5 Easy Healthy Beauty Hacks That Will Totally Change Up Your Beauty Routine

5 Easy Healthy Beauty Hacks That Will Totally Change Your Beauty Routine | These natural beauty tips are so simple - all you need is a few ingredients you can easily find in your kitchen. Support your health and foster healthy hair and soft glowing skin. Super bonus, they all double as wonderful forms of self care! Click through for the goodness:

Hello Lovelies:

Creating a healthy beauty routine can be incredibly fun and exciting. But it can also be a bit difficult to find replacements for old favourite. Which means that sometimes we have to get a little creative! The good news is that it’s not as hard as it may seem. In fact, you probably have a ton of awesome healthy beauty options waiting for you in your kitchen!

Here are 5 of my fave healthy beauty hacks you’re gonna adore:


12 Self Care Activities to Help You Create a Happy Life

Simple Self Care activities you can add to your daily routine to help you feel healthier and happier.

Hello Lovelies:

I think that we’re all obsessed with the pursuit of happy life. It’s something that the world has trained us to endeavour to find. Forever in pursuit, not quite satisfied with the now.

But how to we work on truly creating that healthy, happy life that we desire?


With that in mind here are some simple ways to add some joy to everyday.

Simple Self Care activities you can add to your daily routine to help you feel healthier and create the happy life you desire.

Why You Totally Need to Try Coconut Oil Pulling with Oil of Oregano

Coconut Oil Pulling with added Oil of Oregano | Why Oil Pulling rocks for your dental health and how to use oregano essential oils to amp up the goodness. Click through to learn more about this awesome form of self care #dentalhealth #essentialoils #selfcare

Hello Lovelies:

Brushing and flossing are totally important aspects of your dental care. And, of course, a healthy, nutritious diet plays a role. But there’s something else that you can add on top of all that goodness to amp things up and aid in your quest to keep those pearly whites happy and… well, white!

Check out why coconut oil pulling is totally awesome and how adding oil of oregano to the mix can make it even better:

Coconut Oil Pulling with added Oil of Oregano | Why Oil Pulling rocks for your dental health and how to use oregano essential oils to amp up the goodness. Click through to learn more about this awesome form of self care #dentalhealth #essentialoils #selfcare


7 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Spoonie

7 Things You Shouldn't Say to a Spoonie

Hello Lovelies:

I am a spoonie! If that word resonates with you, chances are you are too. If you’ve never heard of a spoonie before I welcome you to check out “The Spoon Theory” by Christine Miserandino. Spoonies are Chronic Illness Warriors and the Spoon Theory uses spoons as a metaphor to explain what living with a chronic illness is like.

Having a good day full of energy? You have tons of spoons to spare. Feeling to sluggish that simply taking a shower is difficult? Looks like you’re low on spoons.

These days I’ve been incredibly blessed with plenty of spoons to spare, but I still need to actively make my health my number one priority. I always will.

Any spoonie can attest to being on the receiving end of some frustrating statements. While we know that you probably mean well, your words can be baffling at the best of times and heartbreaking in the worst. It leaves us feeling awkward, isolated and at a loss for words. And so, to help prevent this in the future, here are:

7 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Spoonie

7 Things You Shouldn't Say to a Spoonie - What Chronic Illness Warriors are tired of hearing.


I have Graves Disease and I Love My Thyroid Gland

I have Graves Disease and I Love My Thyroid Gland

Hello Lovelies:

I have Graves Disease… but I don’t have a problem with my thyroid gland. My organ has no deformities or permanent dysfunctions. At this present moment I’m in remission. Without the barrage of autoimmune attacks, my thyroid gland functions perfectly.

That’s because I have an autoimmune disease. My thyroid gland, an organ that I once hated with so much fervor… an organ that I eagerly wanted to destroy… has been beaten up and bruised as much as I have. Graves Disease stole the steering wheel and my thyroid was helpless to stop the joy ride that ensued.

If you have Graves Disease or Hashimotos, here’s why I think you should learn to love your thyroid too (no matter what treatment options you choose).

 I have Graves Disease and I Love My Thyroid Gland - If you have Graves Disease or Hashimotos, here's why I think you should learn to love your thyroid too (no matter what treatment options you choose).

Hi Lovelies - Welcome to healthesteem.com

Hiya! I’m Sara.

I'm here to help you build your ultimate healthy lifestyle. Learn how to feed your body with kindness, love yourself wholeheartedly and look and feel your best. Let's have some fun!
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I am sharing my Health-Esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.