Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview)

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Hello lovelies:

There is no such thing as the “perfect healthy lifestyle”. In fact, there really is no one size fits all when it comes to creating one. Your healthy balanced lifestyle should be as beautiful and unique as you are.

But don’t just take my word for it! Today I’m sharing a peek into the healthy lifestyle philosophies and experiences of Maryann Auger, the creator of Mani Fitness, a certified personal trainer, fitness coach and group fitness instructor. And, my favourite part, she’s a fellow self-love advocate and encourages her clients and followers to build their own unique, healthy balanced lifestyle too. No cookie cutter wellness ideals here!

Maryann’s beautiful advice on the importance of creating a healthy lifestyle that’s tailored to your own wants and needs is nothing short of inspiring. And something I think we all need to hear more often.

So I invited Maryann to share her personal experiences, healthy lifestyle struggles and advice. And you know I couldn’t help but ask for a delicious, healthy recipe too! This girl likes food yo!

So let’s talk with Maryann about healthy lifestyles, fitness, body positivity, food and more. Ready to have some fun?

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

Meet Maryann, personal trainer, fitness instructor, healthy balanced lifestyle advocate, YouTuber and all around sweetheart:

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

1. Tell us about your health philosophy.

I believe that there is more than one way to be healthy. We have to listen to our bodies and find what works best for US. No one will have the same workout routine, the same diet (diet as in what you eat not a restrictive, temporary regimen) or the same self-care routine.

It’s all about creating your own healthy balanced lifestyle. Something that makes sense for you. I also believe that the foundation of good health is self-love.

Related: 3 Things You Need to Know About Practicing Self-Love

2. What’s your favourite part of your health-esteem journey so far?

Growing as a person and becoming confident in who I am! Practicing self-care, gratitude, eating nutritious foods and exercising has helped me become the best version of myself.

3. Why do you think self-love is an important aspect of someone’s health?

Self-love is important because it means you respect yourself. You respect yourself enough to make choices that will benefit you and make you feel good instead of the opposite. You treat yourself like you would a dear friend. We all deserve that!

4. What changes were necessary in order to achieve your state of self-love?

Working on changing my negative thoughts into positive ones. Saying affirmations until I believed they were true. Treating myself like I would a friend.

5. What inspired you to become the Healthy Foodie you are today?

Long story short, when I was younger (around 12 or 13) a family member commented on my weight as I was standing next to them. That comment and how it made me feel led me to obsess over my weight and build a really negative relationship with food and my body. I became so extreme with my diet and exercise. It really wasn’t what I’d call a healthy balanced lifestyle.

One day I went to a fast food place with my boyfriend before going to see a movie and after taking a few bites of a chicken sandwich I was hunched over in excruciating pain. That’s when I snapped out of it. I realized that what I was doing to myself wasn’t healthy. And that I shouldn’t be in pain after eating a chicken sandwich.

I suddenly felt inspired to create a balanced, fulfilling healthy lifestyle and stop focusing on numbers and restricting myself. The rest is history!

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

6. What motivated you to become a personal trainer?

I was always into health and fitness. When I was little I would watch cooking shows with my mom and play with my plastic kitchen and my plastic food. In school, I enjoyed any activities or classes that revolved around cooking, nutrition or physical activity. When we finally went to the school’s gym instead of playing team sports outside in PE, I felt like I was in my element. I enjoyed it and I was no longer that awkward girl that wasn’t good in sports.

In high school my dreams always involved becoming a dietitian or nutritionist and a personal trainer, mixing both of my passions. So I got to work, started chasing my dreams and became a certified personal trainer!

7. Any tips for those wishing to start a fitness routine?

Explore different things and get out of your comfort zone! Start by doing YouTube videos at home or go to your local gym, as they normally offer free orientations on basic programs. Try a group fitness class or join a yoga studio near you!

If you try new things you’ll find ways to be active that you actually enjoy. This helps you implement them to your life. And then you’ll have a fitness routine you love!

Related: 8 Super Benefits of Exercise and How to Make it Fun

8. Why do you think it’s so important people aim to create a healthy balanced lifestyle?

Balance is unique for everyone and is super important! If you don’t have any balance, you won’t feel satisfied in other parts of your life, which doesn’t help you create something fulfilling or sustainable.

For example – for you, family time might be super important. If your workouts always take over that family time, you most likely won’t be very happy. That’s not sustainable or balanced.

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

9. What is a daily health ritual must?

Brushing my teeth and washing my face. I know it sounds simple but it helps me feel good and it’s good for my teeth and my skin!

10. What advice would you give for someone wishing to make some health invoking changes?

Do things one step at a time. When you try to do everything at once, you get overwhelmed and often give up.

For example, if you want to eat better that’s awesome! But start simple by adding more veggies to your meals. Once you nail that, you can focus on something else like adding more whole grain foods like bread, rice, etc. Little by little and you’ll go far.

11. What’s your biggest health misconception pet peeve?

That you need to do ONE specific thing like following that strict diet to be healthy or that particular workout program.

Nope! That’s not how it works. We’re all unique so different things will work for different people. That’s why I believe so much in customized programs and coaching.

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

12. What is your favourite health food staple?

Hemp hearts. They’re delicious, add a bunch of nutrients and create a creamy texture to so many different meals!

13. What’s your go to healthy snack?

Honestly, a bar. Something I can grab at any time or that I can easily place in my purse and gym bag. My favorite is Larabar! (Not sponsored by the way.)

14. What are 3 daily self-care activities you swear by?

Writing down 3 things I’m grateful for in my journal, meditating and reading before bed!

Related: How to Rock Your Self-Care Routine with Meditation Music

15. What does Health-Esteem mean to you?

It means doing things out of respect for yourself. For example, aiming for a balanced diet instead of restricting yourself and having negative feelings towards food. You wouldn’t want your best friend to feel like that so neither should you! We need to be kind to ourselves and treat ourselves with the same respect we give to those around us.

16. Please share a favourite healthy recipe

Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Simple and simply delicious overnight oats recipe. Gluten free, dairy free, vegan and perfect for breakfast!

Course Breakfast
Cuisine Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Keyword Overnight Oats Recipe
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 Person
Author Maryann | Mani Fitness


  • 1/2 Cup Rolled Oats
  • 3/4 Cup Almond Coconut Milk Or Milk of Choice
  • 1 Tbsp Cacao Powder
  • 1 Tbsp Powdered Peanut Butter
  • 1.5 Tbsp Honey Or Sweetener of Choice
  • 1/2 Tbsp Flax Seeds Optional
  • 1/2 Tbsp Hemp Hearts Optional


  1. Add ingredients to a mason jar or container, mix together and leave in the fridge overnight.

(This is Sara taking back the wheel!) Thank you so much for sharing your journey, experiences and advice with us Maryann! Wasn’t this awesome guys?! It’s a powerful reminder that we should feel empowered to build a healthy lifestyle that works for us. Everyone’s journey is beautiful and unique!

What’s your favourite take away from Maryann’s Health-Esteem Queen interview? Any personal experiences you’d like to share? What advice would you give to someone wishing to build a healthy balanced lifestyle? Share all of your thoughts and feels with us in the comments below!

Health and love,


Thought of the day: You have the divine right to create a life that makes you feel awesome. Love yourself, take it one step at a time and you will go far!

About Maryann:

Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview with a Personal Trainer) | Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her favourite overnights oats recipe, personal experiences, healthy lifestyle changes, health advice and more. Click through for the goodness!

Maryann Auger, the owner of Mani Fitness, is a certified personal trainer, fitness coach and group fitness instructor. She creates weekly Inspirational YouTube videos where she shares tips, tricks, experience and advice to help you build your healthy balanced lifestyle.

She’s a self-love advocate that strives to help people get fit while loving themselves and their balanced lifestyles. She loves her dog Zea, food, Disney movies and fantasy books.

You can find her goodness right here:

YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter

Get started on your healthy balanced lifestyle with Maryann’s awesome nutrition guide right here (or by clicking the image below).

The Nutrition Guide contains

  • A look into intuitive and mindful eating
  • Information on macronutrients (carbs, fat and protein including info on fiber, glycemic index, etc)
  • Specifications on water intake
  • What you need to know about micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) with extra information on the DRI (dietary reference intakes)
  • Explanations on supplements like protein powder, Pre-workout and BCAA’s
  • Tips on how to get the nutrients that you need with every meal (the balanced plate)
  • Tips on how to read nutrition labels and ingredients list
  • A guide on counting your calories, if you choose to, in a safe and effective way (with regards to fat loss or muscle gain)

Maryann of Mani Fitness, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, group fitness instructor and healthy balanced lifestyle advocate shares her amazing nutrition guide to help you develop a healthy relationship with food while you work on your well-being. Full of healthy eating tips, self care ideas, fitness motivation and more.

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If “Why a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle Matters (Interview)” was your first Ms. Health-Esteem article, thank you tons for reading it and welcome to the Health-Esteemie family <3.

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Smoothie Recipe E-Book | These smoothie recipes are a great addition to your healthy diet. This $5 E-Book features 10 easy recipes that are all vegan, gluten free and refined sugar free and are all delicious. Super bonus, save 25% when you refer a friend and they buy a copy (they'll get 25% off too!) Click through to get your copy! #smoothierecipes #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #vegan #healthyrecipes

Smoothie Love – How to Drink Your Fruits and Veggies and Love It

If you love smoothies or are looking for a way to boost your fruit and veggie intake, this e-book is for you!

This 37 page recipe e-book PDF features 15 delicious recipes, a shopping list, beautiful photos, super simple instructions and tons of love.

Did I mention it’s only $5?! How bonkers is that?

You can treat yourself to a copy right here or by clicking the photo of the cover above. <3

Thank you so much!

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    October 17, 2018

    What a great interview, I loved reading all of Maryanne’s wise answers! That overnight oat recipe though, OMG, totally need to see that in my fridge tomorrow morning! <3

    • Reply


      October 17, 2018

      She really does have some wonderful insights Nicole! I had such a lovely time interviewing her. And trust me, those oats are daaaaammmmnnn good. I made them so that I could take some photos for the post… and then devoured the bowl haha. Have another batch in the fridge for tomorrow morning ;). I’d love to hear what you think!

    • Reply

      Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Nicole! Thank you so much for reading. Let me know what you think of the overnight oats when you make them 🙂 xx

  2. Reply


    October 17, 2018

    It matters so much! I love interview posts like this one!


    • Reply

      Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 18, 2018

      I’m so glad you enjoyed Maryann’s interview Briana! It really is so important to create a balance that works for you :). So glad you think so too! <3

    • Reply

      Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Briana! Thank you so much for reading ♥


  3. Reply


    October 18, 2018

    Great interview! I loved a lot of her answers, but self-love has got to be my favorite! If you love yourself first then your ready to make a better situation for yourself. Great post!

    • Reply


      October 18, 2018

      I totally agree Brooke! The message on the importance of self-love is my favourite part too. It’s the foundation of a healthy lifestyle in my opinion and really allows everything to fall into place :). So glad you agree! And even gladder you loved Maryann’s interview 🙂

    • Reply

      Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Brooke! You’re absolutely right!
      Self-love is sooo so important. Without it, we don’t make decisions with our best interest at heart.
      Thank you so much for reading ♥

  4. Reply

    Cassie | White Sands and Cool Breezes

    October 18, 2018

    My favorite takeaway is that we need to treat ourselves like we do our closest friends. We are always hardest on ourselves and I need to start treating myself like a friend instead!!! Thanks so much for this, i really needed to read it!

    • Reply

      Maryann Auger | Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Cassie!
      Treating yourself like you would a close friend is literally life changing.
      It has changed my life and I hope it does yours! ♥

      Thanks for reading!

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      I couldn’t agree with you more Cassie! I think it’s so important that we make loving ourselves and being kind and compassionate with ourselves a priority. It isn’t always easy. But it’s so worth it <3. I'm glad you enjoyed that part of Maryann's message too! :)

  5. Reply


    October 19, 2018

    Love the ideas here! Everyone’s idea of balance is different and the most important thing (in my opinion) is having a sustainable healthy lifestyle. I’m talking small changes that go a long way. I live the example of something as simple as washing your face daily. I’ve added a nightly skin care regimen and it makes a world of a difference! Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply

      Maryann Auger | Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Nadia!
      I completely agree, we all have a unique healthy lifestyle and small changes lead to big changes in the end. ♥

      Thanks for reading!

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      Balance and sustainability really are key! I totally agree Nadia! Little by little and you’ll build something personal, fulfilling and enjoyable. Such a great message to share hun! Thank you 🙂

      And I’m also so glad to hear that you’ve created a self-care routine you adore. That rocks! <3

  6. Reply

    ♡Stephanie Stebbins♡ (@stephsteb)

    October 20, 2018

    What a great interview! I need to practice better self care with my diet!

    • Reply

      Maryann Auger | Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Stephanie!
      It’s all about making one small change at a time. Those small changes lead to big changes in the end! ♥

      Thank you so much for reading!

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      Maryann really did provide some lovely and powerful insight! I’m so glad you enjoyed it too Stephanie! And I’m also happy to hear that you’re feeling inspired to work on self-care with regards to your diet. One little step at a time and you will create something sustainable, personal and really enjoyable. I’m excited for you <3

  7. Reply


    October 20, 2018

    wow – loved reading this!! and totally agree with gratitude journals and recognizing that diet is a huge factor in self-care! x

    • Reply

      Maryann Auger | Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Paige! Thanks for your lovely comment, I’m glad you enjoyed the interview ♥
      Gratitude journaling has literally changed my life!!

      Thanks for reading 🙂

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      That’s awesome Paige! I’m really glad you enjoyed Maryann’s inspirational interview too :).

  8. Reply


    October 21, 2018

    This was the kick in the tush that I need!

    • Reply

      Maryann Auger | Mani Fitness

      October 21, 2018

      Hi Kimberly.
      Thanks for reading! ♥

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      So happy to hear that you’re feeling inspired Kimberly! That’s wonderful <3

  9. Reply


    October 23, 2018

    Yes, yes, yes! I love all of this! So many very true sentiments (and such a delicious looking recipe)! Wonderful read 🙂

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed Maryann’s goodness too! And oh goodness, that recipe is magnificent! I’ve been eating it for breakfast quite a bit since ;). I hope you get the chance to treat yourself to it sometime soon too! <3

  10. Reply

    Sheila Price

    October 23, 2018

    I’m so glad I came across this! What great advice. I agree wholeheartedly that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to health…that it’s about finding YOUR balance. Love this, and thanks for the recipe!

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      Yes to all this goodness Sheila! It really is about creating something as unique and beautiful as you are. We are all so different after all! Thank you tons for sharing your lovely thoughts 🙂

  11. Reply

    Kelly Figueiredo

    October 23, 2018

    This is great! Thanks for the information.

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      So glad you enjoyed it Kelly! Thank you 🙂

  12. Reply

    Renu Agrawal Dongre

    October 24, 2018

    So true, but sometimes we really struggle to make that one change. Loved this article and thanks for sharing a very healthy recipe

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      Change is absolutely not always easy Renu! That’s so true. I think it’s really important that we’re patient and kind to ourselves as we learn to walk a different path. Sending tons of love your way! Hope you get to treat yourself to a bowl of Maryann’s delicious oats sometime. They really are magnificent ^^.

  13. Reply

    Caylin Delaroy

    October 24, 2018

    Love the recipe! I think it can be hard to initiate a change in a busy life. But once you find that balance and see that it can work then it is easier to maintain

    • Reply


      October 26, 2018

      You’re right on the money Caylin! I totally agree, it really is all about balance and creating something that works for your own unique wants and needs. But even then, it can still be hard sometimes. I think it’s so important that we are kind and patient with ourselves and we venture forward and work on creating positive changes. 🙂 Thank you tons for sharing your lovely thoughts <3

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I’m a wellness writer, Graves Disease thriver and self-love advocate.

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Hiya! I’m Sara.

I'm here to help you build your ultimate healthy lifestyle. Learn how to feed your body with kindness, love yourself wholeheartedly and look and feel your best. Let's have some fun!
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I am sharing my Health-Esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.