Struggling To Make Time To Take Care Of Yourself? Do This.

A man stands with his hand on his head watching a subway go by.

Struggling to make time to take care of yourself? Do This - Title Card. The title is displayed over an image of a man standing with his hand on his head watching a subway go by.

Hiya Loves:

Self-care is kind of complicated. Wouldn’t you agree?

Ok… maybe not the act itself. I mean, how complicated is it to pour a bath and relax?

But actually making time to take care of yourself. Yea. That can be complicated.

Life is so incredibly full of obligations. Every single one of us have people who depend on us. We’re needed. We care deeply about those people and their needs and want so badly to provide for them.

On top of that we often feel passionate about our work. But, even when we don’t necessarily feel so passionate about what we’re doing, there’s still the pressure to get everything done as perfectly as possible. Because people are typically depending on us for that goodness too.

But where oh where exactly do we fit our own needs into that equation?

See… it really is complicated.

And sometimes that complication can make it a struggle to make time for self-care. But it’s so important that we do.

So what exactly do we do when self-care feels impossible or overwhelming?

Let’s talk about it…

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The Self-Care Check In Questions You Need To Ask

A journal sits open on a table, with purple flowers and a pen on top. In the background there's a vase with purple flowers in it and a white blanket that sits bundled on the edge of the table.

The Self-Care Check In Questions You Need To Ask Title Photo. In the background A journal sits open on a table, with purple flowers and a pen on top. Behind the journal there's a vase with purple flowers in it and a white blanket that sits bundled on the edge of the table.

Hello Sweet Friends:

How are you doing? Everything ok? Do you need anything?

These are all questions we regularly ask… to our friends, to our family, to any of the people we care about.

But how often to you check in with yourself?

A self-care check in is a lovely form of being present for yourself. It’s showing up for yourself and making sure that you’re ok. And when you’re not ok, this wonderful self-care activity is all about figuring out why and discovering the support you need to feel better.

A self-care check in is a way to say “Hey me, I’m here for you. I care. We’re in this together.” And you absolutely deserve that kind of self-partnership.

Not sure where to start? Here are 12 questions you can ask yourself when you need to check in. Let’s take a peek!

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4 Excellent Stress Relieving Activities To Try Right Now

4 Excellent Stress Relieving Activities To Try Right Now | These stress relief tips are inspired by your childhood but you should definitely be doing them as an adult. Reduce stress, lower your risk of heart disease, improve your alertness and memory, feel well, strengthen your relationship and more. If you’re feeling stressed and need some ideas or just want to amp up your self-care routine, this post is for you. Includes a free, printable self-care planner.

Hello Lovelies:

Remember when you were little and life was a bit less stressful? Ok, a lot less stressful? Adulthood came with a ton of freedoms, but it certainly amped things up in the stress department too.

And while you rightfully left a lot of things behind in your childhood (bad hair cuts, horrible fashions, puberty…) you may have left some pretty awesome stress relieving activities behind too.

Obviously, you can’t get into a time machine and go back to the carefree days of your childhood. But if you’re feeling stressed you can definitely look back and get great advice on stress relief from your younger self. 

There are MARVELOUS, carefree, relaxing activities you used to love as a kid that actually have a ton of stress relief to offer you as an adult. And I promise they won’t cramp your style one bit. Are you ready to let out your inner child and chill?

Without further adieu, here are 4 excellent stress relieving activities to try right now. They may be inspired by your childhood, but you should definitely be doing them as an adult.

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5 Uplifting Tips To Help You Accept Your Body

A woman in a black bra and panty set stands in front of an orange door and holds on to a bundle of pink balloons

5 Uplifting Tips To Help You Accept Your Body Title Card. In the background a woman in a black bra and panty set stands in front of an orange door and holds on to a bundle of pink balloons

Hello Sweet Friends:

Have you ever struggled to love and accept your body?

Total yes, right?

Body acceptance is capital H-A-R-D hard.

Our media is constantly telling us that we aren’t enough unless we look like whatever the current (and ever-changing) definition of beauty is.

And man, is it every exhausting and painful, right?

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you had the power to silence all of those painful “you are not enough” messages and make steps to accept your body?

Because you absolutely can! And I invited Allie Kim, a body confidence coach and self-love advocate, to help. She’s passionate about helping womxn, just like wonderful you, to stop hating their body and feel more confident in the skin they’re in.

Her uplifting, gentle tips are realistic and so incredibly helpful. I can’t wait for you to read them. So let’s dive in together!

Take it away Allie:

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This Is Why BMI’s Wrong About Ideal Body Weight

Someone holds their hand up to the camera as if to say "Stop"

This Is Why BMI's Wrong About Ideal Body Weight Title Graphic - In the background someone holds their hand up to the camera as if to say "Stop"

Hello Lovelies:

If I told you to take your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height squared, you’d probably look at me a little funny, right?

What if I said that the answer to that equation decided whether or not you’re healthy? Sounds bonkers, right?!

But that’s exactly what the Body Mass Index (BMI) does. The formula for BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height squared. And the results apparently decide whether of not you’re at an ideal body weight or unhealthy.

But that’s a vast oversimplification of a very complex subject. Health isn’t decided by something so simple. And it was never meant to be.

So let’s talk about it! Today we’re going to dive into why BMI doesn’t necessarily decide your health outcomes…

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