you really shouldn’t stop procrastinating? 

Related: 5 Goal Setting Tips That Will Help You Achieve Your Dreams In A Healthy Way

There Are Two Different Kinds Of Procrastination

Obviously there’s a huge difference between knowingly putting something off and just sitting on your booty on the couch all day doing nothing. That’s active and passive procrastination. And they both serve a different purpose.

Making time to do nothing at all (which may take the form of sitting on your booty on the couch) is passive procrastination. This can be a great form of self-care. But too much of that can be a problem too. It’s all about balance baby!

Related: Why You Need To Make Time To Do Nothing

Want To Stop Procrastinating? You shouldn't! Here's Why... – Stop worrying about how to stop procrastinating, embrace it! Reduce stress, anxiety and even depression, boost creativity and (shockingly) get more done by embracing procrastination. Click through for the post. You can read it while you procrastinate ;)

In contrast, knowingly putting off a project or chore and doing other things instead is active procrastination. And it can be incredibly useful.

One big reason is because you still get other necessary things done. You may end up cleaning, organizing, food prepping or taking your dog for a walk while you dodge that task. But regardless of what you choose to do, you’re still getting necessary things done. So bravo active procrastinator – your time isn’t being wasted at all!

Whether your procrastination takes the form of jumping into other tasks or laying on the floor with your cat mimicking their meows, you’re still doing something wonderful for your health.

Just remember – there’s a difference between procrastinating and not finishing… Make time to procrastinate (and don’t berate yourself for it) but make sure you make time to get things done too. Balance is everything.

Now it’s your turn – are you glad to know that you don’t need to stop procrastinating? What do you like to do when you procrastinate? What other great things about procrastination would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments below.

Health and love,


Thought of the day: I am allowed to disconnect and relax when I need to.

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Don't stop procrastinating, make a healthy dessert while you pass the time - You'll adore these 10 Awesome Healthy Dessert Recipes You Need In Your Life | A Free E-Book - 'The Health-Esteem Sweet Tooth'. Fill up on delicious, vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free desserts full of nutritious ingredients. Click through for the post and a link to your free copy!


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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    January 17, 2018

    As someone who has always procrastinated, I love this article!

    • Reply


      January 18, 2018

      I’m so glad to hear that Pam! It really is a natural thing that we should indulge in when needed. Our brains can’t always be on overdrive! What do you usually like to do when you procrastinate? I find I often end up in a youtube loop or on a walk… or snuggling with my cat haha.
      Hope your day is wonderful! Happy procrastinating ?

  2. Reply


    January 19, 2018

    loved this article! Procrastination really isn’t so bad

    • Reply


      January 21, 2018

      I’m so glad you loved it Kat! That’s wonderful. We all have a never ending to do list and a little free time here and there is good for all of us. We can’t always be in a state of doing ^^. I hope you enjoyed a little procrastination time this weekend! Did you find the chance to relax with a favourite care free activity?

  3. Reply

    Mama Doc

    January 20, 2018

    Ahhh! Because I needed more reasons to procrastinate ? It is a great perspective though and makes sense with our busy schedules when we are always on overdrive. Thanks for the valuable info!

    • Reply


      January 21, 2018

      My apologies Michelle ?. It’s absolutely true that we do need some downtime inbetween all the projects and to-do lists but there’s nothing wrong with getting back to it and getting it done too. It’s all about balance!
      I loved your article on yoga! And even a little yoga time is a great way to procrastinate when needed. And you’re swimming goodness then by adding all of the health benefits yoga has to offer to the mix. So I’m sure you have some wonderful, productive forms of procrastination you can indulge in sans guilt when needed ??. It definitely never has to be a bad thing!

  4. Reply


    January 20, 2018

    Procrastination flies in the face of society’s addiction to busy and the “hustle,” but you’re so right. If we never procrastinate, how do we prioritize? How do we know if we’re making the right choices?

    • Reply


      January 21, 2018

      Exactly Casie! I’m so glad you said that. Giving yourself the time and space to think things through is so important. And truly a kindness we all deserve. Thank you for sharing your wonderful insight!

  5. Reply


    January 21, 2018

    For a procrastinator like me, this article is a blessing, thank you! 🙂 It makes me feel normal, lol. Yes, I sometimes procrastinate stuff for example, to just talk to my daughters about what they go through at school or sometimes just to be quiet and listen to some chillax music. That’s some good reasons to procrastinate things, right? 🙂

    • Reply


      January 21, 2018

      Oh my goodness, of course those are great reasons! I’m really glad this helped you feel even better about it. Time with family and a little self care quiet time are both wonderful and so important. We can’t always be working away – we deserve the quiet moments too. We need it. Balance is everything ?.

      I hope this weekend was full of time with your daughters and quiet time with music ♡. Wishing you a wonderful week!

      • Reply


        January 22, 2018

        Thank you! The same to you!

  6. Reply

    Lisa Wingerter

    January 21, 2018

    This speaks to my soul! I feel like the world’s biggest procrastinator at times. I needed to read this today (as I sit here and procrastinate on what I should actually be doing)

    • Reply


      January 23, 2018

      That’s awesome Lisa! Procrastinate away. Your subconscious is still mulling things through and when you get back to things you’ll be ready to work wonders. You definitely aren’t alone (you’re speaking to a fellow procrastinator ;))

  7. Reply


    January 23, 2018

    Love this! I read, do puzzles, surf internet when I’m procrastination/avoiding things. Or force my dogs to snuggle with me ???

    • Reply


      January 23, 2018

      Oh animal snuggles are the best! All great ways to give your brain a break hun. I’m so glad you indulge!

  8. Reply


    January 23, 2018

    I love this topic! I never thought about procrastination that way before!!

    • Reply


      February 14, 2019

      Thank you Maryann (I’m a whole year late on this haha). It’s pretty neat to know that we’re still doing a heck of a lot of creative thinking, even when we aren’t focused on it. Stopping every now and again and playing Sims or whatever it may be is so good for us <3

  9. Reply


    January 23, 2018

    I guess I need to work on procrastinating!

    • Reply


      January 23, 2018

      Heck yea! I hope you have a blast hun. We all need breaks between the daily go-go-go. It’s a wonderful form of self care 🙂

  10. Reply


    January 30, 2019

    I actively procrastinate everyday, yay! While I’m avoiding that laundry basket over there (I’ll get to it later, promise) I’m going for a walk, cleaning the kitchen, and organizing paperwork. My absolute favorite way to procrastinate is to make a phone call to one of my good friends who no longer lives close by. Reconnecting, even if for just 5 minutes, does amazing things.

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      You’re speaking to a fellow laundry avoider xD. But it’s so true – it’s ok to actively procrastinate. We still get so much done!

      And reconnecting with friends during that procrastination time! Oh how lovely <3

      In find there always so much pressure to be on the go and working towards something but I think it's so important that we allow ourselves to balance things out and just exist and breathe sometimes. And avoid the laundry ;).

      Hope you're having a lovely day hun! Enjoy your next moment of procrastination!

  11. Reply

    Amy Aberasturi

    January 30, 2019

    This article reminds me of a book I read years ago titled THE JOY OF STRESS. Like procrastination, stress can also be good for you.

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      Ooo thank you for sharing Amy! I’ll have to look into that book. Stress can absolutely be good sometimes. It’s all about balance. And there are different kinds of stress too. Much like procrastination. I bet that book is a good read :). Looking forward to it!

  12. Reply


    January 30, 2019

    Love this! Grade A procrastinator here and seeing this makes me feel like it’s a step in becoming a better me.

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      Heck yes Hannah! I’m right there with you. We’re still doing great things, just in our own way. And look at all the benefits. Total win <3. Here's to procrastination! ?

  13. Reply


    February 1, 2019

    I’m so distracted this week. Idk what is in the air or planets but I am so distracted when I start any task. I am definitely a procrastinator this week

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      We all have those moments. And that’s ok! We can’t always be on the go. Sometimes we need to simply rest and heal. And sometimes we need to be distracted and all over the place. You may find the most creative and amazing ideas in that head space! I hope something wonderful came out of your procrastination time <3

  14. Reply


    February 1, 2019

    I love it! As a life-long procrastinator this feels very validating!

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      I’m so happy to hear that Jess! I think procrastination is too awesome not to gush about. It’s time we collectively saw it as a good thing again. ^^ Hope you have fun procrastinating soon <3

  15. Reply

    Laura Jinks

    February 3, 2019

    Love this Sara! Thank you so much!!

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      I’m so happy you enjoyed it Laura! 🙂 Thank you for letting me know <3

  16. Reply


    February 5, 2019

    This is a great article. I guess I never thought of procrastinator in this way. Thank you for offering a different outlook of this!

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      You’re more than welcome Andrea! I’m happy you enjoyed it. It’s fun to look at things from different angles sometimes. And I think it’s so important that we’re all reminded that it’s ok to rest sometimes. We can’t always be on the go. I think procrastination is an important part of that :).

  17. Reply

    Jumpstart Positivity

    February 5, 2019

    This is an awesome post! Such a great perspective on how to just BE instead of trying to DO #allthethings. We’ve found that when we’re procrastinating, it’s because we’re investing our time into the things we actually enjoy. Thanks for the reminder to get into the flow of things!

    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      I love the way you put it! It’s so important that we allow ourselves to simple BE in the moment. We can’t always be on to go. And, like you so perfectly said, doing things we actually enjoy it absolutely important to our well-being. I’m really happy you enjoyed the post and so grateful you shared your perspective! Thank you <3

  18. Reply


    February 6, 2019

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    • Reply


      February 22, 2019

      Thank you so much Tiffany! I’m really happy you enjoyed the post. 🙂

      If you’re interested in proposing a collaboration you are more than welcome to contact me at sara(at)mshealhtesteem.com. You can see my sponsor page for more details on services offered – https://mshealthesteem.com/sponsor/.

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I am sharing my Health-Esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.