5 Health Tips to Stay Well This Fall

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Hello Lovelies:

Welcome autumn! Here come the vast arrays of gorgeous colours, pumpkins, crisp, cool air, snugly sweaters, thanksgiving, Halloween, apple picking… did I mention pumpkins (I’m excited!) This beautiful season graces us for a short time and eases us into the colder weather. It’s a time of change.

But that change can also be hard on our health, as we spend less time outdoors in the sun and move our bodies less. But it doesn’t have to be that way! We can make this season change incredibly positive, especially if you take the right steps to support your marvelous health.

Here are 5 Health Tips to Stay Well this Fall:

5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Fall

Health Tips for an Awesome Fall Season

Eat Local

Autumn doesn’t mean less access to local foods. There are tons of goodies in season, including Apples, Squash, Cabbage, Romanesco, Pumpkins, Brussels Sprouts and more.

Here are 5 Health Tips to Stay Well this Fall - Eat Local When Possible

Eating local fruits and veggies costs less, supports local businesses and provides you with more nutritious, better tasting foods. There are so many healthy goodies waiting for you at the Farmers Market, go get our hands on them.

Get Some Forest Therapy

It may have cooled down, but I urge you to bundle up and get out there! You need exposure to the great outdoors for your mental and physical wellbeing. And you’re in luck – autumn is the greatest time to experience Forrest Therapy; the colour show isn’t simply beautiful, it’s good for you.

Here are 5 Health Tips to Stay Well this Fall - Get Some Forest Therapy

How does Forest Therapy benefit your health?

Time spent with nature boosts your mood and memory. Exposure to forests lowers cortisol (a hormone that plays a role in stress) and reduces inflammation. The beauty of nature can elicit feelings of awe, which have the power to change your perception of time, making it feel more plentiful, and increase your capacity for patience. Watching the leaves fall can positively benefit your blood pressure and support your cardiovascular system.

If that isn’t enough awesome to get you running for the woods, Forest Therapy may also have anti-cancer properties and can benefit immune function (helping you to fight off those inevitable colds and flus on the horizon).

Fall in Love with Essential Oils

The cooler weather means more time spent indoors away from rejuvenating fresh air. Essential oils and their aromatic and topical applications (and internal if you use awesome brands like doTERRA) can come to the rescue.

Essential oils are a must have for any health-esteemy. These volatile liquids come from nature – they provide plants with health and protective properties that you can tap into.

Here are four of the essential oils I’ll be using this fall:

5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Fall - Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses 5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Fall - Peppermint Essential Oil Uses 5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Fall - Malaleuca Essential Oil Uses 5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Fall - Lemon Essential Oil Uses

*A quick note on essential oils – Do your research before diving into the essential oil world. It’s important to do patch tests before using them on your skin to be certain that they do not cause irritation. If you want more information, here is the website to my favourite Essential Oil Educator, Misty.

You can bring the aromatic goodness of essential oils with you with Essential Oil Jewelry. I adore EOD Jewelry – they provide tons of fashionable, colourful options and will even do custom orders! You can check them out here.

Keep Moving

Colder weather means less time outside, but it shouldn’t mean a more sedentary lifestyle. The benefits of physical activity extend further than weight management. Regular exercise promotes positive cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and encouraging healthy blood circulation. It’s great for your mental health, lifting your mood and improving your self-esteem. Regular exercise can even help you catch more Z’s, allowing you to fall asleep faster and feel more rested.

Find an exercise that you enjoy – if you like it you’re more likely to stick to it. Indoor activities that you look forward too will ensure that you will keep active, even when it’s too chilly to get outside.

Vitamin D

You’ve likely dug out your sweaters and leg warmers and have developed a cozy, snugly wardrobe. Autumn means more layers and less time outdoors, which adds up to less sun exposure. Unfortunately that also adds up to less Vitamin D, an awesome fat soluble vitamin that affects everything from your mood, bone health, immune and circulatory function. Deficiencies may play a role in major illnesses like cancer, autoimmune diseases and multiple sclerosis.

Here are 5 Health Tips to Stay Well this Fall - Supplement

Get your daily dose by aiming for 15 to 30 minutes of sun exposure daily. The more the better since you’re showing less skin. Mushrooms, light therapy and supplements can provide you with this marvelous vitamin as well. Find out more here.

Now it’s your turn. What would you add to my fall health tips list? Let me know in the comments below.

Health, love and pumpkin spice,


Thought of the day: I am adaptable; my mind is open and I gleefully welcome the ever-changing seasons.

Wanna hang out together throughout the week? Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or Facebook for daily healthspiration!


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Want to learn more? Check out some sources here:

Interacting with Nature Improves Cognition and Affect for Individuals with Depression, Journal of Affective Disorders

Effects of short-term forest bathing on human health in a broad-leaved evergreen forest in Zhejiang Province, China, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 2012

Awe Expands People’s Perception of Time, Alters Decision Making, and Enhances Well-Being, Psychological Science, 2012

Therapeutic effect of forest bathing on human hypertension in the elderly, Journal of Cardiology, 2012

A forest bathing trip increases human natural killer activity and expression of anti-cancer proteins in female subjects, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, 2008

Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function, Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine, 2010

Modern Essentials – A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity, Mayo Clinic

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    September 25, 2016

    I freaking ADORE you!!! Always bursting at the seams with incredible and health-made-simple knowledge to share ??

    • Reply


      September 25, 2016

      Thank you darling! I’m so glad you like it ♡. You inspire me!

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