How To Reduce Stress – 6 Fantastic Tips From Psychiatrists

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How To Reduce Stress - 6 Fantastic Tips From Psychiatrists Title Card. In the background Two young girls stand under a rain cloud. One extends an umbrella to protect the other.

Hello Lovelies:

Sometimes life can be pretty stressful. It’s unavoidable. And it can certainly be really difficult to work through.

But that doesn’t mean that we are completely powerless in the face of stress.

Stress managing activities give us the power to work through difficult times. Learning how to reduce stress and creating coping mechanisms that work for you makes an incredible difference! That helps you feel relaxed and calm during stressful times after all. And isn’t that golden?

Good stress management is everything! And who better to guide us in the right direction than the mental health professionals who know what really works?

Let’s dive into 6 wonderful (and totally simple) tips on how to reduce stress from the psychiatrists, therapists and mental health professionals who know where it’s at:

Two hands reach out and hold each other. A train track is fadded in the background

Mental Health Professionals Can Teach Us How to Reduce Stress

I’ve personally spoken to counselors at different points in my life. And I highly recommend it to anyone going through a stressful time. Their unbiased care can be so incredibly useful. And they often help us to develop tools that allow us to better cope with stress long after we’ve stopped working them. It’s an amazing gift!

I’m still grateful for the early lessons on how to reduce stress from my middle school child psychologist. And to put that into perspective, it’s been 20 years since I last spoke to him!

What happened?

Years of being bullied had led to me to develop a full blown school phobia. Yes that’s a real thing! And it included anxiety, panic attacks and even becoming physically ill at the thought of attending school. Not what I’d call fun. (source)

Enter therapy…

And man sits beside a child, they are talking and laughing.

The experience was amazing! My therapist was the first completely unbiased person that I was able to talk to about my experiences. He not only listened to me, he helped me develop coping mechanisms that I still use to this day.

My therapist introduced me to body scan meditation. He taught me breathing techniques that create an immediate sense of calm. He inspired me to prioritize self-care, specifically the things that helped me feel more relaxed.

His goal was to teach me how to reduce stress when I could and how to cope when things were difficult. A truly important life lesson.

Two hands reach to each other for support. The sky can be seen in the background.

His support helped me move past my school phobia. But he also gave me some fabulous stress management tools that I’ve taken with me into adulthood.

And if he had so much goodness to offer, you can bet your bippy that there’s more where that came from! Mental health professionals are happy to teach us how to reduce stress and work through difficult times. That’s often one of their main goals!

Related: 10 Powerful Life Lessons I Learned From Graves Disease

Let’s look at some of the advice that they have to offer and how it can help us…

6 Fantastic Tips on How to Reduce Stress

1. Make Time for Self-Care

A cozy bed with a book layed out and a cup of tea. Self-care plays an important role in stress relief.

Amy Przeworski, Ph.D., researcher and therapist, highly recommends that you make you time a priority:

“Make sure that you schedule some me-time for self-care. It will reduce your stress, increase your productivity, and boost your happiness!” (source)

And I couldn’t agree more! You deserve the same time, dedication, love and respect that you give to those around you. And yet self-care often falls to the way side in times of stress. Which only makes things more difficult.

Self-care is about taking care of yours personal needs – mentally, physically and emotionally.

A cup of tea sits on top of cozy blankest. Relaxing and investing in downtime is a great way to work on reducing stress

It can be simple things like making sure that you have a nutritious, filling breakfast or taking a moment to simply breathe. Or you can be more indulgent, like a home spa day or a massage.

Self-care doesn’t have to cost you a penny. Nor does it need to involve a lot of work. But it most definitely needs to be a priority!

The best part about self-care is that it allows you to find personal outlets that allow you to self-calm. 

Dan Mager, MSW, a Certified Diplomate in Clinical Hypnotherapy and who has worked as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, and clinical director, shares that self-calming self-care activities should be our go-to’s when we’re looking to relieve stress:

“There are many methods and practices that can help you manage and reduce your level of stress. All of these represent tools to help you self-calm. […] The relaxation response helps to reduce and even reverse the physical, mental, and emotional effects of stress. Activating the relaxation response helps to facilitate the experience of that all-important, but often elusive, quality: serenity/inner-peace/peace of mind.” (source)

A woman sits in bed reading a book and relaxing, an important act of self-care and a great way to reduce stress.

He highly recommends trying intentional breathing and focused attention to help you feel more relaxed and quiet the mind. And he isn’t alone. Mindfulness meditation (which is all about intentional breathing and being focused on the moment) is awesome! In fact, we’ll be talking about it next. 😉

Personally, meditation, hot baths, walking and reading are a few of my favourite simple, self-calming go-to self-care activities. I make sure to make time for them not only when I’m feeling stressed, but as a stress preventative. We all need to relax and unwind, in ways that work for us, on a regular basis.

Of course, what works for me might not work for you. Take the time to indulge in the activities that make you feel more relaxed. And if you aren’t so sure what works, go on a self-care discovery mission. Try different things and see what makes you feel right. Relaxing self-care activities are golden and should be high on your priority list!

Related: 4 Awesome Stress Relieving Activities From Your Childhood

2. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

A woman sits and meditates outside. Read on to learn how to reduce stress with meditation.

Whenever I talk about how to reduce stress I’m always giddy to talk about meditation. It’s one spectacular form of stress relief.

This study found that meditating can reduce anxiety by as much as 39%! It was just as effective as some prescription anxiety medications, which completely blows me away!

One of the amazing ways that mindfulness meditation helps is by activating the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, a part of the brain that controls thinking and emotion, as well as the Ventromedial Prefontal Cortex, which controls worrying. These two babies working together help to reduce anxiety, leaving you feeling more relaxed. (source)

Super bonus! Meditation may also lower cortisol levels, a hormone that’s associate with mental and physical stress (source). Which makes you even more relaxed!

And it may even help to lower your blood pressure. Total win! (source)

A woman closes her eyes and touches her heart in a moment of mindfulness.

Psychologist Karen Kissel Wegela Ph.D. is happy to gush about mindfulness meditation:

“The sitting practice of mindfulness meditation gives us exactly this opportunity to become more present with ourselves just as we are. This, in turn, shows us glimpses of our inherent wisdom and teaches us how to stop perpetuating the unnecessary suffering that results from trying to escape the discomfort, and even pain, we inevitably experience as a consequence of simply being alive.” (source)

Dr. Wegela feels that learning to be mindful helps us be more present in our lives. It allows us to accept our reality and develop more compassion. And in turn it better equips us to care for our needs and the needs of those around us. Makes complete sense that this goodie is on our ‘how to reduce stress’ list, doesn’t it?

Related: 5 Ways Mindfulness Meditation Supports Your Health And How to Get Started

3. Exercise

Looking for a great boost in your mood? Then get jiggy with it baby!

Monica Starkman, M.D., associate professor of psychiatry emerita at the University of Michigan, says that exercise is her top self-care recommendation for her patients:

“This is my number one recommendation. Scientific experiments as well as clinical observations show its efficacy in treating depression. In less severe depression, some studies have shown exercise alone to be equal in effectiveness to anti-depressant medication.” (source)

When you work it on the regular the stress management effects are incredible!

That’s because regularly working out actually changes your brain! Specifically the parts that regulate stress and anxiety. And it’s also been shown to positively affect your mood and reduce stress (source). Isn’t that so cool?

Two people bike in the dusk. One reaches back to grab the hand of the other. Exercise can greatly help to reduce stress.

One of the ways that exercise helps is by boosting the production of feel-good endorphins. And those babies make us feel more positive and reduce pain perception! (source)

If that wasn’t already enough goodness for ya, it also ups your brain’s sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine, two hormones that help to relieve depression! Which I think is pretty mind blowing! How about you? (source)

On top of that, regular exercise can help to reduce anxiety symptoms, increase mental state awareness and significantly improve our mood when we experience depression. Booyah! (source 1, source 2)

It doesn’t matter what form of exercise you choose!

Choose whatever form of exercise that you enjoy! Because those mood boosting benefits are yours for the taking, no matter what form you choose. Intensity doesn’t even matter! You’re still going to feel awesome. (source 1source 2)

Related: 8 Super Benefits of Exercise and How to Make it Fun

4. Talk it Out

Two people sit in outside under a tree, watching the sun set. Time with loved ones can help to reduce stress

You know that saying “it takes a village to raise a child”? The idea that the community of people that surround a child and care for them are all involved in raising them? Well… it kind of takes a village for us grown ups too.

We cannot go it alone. Emotional and social support are not only important aspects on how to reduce stress… they are everyday necessities for our mental well-being.

Why are social and emotional support important?

We all need to feel loved, cared for, reassured and part of a community. Our formal and informal relationships matter. It makes us feel valued and like we belong. We feel it when we talk with our friends or family or when someone shows us empathy.

Two young girls stand under a rain cloud. One extends an umbrella to protect the other.

And if it seems strange that informal relationships matter, think about the value of your doctor’s care. Or the wonderful, unbiased aid of a therapist. These relationships are necessary. And it’s so important that we remember to reach out! (source)

Susan Newman, Ph.D., a social psychologist, highly recommends that we talk it out:

“My most effective stress relief comes from speaking with friends, but only the ones I know have my best interests at heart. They are great listeners, supportive, and almost always come up with strategies to cope with the stressor or, at the least, put it in perspective for me. If nothing else, they point me in a better, less stressful direction.” (source)

And while it’s wonderful to tap into your emotional support network, speaking with a therapist can provide amazing stress relief too.

Why Talk to a Therapist

Someone sits slumped with their head down. many hands reach out to support them. Seeking help is such an important way to reduce stress.

Therapists create a safe space free from judgement. Everything is confidential. And the relationship is unique to your needs.

As Philip J. Rosenbaum, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and is the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at Haverford College, puts it:

“The therapist-client relationship is central to helping people learn how to change their problematic behaviors. Therapists engage with their clients’ lives without becoming a daily part of it. Well-defined boundaries allow therapists the perspective from which to observe behaviors that friends who are involved in a client’s life may be too close to see.” (source)

Therapy can be so useful and isn’t something to be afraid of or embarrassed by. When you sit down with a professional, they’re neutral. They have absolutely no agenda in your life and can be completely unbiased.

A woman sits with her head down and her hands out, face up. Two other woman erach out and support her.

Almost everyone experiences mental health related difficulties in their life (this lady included). And when that happens we can all benefit from therapy.

It’s even possible to find an online psychiatrist.

BetterHelp offers affordable, private online counseling. They provide access to licensed, trained, experienced, accredited psychiatrist and therapists and match you with the right counselor. You could start counseling as early as today!

You can learn more about finding an online psychiatrist right here:

If you or someone you know are in a crisis or may be in danger please seek immediate help. Here is a link to resources can provide help right away.

5. Listen to Music

A woman stands in a record shop, selecting a record. Read on to learn how music can help to relieve stress.

Music is magical. I think it speaks to every single one of us. And I’m honestly not surprised that it knows how to reduce stress.

I like to say that I grew up in a musical. My family breaks out into song on the regular (lots of Disney classics are belted out in the Flanagan house). It’s a tradition I keep up on my own too.

That feel-good vibe many of us associate with music is 100% real!

According to the smarties over at Harvard:

“Today’s doctors tell us that music can enhance the function of neural networks, slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure, reduce levels of stress hormones and inflammatory cytokines and provide some relief to patients undergoing surgery, as well as heart attack and stroke victims” (source)

Someone relaxes in reading socks, an record player sits in front of them playing a record.

That’s a heck of a lot of goodness, am I right?

Music makes us feel happy. It energizes us and boosts our mood. Music therapy may even help to reduce symptoms of depression and pain. And it can help us feel more relaxed and lead to a better quality of sleep. Boom! I told you music was magical. (source)

Art Markman, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin, absolutely recommends music as an option when asked how to reduce stress.

“Music is a great tool for stress relief. Pop in your headphones and listen to something that will transport you somewhere else. And if you can, learn to play a musical instrument and use that as part of your own personal therapy program.” (source)

If you’ve been dreaming about learning to play the guitar, here’s your sign from the universe! It has nothing but goodness to offer you!

6. Work on Self-Love

A woman holds a bouquet of flowers in a cup that says sip.

Self-love is amazing! And I will forever tell you that it’s the true foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Everything comes together in a sustainable and healthy way when love for yourself is the true driving force.

And the proof is in the pudding. Self-love changes your brain!

People who love and accept themselves wholeheartedly tend to have more grey matter in the parts of their brains that control emotion and stress. Which means that self-love makes us better able to cope with stress and negative emotions. Isn’t that the coolest thing ever?! (source)

But wait, there’s more!

Self-love’s goodness extends even further to the parts of the brain that processes anxiety! Which means that during times of stress your much loved brain will be better able to help you work your way through it. Go self-love! (source 1source 2)

A woman sits outside staring out at the water. Moment of self-love and self-reflecting can really help to reduce stress.

And if there are any other chronic illness warriors out there, studies show that self-love can even help to reduce health-related anxiety too. I’m extra grateful for that bonus! (source)

Oh and I almost forgot to mention that changes in self-esteem (a huge self-love bonus) have an almost immediate positive effect on the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and it’s influence on the heart. (source)

The parasympathetic nervous system basically creates the opposite of the fight of flight response. It slows and calms the heart, eases stress and reduces inflammation. Making us feel totally chill and so good!

A woma stands outside, facing the sun, arms out and welcoming the day.

Deborah Khoshaba, who has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with a specialization in Health Psychology, cannot stress enough how important it is to make self-love a priority:

“Self-love is important to living well. It influences who you pick for a mate, the image you project at work, and how you cope with the problems in your life. It is so important to your welfare that I want you to know how to bring more of it into your life.” (source)

See what I mean when that self-love paves the way towards a healthy lifestyle?

Self love isn’t always easy.

Some days you might feel awesome and love yourself wholeheartedly. Other times your inner mean girl might talk a bit louder than usual, leaving you feeling less than fantastic. Your relationship with yourself is just like any other relationship. It takes time, effort and care. There will be good and bad days, and that’s ok.

What matters is that you make it a priority. 

If you need a little help, I have a whole post on the benefits of self-love and how to work on it right here.

Make time for the things that make you feel good, tap into your social support system, know that your needs are just as important and everyone else’s and deserve to be addresses. And, most importantly, be kind to yourself. You’re doing the best you can. <3

What did you think about these 6 tips on how to reduce stress? Did any of them surprise you? What stress relieving activities would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments below!

Health and love,


Thought of the day: I will be kind and gentle with myself.

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply

    Kasia Mikolajczak (@KasiaMikola)

    July 18, 2018

    These are all great tips. I do get stressed out a lot. Self care is so important. I need to try meditation too.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      I’m so happy you enjoyed them Kasia! We all need and deserve self care time. It’s such an important factor in our well-being. I hope that you adore meditation <3. It's a personal go-to self care activity and I'm so grateful for it. Let me know what you think :)

  2. Reply


    July 18, 2018

    Amazing tips! I completely agree about the importance of exercise. Keep up the good work! 🙂

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Thank you so much Neda! It’s amazing how exercise can do so much for our mental health. Such a lovely bonus ;).

  3. Reply


    July 18, 2018

    These are great tips, Sara! I personally love to take a moment for self care and/or listen to some music for an easy stress release. When I make time for it, exercise makes a huge difference in my life. I definitely need to make more time for it in my schedule!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Isn’t it wonderful how much music soothes the soul? That’s a personal go to for me too Nicole! I’m glad it helps you as well :).
      I think it’s so important that we create a self care routine that’s as unique and wonderful as we are. Something that makes us feel awesome and activities that we adore. I hope that you have fun incorporating more exercise into your personal self care routine! For me a nice walk is glorious. And I adore time on my yoga mat. But sometimes I just pump up the music and dance around my home! It’s like a two for one ^^. What about you?

  4. Reply

    Emily Anne

    July 18, 2018

    I really need to work on having “me” time and meditating! Thanks for all of these wonderful tips!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      You are so welcome Emily Anne! We all deserve some ‘me time’. I hope you have so much fun creating a self care routine that makes you feel awesome <3.

  5. Reply


    July 18, 2018

    These are awesome. I am a huge believer in therapy. I think you have to find the right person, in fact, I went to three different therapists in the matter of a month before I chose the one I felt most comfortable with and it made all the difference.

    It’s amazing how music can reach to the soul and really change your mood. That and meditation are each salves to the anxious mind. So many great tips here. I use them all in different ways when I’m struggling. Thanks for sharing love <3 Jamie

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      That’s such an important point to bring up Jamie! It’s so true – you have to find the right person for you. And it’s totally natural and ok to visit a few different therapists before you find the one. It’s kind of like dating in a way, eh? I just mean you know when it’s right. And you definitely know when it isn’t right. ^^

      It’s so awesome that you have some incredible go-to self-soothing activities. You deserve that <3. It really does make a difference. And it's so good to have a few up your sleeve, because our needs change depending on the situation. I've certainly developed quite the repertoire of self care activities to help with stress too! Thank goodness :).

      Sending tons of love your way gorgeous!

  6. Reply

    Michelle Carnes

    July 19, 2018

    Thank you so much for sharing. Life has been so beyond stressful lately and these tips are really going to help.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      I’m so glad to hear that Michelle. I hope that these self care activities help tons and that you’re feeling better soon <3. Sending tons of love your way!

  7. Reply

    Katz Voyage

    July 20, 2018

    these are such great tips!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Thank you Katz! I’m happy you think so :). Wishing you a beautiful day!

  8. Reply

    Fresh Start Program

    July 20, 2018

    I needed this. Ugh my life is so messed up

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      I’m so sorry things are stressful! I hope that this helps you create a killer self care routine that helps you work through it. Sending tons of goodness your way. 🙂

  9. Reply


    July 21, 2018

    Cant agree with you more, I have recently started therapy and its helping me great deal, along with that I am doing everything else too, meditation, exercise, self care.. its all so important, thanks for sharing your lovely thoughts

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      That’s wonderful Aditinona! I’m so happy that therapy is making such an incredible difference. It’s truly an amazing things that we should all tap into when needed. Therapy has made a big difference in my life too :).

      And good on you for building a self care routine that supports you as well! That’s awesome and such an fantastic form of self love. You’re rocking it! <3

  10. Reply

    Bryan Carey

    July 21, 2018

    I rely on exercise, music, and alone time to read, drink a beer, reflect, etc. I’ve never tried meditation, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. Certainly many excellent ideas here!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      We all need to build a self care routine that works for our unique wants and needs. And it sounds like you’ve totally rocked it in that department Bryan! That’s wonderful! I’m a huge reader – it really does do wonders, doesn’t it? I hope you get to enjoy a good book and a cold beer very soon 🙂

  11. Reply


    July 21, 2018

    Thanks for the great reminders…Still figuring out exactly what I need to do as a first step.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      You’re so welcome Jess! When it comes to creating a self care routine that helps us, calms us and supports our well-being there is no one right answer or perfect first step.

      My advice would be to prioritize some you time. Making time for self care a must allows you to create the space you need to do whatever works for you. Whether it be 30 minutes in a hot bath with a good book, a lovely walk, boogieing to some of your favourite tunes, journaling, even just relaxing and doing nothing or anything around and in-between you are rocking it.

      We are all beautifully unique and a lot of the things that work for us from a self care perspective can and should be just a lovely and unique as we are.

      And hey – if you’re completely lost and need help figuring out how to make time for yourself and what to do to unwind, de-stress, relax or whatever you need, talking with a therapist or counselor can really help! I have a friend who is doing just that and it’s been a huge step forward in helping her realize that she needs to make self care a priority and what kinds of self care work for her.

      Wishing you well and sending you tons of love as you take that first step! You’ve got this <3

  12. Reply

    Bella Ode

    July 22, 2018

    Great article! Thank you for sharing this. And the photos are great.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      You are the sweetest Bella! Thank you so much for your kind words. Made my day <3

  13. Reply


    July 23, 2018

    These are really great insights. The backbone of healthy self esteem :).

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Exactly! I’m so happy you think so too <3. Thank you so much!

  14. Reply

    janna conner

    July 23, 2018

    all good tips, and easy to read break down of points. here’s to building more grey matter in my brain!!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Yea! It’s so awesome that that happens when we make self love a priority! Blows my mind :). I’m so happy you enjoyed that too Janna! <3

  15. Reply


    July 24, 2018

    Great tips! I love to listen to music to relax.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Music is truly good for the soul! I’m happy it helps you too 🙂

  16. Reply


    July 24, 2018

    Such a good read! I’m going to get my masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling this fall so this was very interesting!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Oh wow Micaela! That’s wonderful! Congratulations! And thank you for everything that you do. Counselors do such important work. I’m truly grateful there’s wonderful people like you out there dedicating yourselves to helping people. You’re awesome! <3

  17. Reply

    Theresa | Bridesmaids Confession

    July 24, 2018

    I try to make more time for self care. We moved into a new house in February and it has a large soak tub. I make time to get in it twice a month. Shooting for once a week. Plus I’m starting to do more yoga and I’m hopeful it will lead to more meditation.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      That’s marvelous Theresa! Congratulations on the new home. I bet that that tub is heavenly! ^^ I hope that you find yourself spending more time in it soon. And I hope that you enjoy your yoga time! That can be a wonderful form of moving meditation. It’s a two for one! Total win :). Wishing you well hun <3

  18. Reply


    July 25, 2018

    Thank you for these tips! I’ve incorporated more of these into my lifestyle this year, and I can confirm they’ve helped reduce my stress. I’ve also found games that get me away from my screen (like crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, word searches, etc.) have helped, too.

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      Oh I’m so happy to hear that Kristen! That’s wonderful! Anything that helps us relax and unwind is golden. It’s wonderful how much puzzles, crosswords and things like that can work as a form of self care too. It’s good for our minds :). I hope you get to enjoy something like that again soon! Wishing you well on this marvelous wellness journey ^^

  19. Reply

    Sheila Price

    July 25, 2018

    Great tips! For me, self care and self love are how I prevent feeling (as) stressed in the first place. The other ideas are great for when you are already feeling stressed especially!

    • Reply


      July 27, 2018

      You’re right on the money! Self love is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle in my opinion. Everything awesome stems from that. And the rest of the tips are all forms of self care that may help. We have to make a self care routine that is as unique and wonderful as we are and responds to our own personal needs. I’m so happy you’ve created that for yourself Sheila! We all deserve it. That’s so awesome ^^

  20. Reply

    GiGi Eats Celebrities

    September 12, 2019

    I don’t stress anymore. I used to back in the day but I got over that because my mindset is such that I KNOW everything will work out just fine.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so glad you’ve found a balance that works well for you GiGi! That’s awesome 🙂

  21. Reply

    Erin Knight

    September 12, 2019

    Thanks for sharing these stress relief tips. I used to stress a lot at work, but I have learned to give myself downtime and practice self-care. It truly helps a lot.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so happy to hear that Erin! Self-care and downtime do so much for us. I’m really glad that you found a balance that works for you <3. That's marvelous!

  22. Reply

    Ronnie E.

    September 12, 2019

    These are solid tips that can be super helpful. I find that meditation has helped me deal with stress so much. Those 5 daily minutes do so much for my day and emotions!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Isn’t it wonderful how much a little meditation helps? I couldn’t agree with you more Ronnie! Such a sweet and simple self-care activity that really does so much. I’m really happy it’s been such a big help for you too hun. Thank you for sharing <3

  23. Reply

    Brianne Tursi Manz

    September 12, 2019

    I try not to stress about much. It doesn’t do me any good. These are some great tips for people who stress easily.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Absolutely! Stress finds all of us – it’s a natural part of life. And some of us can be more sensitive to it than others. It’s so important we learn how to relieve it when we can and balance and soothe things when we can’t. It makes a world of difference. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us Brianne!

  24. Reply

    Kelly Martin

    September 13, 2019

    These are great tips for reducing stress. I find meditation and mindfulness really helps.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so happy they help you Kelly! I couldn’t agree more – meditation and mindfulness are so powerful and can truly do so much for us :). I’m so grateful you shared your thoughts and experiences with us!

  25. Reply

    Nigar Rahman

    September 13, 2019

    Listening music is helpful for reducing stress and it also effective.Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Isn’t music just so wonderful Nigar? It truly speaks to our souls and can soothe us so much. I’m glad you find it helpful too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts <3

  26. Reply


    September 13, 2019

    I love honest admission to your school phobias

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Thank you Meg! I think it’s so important we normalize discussing mental health. If sharing my own experiences with anxiety and therapy helps anyone I’m glad to be open about it. 🙂 We all need help sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with that at all! <3

  27. Reply


    September 13, 2019

    My stress level is so high at times. I’m always looking for ways to reduce my stress.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m sorry to hear that hun! I really hope that some of these tips help. Sending so much love your way! Know that you deserve to indulge in whatever self-care activities help you feel better and reduce that stress <3

  28. Reply

    Emman Damian

    September 13, 2019

    I really believe that good stress management is everything! That’s a great point!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      It’s so important for our well-being! I’m glad you think so too Emman. We really need and deserve to indulge in whatever activities help us manage and reduce our stress for the sake of our mental and physical well-being.

  29. Reply


    September 13, 2019

    These are such helpful tips! My stress gets the best of me sometimes. Would love to implement these tips in my everyday life!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so glad you find them helpful! You aren’t alone – so many of us struggle with stress. It’s a normal part of life and we all need and deserve to indulge in whatever activities help us to reduce and manage it. I hope some of these activities help you hun. Big hugs! You got this <3

  30. Reply

    Dreams Abroad

    September 13, 2019

    Stress can take over your life. Self-love can even help to reduce health-related anxiety but only if you begin. These are all great tips. Thank you for the post.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      It can absolutely become overwhelming and affect our mental and physical well-being. Stress is a natural part of life, learning to reduce it when possible and otherwise balance and ease it is so important. I’m glad you find the tips helpful! Thank you 🙂

  31. Reply

    Ave Hla

    September 13, 2019

    I think that finding time for self care and working on self love are really important for reducing stress. I have never tried meditating but I’d love to give it a try.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I couldn’t agree with you more Ave! Self-care and self-love can do so much for us. They play such a huge role in our well-being. We all need and deserve that in our life.

      I hope that you enjoy meditation and that you find it as helpful as I have. Let me know what you think if you give it a go 🙂

  32. Reply

    Eileen M Loya

    September 13, 2019

    Self care is very important tor our overall well being. I admit I don’t have much time in the day to do this but I make it a point to free up my schedule and enjoy some quiet time for myself. Keeping a hobby also helps. For me, it is caring for my small flower garden. The blooms give me so much joy.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      That’s so awesome Eileen! We all need to create a balance and routine that works best for us and our own unique wants and needs. I’m really glad you’ve done that for yourself. That garden sounds magnificent. Isn’t it amazing, watching things grow? 🙂

  33. Reply


    September 14, 2019

    Stress seems to be an everyday part of life sadly, but these are great tips. Self care is extremely important for sure xx

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I couldn’t agree more! Self-care is truly so important! I’m glad you think so too <3

  34. Reply

    Steph S

    September 14, 2019

    Great tips to de-stress! Adulting is so chaotic, so making time for you is so important or else how can you take care of everything else?!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I love how you put it Steph! If we don’t take care of ourselves we ultimately burn out and can’t take care of those around us. Self-care truly matters <3

  35. Reply

    Shannon Gurnee

    September 15, 2019

    These are some great ideas. I would like to try meditation sometime.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so glad you enjoyed them Shannon! I hope you enjoy meditation. It’s been such a game changer for me. Let me know what you think if you try it 🙂

  36. Reply


    September 16, 2019

    hello. you have great tips in here. i believe that stress is a good thing especially if managed well because it helps us in our growth and development. i agree with everything you listed here. it’s really all about self management for us to fight against stress 🙂

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Stress can absolutely be a good thing! You’re truly right. It’s so important we manage it well so it doesn’t become detrimental. It’s a natural part of life and finding the right balance is important for the sake of our mental and physical well-being. But in many circumstances it can truly help us grow :). Thanks a ton for sharing!

  37. Reply

    Alice Megan

    October 7, 2019

    Self care is so so important in this day and age when we’re constantly on the go I need to practice more ways of implementing it into my every day life without the stress or guilt of not doing other things

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