5 Powerful Ways To Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder

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5 Powerful Ways To Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder Title Card. In the background someone sits in front of a window, looking outside

Hello Lovelies:

Winter is a beautiful time of year. But for some, changes in the seasons can be really hard to navigate. Especially for those who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

If the season has you feeling down, is affecting your sleep or draining your energy, you are absolutely not alone. 

Know that you deserve to feel well. And you also deserve to be able to reach out for help when you need it.

But how can we better support our mental health through SAD? What steps can we take to work towards feeling better?

Let’s talk about it! Because there are definitely things that you can do to help. Here’s everything you need to know about SAD, including 5 powerful ways to cope.

What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

SAD is no laughing matter. 4 to 6 percent of people may experience winter depression. And another 10 to 20 percent might develop a mild case of SAD. Which ultimately has a serious effect on your mental and physical well-being. (source)

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that creeps up on some of us when the seasons change. Most people who experience SAD start to notice their symptoms in the fall. And they tend to stick around or even worsen throughout the winter. But it’s absolutely possible to experience SAD during the spring and summer months instead. (source)

This isn’t something we should brush off either. While SAD’s nickname, winter blues, might make it seem like it isn’t a big deal, SAD is real and should be taken seriously. It can be a very difficult thing to experience.

A snow covered road surrounded by trees dusted by snow - Seasonal Affective Disorder most commonly happens in the winter but can occur any time of year.

What are the symptoms of SAD? (source)

  • Feelings of depression and/or hopelessness
  • Apathy towards activities you typically enjoy
  • Low energy
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Suicidal thoughts

Fall/Winter Specific Symptoms

  • Oversleeping, tiredness and reduced energy
  • Changes in appetite, especially cravings for high carb foods
  • Weight gain

Spring/Summer Specific Symptoms

  • Insomnia
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety or irritability

Seasonal Affective Disorder should be taken seriously. It can have a massive effect on our well-being. And if you are experiencing SAD, it’s so important that you know that this is not uncommon, you aren’t alone and there are steps that you can take to help. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about it.

What Causes SAD

A closeup of someone's eyes starting to tear up

Unfortunately, doctors aren’t 100% sure about what specifically causes SAD. But there are a few factors that play a role. (source)

1. Your biological clock (circadian rhythm) is affected by the change of season

There’s a lot less sunlight hanging around in the fall and winter. And we tend to spend less time in it. This can leave our biological clock out of whack and lead to feelings of depression and ultimately SAD.

2. Reduced serotonin levels

Serotonin, a nifty neurotransmitter that affects your mood, sleep and appetite, tends to drop when we spend less time in the sunlight. Lower serotonin levels might trigger depression and other symptoms of SAD.

3. Increased Melatonin levels

Melatonin has a little nickname – the hormone of darkness. I know that sounds creepy, but don’t worry, it’s not a bad omen. It just tends to come out when you’re in the dark.

Like serotonin, melatonin plays a role in sleep, mood and appetite. They actually have an affect on each other (serotonin is the precursor to melatonin. But we won’t dive deeper into that one here. Just nerding out a little ;))

Too much of it and you might find yourself feeling sluggish, tired and even down. The lack of sunlight in the colder months can push us in this direction, which may ultimately lead to SAD.

5 Powerful Ways To Cope With SAD

Now that we know what SAD is, let’s look at some simple self-care activities that can help.

1. Make Things Brighter

Sunshine shines through a window onto a plant

We might get less time in the sun, but that doesn’t mean that we have to spend more time in the dark. Opening your curtains, sitting closer to the window and making things brighter can really help. It might seem simple, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t powerful!

Light therapy is an option.

In fact, you can even get light therapy boxes, which create a bright light and mimic the sunshine.

Sounds a little bonkers right? Here’s what the smarties at Harvard have to say in their article about light therapy:

“If lack of sunlight causes or contributes to Seasonal Affective Disorder, then getting more light may reverse it. Bright light works by stimulating cells in the retina that connect to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that helps control circadian rhythms. Activating the hypothalamus at a certain time every day can restore a normal circadian rhythm and thus banish seasonal symptoms.” (source)

Basically, we’re putting our biological clock back in whack (that’s the reverse of “out of whack” right?)

How does light therapy work?

A lamp sits by a bedside table beside a bed. Light therapy can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Basically, when you indulge in light therapy, you sit or work near a special light box for at least 30 minutes a day. The earlier in the day the better (since we want to jump start our day feeling good!)

Light therapy can be as effective as antidepressant medications for the treatment of SAD. But that doesn’t mean that it’s the right choice for everyone. It’s really important that you discuss this with your doctor before you invest in a light box. (source)

You can also simulate dawn!

Dawn simulators are devices that, you guessed it, simulate dawn. Basically they make it so that the lights in your bedroom gradually brighten over a pre-set period of time.

Unlike light therapy, you don’t need to be awake throughout the entire process. Instead, you get to wake up slowly to something that feels a bit more like a warm, lazy sunrise.

Dawn simulators can make it easier to get out of bed in the morning. And this study showed that it can also work as an anti-depressant too. Yahoo!

2. Choose Mood Boosting Foods

A woman enjoys some pasta

Maybe this sounds a little strange, but hear me out! Your food can affect your mood. And if you’re experiencing SAD and looking for tools that can help, your diet (along with your doctor and a ton of self-care) can be a great tool.

Remember how we discussed the importance of Serotonin and how it can play a role in SAD? What if I told you that up to 95% of your serotonin is made in that gorgeous gut of yours? Woah, right? (source)

But wait, it gets cooler!

Your gastrointestinal tract is lined with about a hundred million nerve cells. That’s a ton of nerves! Together they make up the Enteric Nervous System (you may have also heard it by it’s other name – “The Second Brain.”) This system is why we have “a gut feeling” about things. It’s pretty powerful!

The Enteric Nervous System calls the shots and rules over the functions of your digestive tract. But it also communicates with our nervous system’s main powerhouse, the Central Nervous System.

The function of these neurons and the production of the ever-important neurotransmitter serotonin have a serious effect on your mood. And food can affect their function. Boom! It all comes together. (source)

Want an example? Let’s take a look at one of my favourite (and often forgotten) food groups – fermented foods:

When we eat fermented foods we provide our digestive tract with gut healthy bacteria, supporting our microbiome. And that gut microbiome absolutely effects your neurons and serotonin production.

In fact, studies have shown that people who take probiotics (which, like fermented foods, give you a boost in good gut bacteria) have lower levels of anxiety, better mental outlook and a lower perception of stress. So cool! (source)

They also help you to better absorb your food. Which means that any other mood boosting foods have a better chance of helping you out!

A lovely spread of breafast food

Related: 7 Powerful Fermented Foods for Better Gut Health

On top of that, studies that compare traditional diets (like the Mediterranean diet) to the Standard American Diet have found that those who eat a healthier Traditional diet have a 25 to 35 percent lower rick of developing depression. (source)

Food matters friends!

Need some suggestions? Load up on goodies like:

  • Fermented Foods (Like Coconut Milk Kefir, Miso, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, etc.)
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Flax Seeds
  • Spinach
  • Lentils
  • Quinoa

The lovely Kris Carr has a fantastic article featuring 7 Mood-Boosting Foods to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder if you’d like to learn more.

3. Don’t Forget to Exercise

Someone snowshoes in heavy snow - exercising and getting outside can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Maybe this one seems like a total bummer. I know that when we are tired and unmotivated, working out isn’t exactly an exciting idea. But the good news is that is doesn’t have to be complicated!

We don’t have to become gym junkies to reap the rewards of exercise. Even just going for a walk can help you here.

Related: 4 Incredible Benefits of Walking Just 30 Minutes a Day

Here’s why exercise helps:

Regular exercise changes your brain! Specifically the parts that regulate stress and anxiety. And it’s been shown to boost your mood and reduce stress (source). Sounds great, eh?

One of the ways it does this goodness is by boosting the production of feel good endorphins, which makes us feel more positive. And it also reduce pain perception! Who could ask for more? (source)

Oh, but the goodness continues!

Someone enjoys a walk through the snow towards the woods

Exercise also ups your brain’s sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine, two hormones that help to relieve depression. And we already know that serotonin plays a big role in Seasonal Affective Disorder. So we are cooking with fire here baby! (source)

Super bonus if you work out under bright lights or outside during the day! 

This study found that when you exercise under bright light you get a boost in your general mental health and see an improvement in symptoms of depression. Holla!

Related: 8 Super Benefits of Exercise and How to Make it Fun

4. Spend Time Outside

A woman stands outside and happily looks up at the trees

This one can be hard, especially since SAD mostly tends to pop up during the colder months. But bundling up and spending some time in the great outdoors can be a huge help! (source)

Not only does spending time outside reduce symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, it can also boost your mood, encourages creativity and increases concentration. And you can even combine it with your work out.

Here’s to going for a nice walk in a winter wonderland! (source 1, source 2)

5. Make Time for Stress Relieving Activities

Tulips sit on a windowsill

Making sure that you’re taking the time to be extra kind and gentle with yourself is so important. Especially when you’re experiencing something like SAD.

Activities that focus on the Mind-Body connection, like yoga, meditation or music therapy can be a huge help!

Meditation alone has some amazing health benefits like:

  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Increased empathy and compassion

Related: 10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax

But making time for any activities that you find relaxing and soothing is a total win.

Need a little help? Here are 6 Fantastic Tips On How to Reduce Stress from Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals. They know where the stress relief is at!

When To Get Help

Someone stands in front of a window and looks outside

Everyone feels down sometimes. It’s totally normal. And you are by no means strange for experiencing negative emotions! It’s part of the human experience; it’s ok not to be ok.

But if you find yourself feeling down for a prolonged period of time, feel like you’ve lost your motivation or no longer enjoy things you typically adore, talk to your doctor and/or counselor.

This is especially important if your symptoms affect your sleep or appetite or you find yourself experiencing hopelessness or suicidal thoughts. You deserve to feel better! And seeking help is a huge part of that. In fact, it’s a pretty awesome form of self-care!

If you or someone you know are in a crisis or may be in danger please seek immediate help. Here is a link to resources that can provide help right away.

Final Thoughts

A winter night in a city's downtown area. Snow falls, covering the sidewalks

If you find yourself struggling with SAD, you aren’t alone! This is a common issue that many people deal with. You are not alone!

Know that there are ways to cope and people who can help. Don’t hesitate to reach out for extra help if you need it or to simply check in with your doctor and/or therapist while you work through this. You’re doing awesome. Things will get better!

Online therapy is an option

BetterHelp is an awesome place for anyone who wants to speak to a counselor online. They’ll match you to the right therapist for your personal needs. Their services are affordable and private and their psychiatrist and therapists are licensed, trained, experienced and accredited. A great place to get the support you need!

Lastly, indulge in all the self-care activities you need to reduce stress and feel more relaxed. You deserve to have the time to take care of you. Self-care is important! It’s ok to put yourself first, especially when you’re working through something difficult.

Do you or someone you know struggle with SAD? What tips would you add to this list of coping strategies? Share your goodness with me in the comments below.

Health and love,


Thought of the day: It’s absolutely ok not to be ok. And, even better, reaching out for help is amazing! It’s a beautiful form of self-care <3.

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    November 28, 2018

    I definitely have a touch of SAD. I think it’s the lack of movement, sun, and poor diet that do it to me. I just don’t feel like doing much or moving much when it’s cold. Every single point you made is sooooo true. I feel so much better when I get out for a walk even when it’s cold and dreary. I really should invest in a light therapy lamp too. My favorite way to get moving in the winter is Just Dance with my kids. I really need to break that out this winter- it’s a workout and a half and the whole family enjoys it (though the hubby just sits and laughs- for real!). This is such an important thing to consider because weather really can affect your mood so much and it’s a good point that it can happen in the spring too- especially for people with bipolar who experience an increase of mania in the spring. Great post lovely as always!! <3 Jamie

    • Reply


      December 5, 2018

      You aren’t alone at all Jamie! It affects a lot of people. Especially this time of year. It’s really hard to feel motivated to go out into the cold and we don’t get as much time with the sunlight as we do the rest of the year. That’s hard on us. But acknowledging that and creating a plan to combat it is a pretty fantastic step :).

      I love Just Dance! What a fun thing to do with your little ones to get moving. Your hubby should join in and work on his dance skills yo! It really is a workout. A friend and I recently played it and man was I sweating when we were done. But it’s so fun!

      Sending so much love your way Jamie! I hope you’re having a beautiful Holiday season and that it includes some Just Dance time :). xox

  2. Reply


    November 28, 2018

    I have read your very detailed post and want to thank you for such a wonderful effort to inform us of the signs of SAD and also what to do about it if we or our loved ones suffer. Thanks again.

    • Reply


      December 5, 2018

      You are so welcome Joleisa! I think it’s so important we talk about things like these. Not only to inform ourselves should it happen to us or someone we love. But also to remind those who are suffering that they aren’t alone and there are tons of options that can help. I’m really glad you enjoyed it! Thank you <3. I hope you have a beautiful winter!

  3. Reply

    Hayley | The Simple Supper

    November 28, 2018

    These are all great tips. I know that it’s just a hard adjustment when it’s dark and cold. I keep myself busy planning all of the fun outdoors things I will do when it’s warm again!

    • Reply


      December 5, 2018

      That’s a great tip Hayley! It can be so helpful to have fun activities to look forward too. 🙂 Thank you tons for sharing your awesome advice <3

  4. Reply


    November 28, 2018

    SAD is such a real phenomenon in Canada, hey! It can be rough to be without sunshine for days, weeks.. even months! All of your tips for feeling better are spot on, and I recently read about ‘light rooms’ that seem to be having a positive impact on people who are experiencing this concern. Super interesting, thanks for sharing!

    • Reply


      December 5, 2018

      Light rooms sound so incredible Heather! I’ll have to look into that. I can imagine that would be really helpful. Thanks for sharing!

      This really is such a common thing to struggle with this time of year. I think it’s so important we talk about more so that people who are struggling know that they aren’t alone and that it’s ok to get help. Plus, knowledge is power yo! 🙂

      Wishing you a beautiful winter season hun! Sending so much love your way <3

  5. Reply


    November 28, 2018

    Wonderful post Sara! I know several people who have SAD, it’s definitley more than just the winter blues. I feel more enlightened about the topic and am excited to share your great post. <3

    • Reply


      December 5, 2018

      Thank you so much Nicole! I’m really glad you enjoyed learning more about SAD. I have friends who suffer with it too. And I think it’s so important that we talk about it and learn more so that everyone knows it can be a serious issue. And so that those who suffer feel safe seeking help and know that they aren’t alone <3. Knowledge is power ^^

      Wishing you a Merry Christmas hun! Have fun playing Do You Hear What I Hear! xox

  6. Reply


    November 29, 2018

    Wow, super thorough and a wonderful post. Thank you for these coping methods, truly helpful.

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m so happy you found this helpful Shea! Winter can be really hard on many of us. Knowing that there are tools that can help us cope is so important! Wishing you a wonderful winter and a happy Holiday season <3

  7. Reply


    November 29, 2018

    My sister and my daughter struggle with SAD. I see them start to spiral in mid-October. They don’t see it but I do. I love your 5 tips! One thing they both do is take prescription Vitamin D. It’s a once a week vitamin supplement. Helps both of them. Thanks.

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      They’re lucky they have someone who knows them so well Patti! Catching it early is so helpful. You rock! And it’s really good to know that prescription vitamin D helps. We really do lose out on that when winter hits. Thank you so much for sharing what works for them <3. And for being an advocate for people who struggle with SAD. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Reply


    November 29, 2018

    I definitely face a bit of SAD. I have much lower energy and the fact that it gets dark so early really messes with me! These are some awesome tips! Thank you so much!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      You are so welcome Lauren! You aren’t alone – it gets to many of us. The good news is that the days are going to start getting longer soon :). And I hope these tips help! Sending you tons of love. And wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  9. Reply


    November 29, 2018

    Oh wow! I had never heard of this before and I’m so glad that I came across this! Great post! Very informational!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m so happy you enjoyed the article Flo! Thank you :). Wishing you a wonderful Holiday season <3

  10. Reply

    Danica Anne Panganiban

    November 29, 2018

    I didn’t know that it has a name and it is quite normal. I guess this is so when someone is always on the road too and when season like this comes, there is always something missing even if it’s just because of the season. You have awesome tips and yes, I will try to exercise more.

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      Absolutely Danica! Sometimes it can simply make us feel numb, like something is missing. I’m really glad you know more about it and have a few things to try that can help. Let me know how it goes <3. If you find you have a hard time with SAD your doctor can be a huge help. Sometimes light therapy or even prescription vitamin D can help. Sending tons of love and wishing you a beautiful winter and a Merry Christmas!

  11. Reply

    Vicki Belanger

    November 29, 2018

    I guess I never knew there was an actual name for the feelings I get. Thanks for all of the amazing information, I will be passing it along to some friends and family that could use to read about this.

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      Oh I am so glad this was helpful Vicki! Having a name for what we are experiencing helps us take a huge step forward towards feeling better! I hope the self-care activities help. Wishing you and yours a beautiful winter and a happy Christmas <3

  12. Reply

    ♡Stephanie Stebbins♡ (@stephsteb)

    November 29, 2018

    My son suffers from this. These are great suggestions and I’m going to pass them off to him, thank you!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      You’re so welcome Stephanie! I hope that this helps him tons! Sending tons of love and wishing you a Merry Christmas <3

  13. Reply

    Jena Leigh | Naughty Kitchen

    November 30, 2018

    I love reading articles on health topics. I cant say that i do have this type of condition but the tips suggested here can help any one. I barely see the sun during the day but i do try to get my vitamin D in when i can?

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      That’s awesome Jena! Me too! Learning something new is always wonderful :). I’m happy to hear that you don’t struggle with SAD! That’s wonderful. And I’m also glad you have a go-to self-care activity that helps you throughout the winter. Missing out on vitamin D isn’t good for any of us.

      Wishing you a happy Holiday season. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us!

  14. Reply


    November 30, 2018

    These seem like very practical things that can easily be intergrated

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m glad you think so Jay! I find that self-care activities are easier to work into your schedule when they’re enjoyable and simple. Bonus points if it’s fun! 🙂 I’m really glad you enjoy them.

      Wishing you a lovely Holiday season ^^

  15. Reply


    November 30, 2018

    Really great advice! Adding more light is actually genius! Especially with daylight saving, which can alter our moods with such early evenings. XO

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      Oh goodness yes! I find Daylight savings gets me every time. It takes me a while to adjust. But making sure that sunlight is a big part of my day helps a whole lot! I’m happy you enjoyed that tip. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us! Have a happy Christmas 🙂

  16. Reply

    Sarah @Northern Michigan Soap Company

    November 30, 2018

    I know so many that suffer with this, including myself to a degree. I agree with you about the importance of taking care of yourself. Eating healthful foods and exercise is such a huge way to feel better. I have a few friends that I plan activities with, and we literally force each other to stay active. It helps so much to have a good support system too. Thank you for sharing a few great tips.

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      Oh I am so happy you have an awesome support system Sarah! That really does make a huge difference. Not only because they help to keep us active and motivated, but also because it’s a powerful reminder that we aren’t alone. That’s such a lovely tip to add to the self-care list! Thank you tons for sharing <3. Have a Merry Christmas hun! Wishing you well :)

  17. Reply

    Audrey Lee

    December 1, 2018

    i don’t think i know of anyone who suffers from this since Singapore literally only has one season but it is still a very eye opening post, keep it up!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m glad you learned something new Audrey! Thank you! I hope this time of year in Singapore is lovely :). Wishing you a beautiful Christmas season <3

  18. Reply

    Mama Doc

    December 2, 2018

    SAD is such a commen problem up here in the northeast with such short days! Light therapy is very helpful for many. Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      Oooh goodness yes. I feel yea! I live in Eastern Canada. It’s pretty cold and dark this time of year! Where abouts are you located? I hope you’re having a wonderful Holiday Season and a beautiful winter! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us 🙂

      • Reply

        Mama Doc

        December 6, 2018

        New York! So a little further down to you, but still cold and dark! Happy holidays to you as well!

        • Reply


          December 6, 2018

          You’re not too far away at all! 🙂 Hope the Christmas lights are all out and it’s looking gorgeous over there. I love that part of this season – the lights and the colours are simply amazing!

  19. Reply


    December 3, 2018

    This is great! I’m going to share it with my Positively Narcolepsy Group. Lots of members in there struggling. Thanks for putting out this content!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m really happy you enjoyed it Dawn! Thank you so much for sharing this with others who may need it. I hope that they find this helpful!
      Wishing you a beautiful Holiday season <3

  20. Reply

    Lindsey Puls

    December 4, 2018

    This is really good to know! My husband and I were just discussing how to overcome our symptoms this winter, and we knew that light therapy could be a great option…but didn’t really know how to go about it. Thank you for sharing this!!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I love that we were on the total same wavelength Lindsey! Happy this post found you when you needed it. I hope you and your hubby find the self-care activities that work wonderfully for you this year and have a wonderful winter! Wishing you a Merry Christmas 🙂

  21. Reply


    December 4, 2018

    Seasonal disorder? Well, I didn’t know that this is what I experience every Christmas haha. BBut any way there are kinds of seasons that magnify how we feel. And your article explains it all in a way that can understand without going through confusion with scientific terms

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m really happy this article helped you explain what you’ve been feeling Edward! Having a name for what we’re experiencing helps us move forward and find ways to work through it. I hope the self-care tips and information are helpful!
      Wishing you a beautiful Christmas full of goodness! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences <3

  22. Reply


    December 5, 2018

    What a great article with some helpful suggestions. Thanks!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      I’m happy you enjoyed it! Thank you Kathie :). I hope you have a merry Christmas!

  23. Reply

    GiGi Eats Celebrities

    December 5, 2018

    Since living in LA – I actually suffer (once in a blue moon) the reverse of SAD. It’s ALWAYS sunny here (except surprisingly NOT today) thus I would love for it to be CLOUDY once in awhile, hahahaha!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      That’s totally normal GiGi! Some people experience SAD in the warmer seasons. It can be hard on us to be stuck in the sun all the time too. Especially when we’re not used to it. Changing climates is hard! I hope that there’s a cloudy day waiting for you just around the corner and that things get better <3. Sending you tons of love and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.

  24. Reply

    Sheila Price

    December 5, 2018

    I always love your advice…I find myself coming back to your site time and time again. I experience this every year to some extent. I love sitting in my living room where I get the most sun and spending some time looking out the window. I live in Minnesota, so it gets pretty cold here, but anytime it isn’t frigid, I try to take some to go for a walk or play in the snow with my kids. Getting outside really helps!

    • Reply


      December 6, 2018

      Oh thank you so much Sheila! That really means the world to me. And made my entire day <3. Thank you tons!

      I'm sorry to hear that you experience SAD. It really is hard to be somewhere so cold for so many months! But it sounds like you have quite the awesome self-care routine to help yourself out as you work through this. That's wonderful! 🙂

      I hope that this winter has a lot of less frigid days in store so you and the kids can get out play! Hopefully there's some snowman building, sliding and skating waiting just around the corner.

      Wishing you a beautiful Christmas and a gorgeous winter. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and self-care advice with us!

  25. Reply

    Bill Sweeney

    February 4, 2020

    It’s easy to get the “winter-time blues” or cabin fever, for example. Learning about SAD is great information, so we can learn that we may be having some of the symptoms, and what to do about them.

  26. Reply

    Matt Taylor

    February 4, 2020

    Living here in Arizona we really don’t get different seasons that much. It gets kinda cold in the winter, but then again a week ago it was 77! Today I think the high is 54, but at least it is totally sunny. However I do get sad around this time. The whole being single for Valentine’s Day thing…haha

  27. Reply


    February 4, 2020

    Many people don’t believe Seasonal Affective Disorder is a thing, but it is. You’ve given some real good tips on combatting it.

  28. Reply

    Anna Grunduls

    February 5, 2020

    I love that you’re sharing where to get help. I had a case of PTSD after giving birth (very traumatic experience after the delivery) and I had to work it though with a therapist. I have to say, I’m incredibly glad that I did seek out help before it got worse. I think most people don’t even realize that they could work with a therapist on their case of SAD. I wish therapy was more affordable though., Maybe the new trend for online sessions will help bring the costs down, so it’s available to everyone who needs it and the therapists will still get paid fairly.

  29. Reply

    Ntensibe Edgar Michael

    February 5, 2020

    Aaaahhhh…I really don’t like SAD! It spoils everything, for everybody. Just imagine making plans for something and then, you get triggered by something. It all just goes to hell, from there on out. Access to natural light, on the other hand like you have said, does slow it down.

  30. Reply

    Fatima D Torres

    February 5, 2020

    This is awesome! Someone I know and love is battling with this right now. She doesn’t like the winter and it makes her feel depressed. Sharing with her now.

  31. Reply


    February 5, 2020

    This was just what I needed to read today! These tips will really help me… but hey roll on Spring and Summer!

  32. Reply


    February 5, 2020

    I recently learned about SAD when I was doing research on the connection between vitamin D deficiency and anxiety and depression.

  33. Reply


    February 5, 2020

    I currently have ALL the Fall/Winter symptoms! Thank you for the tips on how to cope through it! I just started exercising this week, so hopefully I can keep it up.

  34. Reply


    February 6, 2020

    It’s great to read about this. I feel this way every year 🙁

  35. Reply

    Myrah Duque

    February 6, 2020

    What a fantastic post filled with so much valuable information! I have a very dear friend battling with this. Sharing with her now, I know it will help her.

  36. Reply

    Emman Damian

    February 7, 2020

    Thanks for letting me know about SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD)! I didn’t know much about it. Thank you. I learned a lot.

  37. Reply

    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    February 7, 2020

    I guess I can consider myself fortunate because I don’t experience SAD. My husband has bouts of it and it affects his sleep patterns, especially right now. I feel like he is living in a totally different time zone from mine. I will suggest these tips to him. Thanks for the advice.

  38. Reply


    February 9, 2020

    Im sure there are a lot of people who unfortunately has some of these symptoms, but suffer in silence. Thank you for sharing not only the symptoms, but also the remedies so I can look out for these with ones that I know and Love.

  39. Reply


    February 11, 2020

    I feel like I have been effected by SAD before. The colder weather can absolutely effect my mood.

  40. Reply

    Angela Ricardo Bethea

    February 11, 2020

    I didn’t know much a bout SAD but with this post I definitely learned a lot of new things. Thanks for sharing such wonderful tips, will keep them mind.

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