6 Marvelous Reasons To Try A Jump Rope Workout

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6 Marvelous Reasons To Try A Jump Rope Workout Title Card. In the background a woman can be seen smiling whilst holding a jumprope

Hello Lovelies: 

We know that exercise is important for our health. That’s seriously no surprise at all…

But can exercise also be fun and joyful? Is that too much to ask?

Of course it can! It’s all about choosing the right workout for you. You deserve to enjoy whatever form of mindful movement you choose.

Which is why I wanted to cover one option that’s seriously so fun! And such a great form of exercise!

A jump rope workout is fantastic cardio and has a serious ton of health benefits. Plus, for many of us, it’s a fun activity from childhood! So there’s joy and nostalgia to be had too.

If you’re loking for a fantastic way to exercise – look no further, because a jump rope workout is amazing! Let’s talk about it.

6 Marvelous Reasons To Try A Jump Rope Workout

If your childhood was anything like mine, you probably spent a lot of time running around with a jump rope! It was such a great way to play. And, my favourite part, it was a wonderful way to pass the time solo and with a group of friends. We’re talking double dutch baby!

But somehow that all fell to the way side when I grew up. And I imagine I’m not alone! But it turns out that skipping is more than just a fun game to play as a kid… it’s actually a really powerful (and still really freaking fun) way to exercise.

Here’s why you and I should totally start doing a jump rope workout:

1. It’s Not Just For Kids

We tend to associate jumping rope with our childhoods, but this handy little exercise is awesome for everyone! And it’s no surprise. It turns out a lot of activities from our childhoods are actually really good for our mental and physical well being. Heck, there were even jump rope athletes in the 2016 Olympics! So we know we’re talking serious business.

And hey, adults deserve to have fun too! Even when we’re exercising. Especially when we’re exercising! I think one of the main reasons why we exercise less as grown ups than we did as children is because it often stops being fun and games and starts being work. And who wants more work on their plate? Not me! So why not explore some more fun options!

But what’s in it for you, other than some childhood nostalgia and tons of fun?

Related: 5 Super Simple Self Care Activities That Will Make You Feel Awesome

2. A Jump Rope Workout is Amazing Cardio

I’m pretty sure that I don’t need to tell you how important it is that we take care of our beautiful hearts. They play a pretty big role in keeping us alive after all. And one way we can easily take great care of them is by choosing heart healthy exercises.

When you make time for aerobics, like a jump rope workout, your whole body is involved. You’re moving your arms and your legs and using all of your large muscles. What happens next? We need to breathe deeper and our hearts start pumping faster.

Our bodies do this to maximize the oxygen in our blood, which in turn delivers more oxygen goodness to our muscles. Super bonus, this also helps our cardiovascular system get rid of waste like carbon dioxide and lactic acid (source). Lactic acid can trigger muscle cramps, so we definitely don’t want to let that stuff build up.

How does this help your heart?

A close up shot in a gym of someone's legs as they jump.

Just like any other muscle, this speed boost gives your heart a great workout. And, in the end, you end up with a stronger blood pumper. While it may seem paradoxical, exercises that speed up that gorgeous heart of yours actually help to give you a slower regular heart rate. Because stronger hearts don’t need to beat as fast. They pump more efficiently and you, my friend, end up with better blood flow!

But the heart healthy goodness doesn’t stop there.

Any regular cardio (including jumping rope) also helps to boost good cholesterol, which may lead to less plaque build up in our fantastical arteries! Score! As if that weren’t superb enough, this might also help to lower our blood pressure and control our blood sugar (source 1, source 2). Who knew jumping around and reminiscing on childhood games could be so good for us?

A Note For My Fellow Graves Disease Warriors (Or Anyone With an Illness that Affects Your Heart)

Nothing gets your heart pumping quite as quickly and efficiently as a jump rope workout. And while we already know that that can be really awesome for our heart health, that might not be the case for everyone.

If your heart is affected by an illness (like Graves Disease) it’s really important that you talk to your doctor or health care provider before you start any cardio or intense workout plan. Our goal is to keep our hearts healthy and happy, not put extra stress on an already stressed out organ. It’s best to exercise (pun intended ^^) caution.

Related: 10 Powerful Life Lessons I Learned From Graves Disease

3. Your Bones Will Benefit Too

We’re always thinking about how our workouts affect our muscles, but what about our bones? The exercises you choose can actually help to build and maintain healthy bones! And skipping is pretty high up on the list of awesome, bone health supporting options. Mind blowing, right?

How does a jump rope workout help to support your bone health?

When you’re skipping you’re actually doing a high impact, weight-bearing exercise. You’re working against gravity, staying upright and moving your whole bod. This helps to build up your bone density and keep them super strong! It’s even a recommended exercise for Osteoporosis patients who aren’t at risk of fractures (please speak with your doctor before starting a high impact exercise program if you have Osteoporosis).

In fact, studies show that exercises like this that help to support bone density can actually improve bone strength and endurance and even reduce bone loss and back pain (source). There’s some evidence that it can help to prevent menopause related bone loss too! Booyah!

Related: 6 Benefits of Yoga That Will Make You Want To Start Now

4. But Wait, There’s More Health Benefits of Jumping Rope

As if a healthy heart and strong bones weren’t enough of a motivator, there’s more goodness to be had! Skipping regularly can help to improve your balance, coordination and flexibility. It’s much kinder to your joints than running. And it’s a simple full body workout, which means it can help to improve your overall muscle tone. Holla!

5. It’s Super Easy and Inexpensive

A jump role flatlay with purple and orange flowers decorating the white background.

A lot of us can’t afford a gym membership (holy expensive fees batman!) But jump ropes are pretty cheap and once you’ve invested in one, you’re pretty well set. Not to mention, you don’t exactly need a lot of space, and you can easily take your jump rope with you anywhere.

In the mood for an outdoor work out – your jump rope is totally game! Feeling like blasting your favourite music while you try to master a triple jump – you can easily make that happen!

And while it may be a little intimidating to try a new exercise, skipping is great for anyone, regardless of skill level. You might even forget that you’re actually working out!

Try starting off small and working your way up.

A 10 minute workout with a jump rope can go a long way (but don’t forget to give yourself breaks when you need them).

6. It Makes You Feel Damn Good

A close up of someone's leg and hand. They can be seen holding a rolled up jump rope.

The best part? Exercise makes us feel freaking awesome! It’s funny how many of us habitually avoid working out, because it can seriously make us feel damn good.

In general, regular exercise has been shown to positively affect your mood and reduce stress (source). One of the awesome ways that it does this is by boosting the production of feel good endorphins, which make us feel more positive and reduce pain perception! So cool, right?! (source)

If that wasn’t already amazing enough, it also increases your brain’s sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine, two hormones that help to relieve depression! Booya! (source)

And if you suffer from depression or anxiety, exercise can be a major help!

A Woman Smiles While Holding A Jump Rope And Stands Outside Near a Storage Building

Take a look at this super cool study, which looked at the effects of exercise on anxiety. When people exercised on the regular they saw an improvement in their anxiety symptoms, which is truly a wonderful gift.

But one of the best benefits of regular exercise was that it also allowed them to be more aware of their mental state and distracted them from their fears. Boom, take that anxiety!

And when we peek in at the benefits of exercise for depression we see some promising results too! This study showed a significant improvement in mood following regular exercise.

Isn’t it wonderful how finding a way to mindfully move can do us so much good?

Related: 8 Super Benefits of Exercise and How to Make it Fun

Final Thoughts

Exercise is awesome, but the key is that we need to choose forms of movement that we truly enjoy! Those are the workouts we stick to. The fun activities we love to do again and again.

And if you have fond memories of skipping as a child, then a jump rope might be a fantastic options for you. Put on your favourite tunes, boost out your jump rope and have fun!

Do you like to skip? Eager to give a jump rope workout a try? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below.

Health and love,


Thought of the day: The exercise you choose should be something you enjoy. 

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    August 30, 2017

    Oh yes!!! Love this. I am actually starting easing into my new fitness routine tomorrow. And I totally forgot about the skipping rope!! Thanks for the inspiration. I will promptly go get one. 😉

    • Reply


      August 31, 2017

      I’m so excited for you Carolyn! It’s always fun starting a new fitness routine. I hope you love it and that jump rope fits right in ?. Enjoy day one!

  2. Reply


    August 30, 2017

    I used to be a jump rope champion (not officially, but in my school amongst the playground lol). I never turn down an opportunity to jump. I’m gonna have to get back on it!

    • Reply


      August 31, 2017

      I feel ya Chelsea, I was pretty skilled way back when too! Maybe we’ll both be champions again soon ?. Have fun! I’m so glad you’re picking it up again too.

  3. Reply


    August 30, 2017

    I’ve actually started using the jump rope last year. Just last night i thought that i haven’t shown it much love, letting volleyball, jogging, watersports, among other activities to be my preferred forms of exercises. I shall give this some consideration. Maybe taking the rope to use in the park instead of my garden. I’ll see!! Your article got me thinking about ways i can include it more regularly in my routine. Thanks

    • Reply


      August 31, 2017

      Variety’s the spice of life! It sounds like you’ve been having a lot of fun and being super active, which is marvelous. I hope you have fun jumping rope in the park. I imagine the scenery would be lovely ?.

      I’m really happy this article has you thinking about ways to include skipping into your routine again! I hope you enjoy it ?.

  4. Reply


    September 2, 2017

    I love jump rope! It’s such an awesome workout!!!

    • Reply


      September 3, 2017

      I’m so glad to hear that Ewa! I love when something is super fun AND great exercise. It’s all win ?.

  5. Reply


    September 2, 2017

    I just jump roped at the gym the other day. You’re right, it’s so fun I forgot I was exercising! I need to do it more often.

    • Reply


      September 3, 2017

      I’m so happy to hear that Kristin! Finding a workout you love is the best ^^. Hope you get to enjoy it again soon.

  6. Reply

    Heather Hannigan

    September 2, 2017

    It really is great cardio! I try to do it when I’m outside with the kids, that way I can sneak in a little workout 🙂

    • Reply


      September 3, 2017

      That’s a great idea Heather! I love it – a great way to play with the kids and sneak a workout in. I’m sharing your secret with my mom friends ?.

  7. Reply


    September 2, 2017

    I’ll have to find out skipping rope in the garage to try this out!

    • Reply


      September 3, 2017

      That’s awesome Karen! I hope you love it. Let me know how it goes ?

  8. Reply


    September 2, 2017

    Jumping rope is a much harder workout than I ever gave it credit for as a kid! I need to get a rope.

    • Reply


      September 3, 2017

      You’ve got that right Amy! I never really considered it exercise when I was little, but it really gets your heart pumping! I hope you get to get back into it. It’s still just as fun as I remember ? (even if I’m not quite the energizer bunny I was as a child haha).

      • Reply


        September 3, 2017

        Nope, definitely not as easy as I remember it being as a kid!

        • Reply

          Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

          August 2, 2019

          I hope you at least had fun? I’m sure if you enjoy it and keep it up it will feel just as easy in no time 🙂

  9. Reply


    September 2, 2017

    I’ve always said that I would try working out with my jump rope, but I have accepted the fact that I hate working out. Jumping rope is fun, so I will try it out. There are a lot of benefits to come from jump rope workouts apparently.

    • Reply


      September 3, 2017

      Absolutely! And that’s such a good point too AmberLynn. If you hate it, it’s really not something you’ll want to stick to. I tried running for a while, but I really didn’t like it, so I dreaded every work out. Kind of defeated the whole purpose, since I ended up avoiding it, feeling guilty, then quitting. But when you find things you love, it doesn’t feel like work and that changes everything! These days I stick to skipping, yoga, dancing and whatever else I’m feeling at the time. It’s always a blast!

      I hope you enjoy this! And if you don’t, I hope you find something that you do love to do too. Wishing you luck!

  10. Reply

    Bill Sweeney

    July 26, 2019

    I was not aware that jumping rope is beneficial for bones. I always felt if you’re a bigger person, it would have serious impact on your knees and back. I learned something new today!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I was surprised by that when I was doing research too! I always learn something new when I do research for a post, it’s really wonderful! Happy you had fun learning with me Bill ^^.

  11. Reply

    emman damian

    July 26, 2019

    I love jump rope exercises as it is a great cardio exercise! It’s fun too. It’s not just for kids. It helps me with my fitness.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      Yes! It really is so much fun and so good for you! A total win. I’m glad you’re enjoying jump rope too Emman! 🙂 Too good to miss out on xD

  12. Reply

    Wendy Polisi

    July 26, 2019

    I used to do this type of workout a ton when I was a bit younger. An injury to my knee has kept me from doing as many bouncy exercises.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I’m sorry to hear that Wendy! I hope that you’ve found other forms of joyful movement that work for you? And I hope that your knee injury is stable and not causing you too much grief <3

  13. Reply

    Emily Fata

    July 27, 2019

    Prior to hurting my knees, I used to do jump rope workouts all of the time. They’re such a great way to stay in shape and burn fat!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      It really is a wonderful form of exercise! But I’m glad you’re listening to your body and avoiding movement that would cause you grief. I hope you’ve found a new form of exercise you enjoy just as much? And that your injury isn’t causing you too much grief <3.

  14. Reply


    July 27, 2019

    You’ve convinced me to give this a try. I’ll have to relearn how to jumprope to pull this off, but I’m excited to try.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I’m really glad you’re excited Heather! I hope you have a ton of fun. Let me know what you think <3

  15. Reply


    July 27, 2019

    I´ve never done a jump rope workout – but I really should: so many healthy benefits! Plus I love alternative to gym workouts – they sound more exciting!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I’d love to hear what you think if you give it a go Anna! We all deserve to have different options of mindful movement that we enjoy so we can tap into them when we want/need to. Have fun!

  16. Reply


    July 27, 2019

    I’m convinced! Now I just need to get a jump rope! I feel like it wouldn’t feel like you’re working out as much either!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I find it just feels like play! I like to put on some good music and skip for a while. It’s really a fun moment. I’d love to hear what you think if you try it Carolyn! I hope you have a blast 🙂

  17. Reply

    Subhashish Roy

    July 28, 2019

    Rope jump used to be my favorite exercise right from childhood days till a few years back. With growing age I now have shifted to brisk walks. Thanks for highlighting the great benefits.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I love how you’ve discovered a new form of mindful movement that you enjoy Subhashish! What we enjoy and what works for us changes and evolves as we go. Listening and adjusting is awesome. Enjoy your next walk <3.

      I actually love a good walk and wrote a whole post about the health benefits if you're interested and want to nerd out a bit more with me. You can find the goodness right here - https://mshealthesteem.com/benefits-of-walking/ 🙂

  18. Reply

    Sarah M

    July 28, 2019

    I played a lot skipping rope in my childhood. I am thinking to buy it again after reading your post. No doubt it was a great fun.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I’m so excited for you to rediscover skipping Sarah! I hope you have a wonderful time :). Let me know what you think <3

  19. Reply

    Shannon Gurnee

    July 29, 2019

    I loved jumping rope when I was a kid. These are some great tips.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I’m glad you have some positive jump rope memories Shannon! It really is such a fun activity 🙂

  20. Reply

    Ve Eat Cook Bake

    August 1, 2019

    Jump rope is so amazing. I am used to love it as a kid and teenager. Maybe I should start again.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      August 2, 2019

      I hope you have fun if you give it a go Jasmin! It might be something you could do with the little ones <3. Let me know what you think!

      • Reply

        Ve Eat Cook Bake

        August 2, 2019

        I’ll find some. I loved it as kid. Two swing the rope and you jump. ?

        • Reply

          Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

          August 10, 2019

          Yes! I’m not quite as good at that as I was when I was a kid haha. But I’m working on it!

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