8 Ways to Love Yourself Fiercely (Your Health Will Thank You)

A woman looks up to the left and smiles. Palm trees cand a grey sky can be seen in the background

8 Ways to Love Yourself Fiercely (Your Health Will Thank You) Title Card. In the background a woman looks up to the left and smiles. Palm trees and a grey sky can be seen behind her

Hello Lovelies:

Do you love yourself wholeheartedly? If I asked you to list all of the things that you adore about yourself would you be able to fill a page with all of your goodness?

Self-love can be hard, right?

We aren’t exactly taught about the importance of loving ourselves…

But what if I told you that self-love makes you feel damn good while also supporting your heart, immune system and mental health? Totally cool right?

Self-love really is all win! So let’s talk about it and look into ways that you can work on loving yourself bunches:

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7 Gentle Ways To Lift Your Spirit When You Need It

A woman holds a scarf up and allows it to be lifted by the wind.

7 Gentle Ways To Lift Your Spirit When You Need It Title card. In the background a woman holds a scarf up and allows it to be lifted by the wind.

Hello Sweet Friend:

Do you ever find yourself feeling down in the dumps? Like things just aren’t quite as bright and shiny as they were yesterday?

Totally, right? It happens to all of us! For so many different reasons.

Whether you’re working through something or just woke up in a funk, it can be really hard and disheartening to deal with a deflated spirit.

But there are gentle ways to lift your spirit back up and boost your mood.

And today we’re going to explore 7 easy options together.

So grab a cozy blanket and get comfy. Let’s talk about simple ways to help yourself feel better when you need it.

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Why It’s Important To Examine Your Privilege

A Black and White Photo Of Two People's Clapsed Hands

Why It's Important To Examine Your Privilege Title Card - In The Background There Is A Black and White Photo Of Two People's Clapsed Hands

Hiya Sweet Friend:

We live in a beautiful world. Every day, there are endless moments of love, growth, discovery and kindness.

But we also live in a horrible world. Injustice, pain, hardship and darkness flourish.

It’s two sides of the same coin. And the side you get to experience the most depends a lot on your own personal circumstances.

If you get to walk on the bright side on the regular, you may have the privilege of ignoring or not even becoming aware of the darkness.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

And while I admit that it’s daunting, I implore you to take a good hard look around you and see that that darkness exists, even if you have the privilege of mostly avoiding or ignoring it. Because ignoring things never helps them go away.

The only way that we can do that is to first acknowledge our privilege. So let’s talk about privilege and how recognizing it is an incredibly important thing that can help to foster powerful change.

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How to Make A Healthy Lifestyle Sustainable

In the background a women adds salkt to a pot as she cooks a meal. Cooking is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

How to Make A Healthy Lifestyle Sustainable Title Card - In the background a women adds salkt to a pot as she cooks a meal. Cooking is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Hello Sweet Friend:

Sure, we all know that a creating a lifestyle that supports our health is kind of a big deal.

But are healthy lifestyles even sustainable?

I mean, nothing lasts forever right? But, since it takes a ton of time and effort to create a routine that makes you feel awesome, is there a way to make it work long term?

Heck yes there is! But it’s not what you might think.

So let’s talk about it sweet friend! Because you definitely deserve a life that makes you feel fan-freaking-tastic. And I’m here to help!

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A Negative Comment Led To The Best Peanut Butter Cookies

Two stacks of Peanut Butter Cookies sit on a white surface, decorated with pink flowers

A Negative Comment Led To The Best Peanut Butter Cookies Title Card. In a background is a photo of the best peanut butter cookies from this recipe.

Hiya Loves:

Have you ever been on the receiving end of an unpleasant or mean comment on the internet? Yea, me too.

Internet rudeness can really suck. And it’s an unfortunate side effect of being an online creator.

But, recently, I felt inspired by an angry message. Inspired to create a video and bake cookies. The BEST peanut butter cookies ever!

Maybe that sounds like a strange combo. But, ultimately, it all boils down to food freedom!

I’m feeling so passionate and inspired and I’m super excited to share with you.

So let’s dive in! And use the negativity to create some goodness. It’s like making lemonade out of lemons, only sweeter!

Are your ready?

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