10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax

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Hello Lovelies:

Raise your hand if you’ve ever put self care on the back burner! I certainly have. And I know I’m not the only one. We all get busy and the easiest thing to forget to do is to take extra good care of ourselves.

But doing that is a huge mistake! For both our mental and physical well-being. And I think that we should vow to make our self care a much bigger priority. Are you in? Heck yea!

Need a hand fitting self care into a busy schedule? Here are 10 easy self care ideas that will help you relax. Super bonus – many of them can be done in 10 minutes or less! Ready to get your self care on? Let’s do this!

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

We Could All Use a Little More Self Care

Prioritizing self care can be super hard! And if you’re feeling that way you definitely aren’t alone. It’s totally normal to struggle sometimes.

And hey, we aren’t exactly taught put our own needs first. We’re often taught the value of being selfless and putting ourselves last on our to-do list. Boy does that idea ever set us up for failure (and even negatively affect those closest to us too).

Don’t get me wrong. Knowing how and when to be selfless is magnificent. Being kind to your fellow man and putting goodness out there is not only admirable, it’s necessary. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t provide the same amount of time, love and care for yourself too.

If anything, practicing self care recharges our batteries and allows us to be more present for others. It helps to prevent us from feeling stressed, drained or burnt out. Which means that we have a lot more of ourselves left to spread around.

Everyone benefits! So take good care of yourself hun. You deserve it.

The best part, self care absolutely doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive or even take up a ton of time when you’re a busy bee. Let’s take a piece a look at some options:

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

This Self Care Ideas List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. Need a little more me time? Well, this list is designed to help you live more mindfully in your spare time, so that when you have a few extra minutes here and there, you can pull out this list and choose a self care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy!

And of course I couldn’t help but gush about the goodness each of these activities has to offer your health.

Here’s a quick peek of your list:

  1. Meditate
  2. Bust out a colouring book
  3. Schedule a doctor’s appointment
  4. Gratitude journal
  5. Treat yourself to a bra fitting
  6. Dry brush
  7. Enjoy a homemade face mask
  8. Workout
  9. Read
  10. Do nothing

Don’t worry, we’re about to dive deeper into what each activity has to offer your well-being.

But first, if you need a little extra help making time for self care, here’s a printable self care planner. Sometimes penciling some you-time in is a huge help.

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

1. Meditate

Before I totally lose you, I do know that meditating can seem a little daunting if you’ve never tried it before. But, good news, you can do it for as short or as long as you want! Even 2 minutes is awesome if that’s what works for you. Ease into it!

Even better, there are tons of ways to meditate. No one size fits all here honey!

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

We’ve got:

There’s no one right way to do it! And the relaxing benefits you have to gain are too much to miss out on.

Including health benefits like:

  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Increased empathy and compassion

Ready to stop, drop and relax? Meditation is where it’s at!

Related: How to Meditate with Ease – Awesome Tips to Get Your Om On

2. Bust Out a Colouring Book

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Colouring isn’t just for kids! Put on your creativity hat, grab your pencil crayons and get ready to feel awesome.

Colouring helps to:

  • Lower stress
  • Foster creativity
  • Increase relaxation
  • Create a better night’s sleep
  • And it’s so much fun

Super bonus – there are tons of marvelous options.  Intricate, entrancing mandalas, holiday themed goodies… even colouring books based on your favourite novels (this bookworm may have a few…)

And if you’re a parent, this is one of the easiest self care ideas to tap into whilst also spending time with your little ones. Colouring together can be a great chill-fest for the whole family!

Related: 4 Awesome Stress Relieving Activities From Your Childhood

3. Schedule a Doctors Appointment

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Self care isn’t all massages and bubble baths. Getting your booty to your doctors office for a checkup (or to discuss any concerns as they may arise) is an incredibly important form of self care.

Take it from an autoimmune disease warrior – you should never take your health for granted. It’s the most precious thing you have. And yet it’s so easy to put this form of self care off (or to forget it all together).

So pick up the phone and book an appointment. It’s quick and easy baby! 

This appointment gives you a chance to talk about any health issues you may be experiencing. But it also lets your doctor examine you and make sure that everything’s ok too. All win yo!

You can even ask your doctor about undergoing screenings to make sure that everything’s ok. Having occasional blood tests, blood pressure checks, pap tests, breast exams and even a genetic screening can be informative. And catching things early can seriously save your life!

According to Dr. Harry Stylli:

“Genetic screening can alert specialists to the risk of us developing a disease in our lifetime. It can also help doctors select the right care program and medicine.” (source)

Yes, I know that a doctor’s appointment might not seem so relaxing. And it definitely isn’t one of the most exciting self care ideas. But it is one of the most important ones.

There is really nothing better than piece of mind! Getting a clean bill of health or developing a treatment plan to protect your well-being and allow you to thrive is the best stress relief there is.

So pick up that phone and pencil in an appointment.

4. Gratitude Journal

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

This is such a sweet little self care activity. All you need is a journal, a pen and a few minutes to jot down some goodness you’re feeling extra grateful about!

Write down what you’re grateful for, who you are undeniably blessed to be surrounded by and positive quotes and affirmations that make you exude joy. It may be difficult at first, but you will find that your list will grow every time you sit down to create one.

And it will help you build a grateful mindset! 

The more we practice gratitude the easier it is for us to find things to be grateful for. It’s a beautiful chain reaction.

What’s in it for your health?

  • Creates more sustainable feelings of happiness
  • Boosts our mood
  • Helps us prioritize self care
  • Improves our relationships
  • Promotes better sleep

It’s all win! Especially for your mental health. Yahoo! Pretty cool, right?

Related: How to Practice Gratitude and Feel Awesome

5. Treat Yourself to a Bra Fitting

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Maybe this seems like one of the weirdest self care ideas, but more than 80% of us are in the wrong bra size… and that can actually have some serious health-related consequences.

How can a ill fitting bra affect your health?

  • Back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Pinched nerves
  • Chaffing and skin irritation
  • Headaches

And all of this pain is completely preventable with a properly fitting bra. 

So do yourself a huge favour, remove bra related stress and treat yourself to a professional fitting. It won’t take long, you can get some rocking new underwear and your health will thank you.

And you won’t have to worry about busting out of your top or feeling any major pain. Goodbye boob-stress. Hello undies!

Related: 4 Ways Bras Affect Your Health and How a Professional Bra Fitting can Help

6. Dry Brush

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

What combines self care, self-love and skin care all into one? Dry brushing sugar!

What’s in it for you when you pick up a dry brush?

  • Self-love and body positivity
  • Boosted confidence and self-esteem
  • Lymphatic and circulatory support
  • Soft, smooth, clean skin
  • Fewer blackheads and pimples
  • May improve immune function
  • Lowered stress
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced inflammation

And it’s so simple! Grab a dry brush at your local health food or drug store. Strip down to your birthday suit. And dry brush away! Easy, peasy and it feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Related: These 3 Incredible Benefits of Dry Brushing Will Make You Reach For a Brush

7. Enjoy a Homemade Face Mask

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Not only is this fun, great for your skin and feels like a total spa day, there are so many different options.

A little clay and some water can go a long way, and has this to offer your skin’s health:

  • Has a gentle antiseptic effect
  • Increases collagen fibers in the skin
  • Removes oil build up
  • Exfoliates
  • Totally relaxing

And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can make a ton of different masks! This Chocolate coffee face mask is a personal favourite.

Plus, treating yourself to a clay mask is just one of those self care ideas that encourages you to pamper yourself and relax. This is one of those self care ideas that just keeps on giving!

Related: Top 3 Clays for a Quick and Easy Homemade Face Mask

8. Workout

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Exercise has so much to offer and a ton of health benefits, including mental health support! Holla!

And that doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym or do strength training exercises if that isn’t your thing. There are so many options. A simple walk, a yoga session, jump rope… even dancing around to your favourite tunes. Whatever you enjoy that gets you moving and grooving.

What does exercise have in store for your health?

  • Supports muscle and bone health
  • Boosts your mood
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Promotes good brain health and boosts memory
  • Boosts your energy
  • Improves sleep
  • May reduce your risk of developing a chronic illness

That’s a heck of a lot of awesome right?

Related: 8 Super Benefits of Exercise and How to Make it Fun

9. Read

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Snuggling under a cozy blanket or soaking in a hot bath with a good book is pure heaven (at least in my world!) And, good news, it’s a seriously wonderful way to relax!

Reading distracts your mind, allows you to unwind and immerses you into another world. And offers some serious stress reduction.

Neuropsychologist Dr David Lewis found that reading for just 6 minutes can help to reduce stress by up to 68%. And it also stimulates your creativity, which is a total bonus, don’t you agree? (source)

Next time you’re trying to come up with some self care ideas just grab a book and get ready for an awesome adventure!

10. Do Nothing

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

If you have a few minutes to spare and you just want to sit down and space out, DO IT! Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to rest and relax. And 10 minutes of nothing can be the ultimate gift to a tired self.

Oh, and there are some sweet health benefits to that too!

  • Supports your mental well-being
  • Boosts productivity
  • Improves your relationship with yourself
  • Allows you to reconnect with yourself
  • Improves attention span
  • Breeds creativity

You can absolutely do nothing and get tons of goodness from it. So don’t feel bad if you take those 10 spare minutes to unplug.

Related: Why You Need To Make Time To Do Nothing

If you want this self care planner to work a few more self care ideas into your schedule, just click the image below and start planning! Enjoy friends!

10 Easy Self Care Ideas That Will Help You Relax - This Self Care List has 10 simple and quick activities that you can do (right now!) to relax and de-stress. When you have a few extra minutes for some you time you can pull out this list and choose a self-care activity that makes you feel awesome. Easy! Plus you can get a free self care planner. Booyah!

Which of these self care ideas are you most excited to try? Are there any that you would add to the list? Share all of your thoughts and feels with us in the comments below!

Health and love,


Thought of the day: I am worthy of the same time, care and love that I give to my loved ones.

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Smoothie Recipe E-Book | These smoothie recipes are a great addition to your healthy diet. This $5 E-Book features 10 easy recipes that are all vegan, gluten free and refined sugar free and are all delicious. Super bonus, save 25% when you refer a friend and they buy a copy (they'll get 25% off too!) Click through to get your copy! #smoothierecipes #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #vegan #healthyrecipes

Smoothie Love – How to Drink Your Fruits and Veggies and Love It

If you love smoothies or are looking for a way to boost your fruit and veggie intake, this e-book is for you!

This 37 page recipe e-book PDF features 15 delicious recipes, a shopping list, beautiful photos, super simple instructions and tons of love.

Did I mention it’s only $5?! How bonkers is that?

You can treat yourself to a copy right here or by clicking the photo of the cover above. <3

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    October 24, 2018

    Great tips! I need to start taking more care of my self.

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      I’m really glad to hear that you’re feeling inspired to make more time for yourself Pearl! That’s awesome! I hope that you have fun creating a self-care routine you adore 🙂

  2. Reply


    October 24, 2018

    As a mom of 4, my self care definitely gets put on the back burner. More often than I’d like to admit! I love your list of easy ways to quickly squeeze in some me-time. I have been making reading every day a priority again and it feels great! ❤

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      I can absolutely understand that Nicole! 4 little ones is a lot of work. I’m the youngest of 4 actually (my mom commented below, inspired by you!) My parents had their hands full with us too! You are such an awesome mom and I know from all of your amazing, creative blog posts that your house is full of fun and adventure! Your kids are so lucky to be so loved! 🙂

      I’m really happy you’ve made a little time for yourself to read. That’s such an awesome form of self-care! I hope you have some great books you enjoy. And I hope that there’s some room to put those feet up here and there too. You deserve it <3

  3. Reply


    October 25, 2018

    Hi – I saw the note from Nicole and I can relate, as a working mother of four (one of those four being Sara), I wish I had received this advice a long, long time ago. I know I would have avoided being physically sick with the flu, colds, etc. as often as I was and would surely have avoided a terrible burn out. I can’t agree with Sara more, taking care of ourselves is more than important, it is essential!
    Take care
    Love you Sara

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      I love you so much mama! Thank you for everything you do and have done for us. I’m glad you make lots of time for self-care these days. You deserve it! <3

  4. Reply

    Paige McEachren

    October 25, 2018

    So many good ideas. As women we usually forget to take care of ourselves, this offers some inspiration of ways to care for ourselves.

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      It really is easy to put ourselves on the back burner! You are so right Paige. And it’s truly unfortunately because that can really disrupt our health and make it so much harder for us to even be present for others. I think we all deserve a little more self-care :). And I am overjoyed to hear that you’re feeling inspired by this list! Hope you have some you time to enjoy soon <3

  5. Reply

    ♡Stephanie Stebbins♡ (@stephsteb)

    October 25, 2018

    I really need a reminder on some days to take care of me. Like, today, lol! Thanks so much for these ideas, I will definitely put them to good use <3

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      I think we all need that reminder sometimes Stephanie! Happy it found you when you needed it hun <3. Here's to some self-care time :)

  6. Reply

    Heather LeGuilloux

    October 25, 2018

    These are all such great options to take care of yourself.. I have been putting off getting a check up from the doctor for far too long, so I’m putting it on the calendar. And I love that you mention to do nothing.. sometimes having some time to reflect or just ‘be’ can be so helpful! Thank you for the wonderful self-care tips!

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      That’s so awesome Heather! It’s really easy to put things like that off. But it’s truly important that we remember to make time for a regular check up. Our health is our wealth :).

      And heck yea! Doing nothing is truly magnificent! We could all use a little more of it. I love how you put it – “some time to reflect and just be.” That’s exactly it! I love your description. Thank you for sharing your insights hun <3

  7. Reply


    October 26, 2018

    Ah! Help me relax! I’m always on the go and wound up to tight. I have a hard time sleeping and relaxing. I can’t sit still. It drives everyone around me absolutely mad. I loved this article, well written, and I promise to try a few of these methods.

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      I’m really happy you enjoyed this Meg! We all deserve to be able to prioritize some self-care time. It makes a world of difference!

      Have you always had difficulty sleeping? Sometimes having trouble sleeping can be a sign of certain heath issues. Especially if it suddenly developed. I have Graves Disease and suffered from insomnia while I was waiting for a diagnosis – treatment helped a ton. And I can absolutely relate; it really sucks to not be able to sleep! It might be worth it to talk to your doctor about it to see if there’s a possible reason behind it. Hopefully they can help you catch some Zzz.

      Otherwise, there are a few things that can help with winding down and getting sleepy. I have a whole article on it right here: mshealthesteem.com/how-to-sleep-better/

      But in short, there are a few self-care options that can help with sleep. Drinking chamomile tea, exercising during the day, limiting electronic use at least 3 hours before bed (or at least using a blue light dimmer), sticking to a sleep schedule, taking a bath or shower before bed, reading at night and sometimes even taking melatonin supplements temporarily are all options that can help (talk to your doctor before starting a supplement routine).

      I hope that helps hun! And I wish you a good night sleep soon. You deserve it! Health and love <3

  8. Reply


    October 26, 2018

    YES. As someone who talks about self-care quite a bit, I admittedly don’t practice what I preach enough. This list hit home so hard for me and I can’t wait to work my way down it over the next few days. Wonderful post!

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      Aww that’s so awesome to hear! It’s so easy for us to put ourselves on the back burner. I think we all need the reminder that we need to stop and take awesome care of ourselves sometimes. I hope you have a beautiful weekend full of self-care and tons of goodness 🙂

  9. Reply

    Dr. N

    October 26, 2018

    You are so right! We need to make more of an effort for regular self care. I love meditation and yoga as it helps clear the momd and strengthen the body.

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      That’s wonderful Nadia! Yoga and meditation really are so lovely :). I’m really glad you have some go-to self-care activities you adore. We all deserve that ^^.

  10. Reply

    The Saltbox ZA

    October 27, 2018

    Lovely article and a must read for anybody wanting to find quick and effective ways to find relaxation 🙂

    • Reply


      October 27, 2018

      We all need and deserve some awesome self-care activities that help us relax and unwind and make us feel super awesome! I’m glad you think so too 🙂

  11. Reply


    October 28, 2018

    Yes, self care is something that we all tend to ignore or look over our shoulders most of the time. But, sometimes that’s the most important thing to get yourself into position and focus rather than trying to please everyone else which we generally do most of the times :)……quite relevant topic and nice list.

    • Reply

      Ms. Health-Esteem

      November 2, 2018

      That is so true Anindya! We really can benefit from focusing on ourselves and not worrying about pleasing everyone all the time. It’s so good for our well-being and honestly a huge weight off of our shoulders. I couldn’t have said it better myself! Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts 🙂

  12. Reply


    October 28, 2018

    This is a great list. My sister bought me an adult colouring back and I was amazed how relaxing it was. I find sudoku relaxing too!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      That’s so awesome Christine! Thank goodness for sisters, right? I love to colour with my nieces but have invested in a few adult colouring books for myself. Because goodness is it ever relaxing! I’m happy you have sudoku as another wonderful go-to form of self-care :). Enjoy your next colouring/sudoku session!

  13. Reply

    Marie Shendrik

    October 28, 2018

    Love how helpful this post is!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      I’m so glad to hear that Marie! Thank you :). Hope you get to enjoy some self-care time soon!

  14. Reply

    Kelly McIntosh

    October 29, 2018

    Great ideas. Self-care is soooo important.

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      It truly is Kelly! And we all deserve some self-care time. Hope you get to enjoy some soon too hun! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! <3

  15. Reply


    October 29, 2018

    Great tips, thank you for sharing!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      You are more than welcome Shirley! I’m really happy to hear that you enjoyed them. Here’s to a little more self-care time 🙂

  16. Reply


    October 30, 2018

    These are all such great tips! Sometimes we need reminders to take care of ourselves!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      I couldn’t agree more Nancy! Sometimes we all need that reminder. Hope you make some special time for you soon :).

  17. Reply


    October 30, 2018

    Ok, I gotta update you, I bought adult coloring book and started coloring by myself in a quiet space. Its amazing therapy for my constantly running mind!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      That is flipping awesome Meg! Eeee! I’m so happy to hear that :). Enjoy every second of it – you deserve it! <3 Thank you tons for sharing this with me ^^

  18. Reply

    Lucy | Succeed Now

    October 30, 2018

    I love how simple these tips are and all the health benefits. I’m definitely going to start colouring more ?

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      That’s marvelous Lucy! It’s amazing how the simplest things can have the most wonderful effects. I hope you have a ton of fun colouring :).

  19. Reply

    Jubilee Meyer

    October 30, 2018

    I love my gratitude Journal! It helps me so much!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      Yay! That’s great to hear Jubilee! It really is an incredible form of self-care and so uplifting. Such a beautiful self-care activity ^^

  20. Reply

    Alexander Rivera

    October 30, 2018

    It is definitely necessary to take care of yourself. Hey, if you are not well then you cannot help others. I have recently started meditating which has been helpful. Reading and exercise makes you feel much better. Great post!

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      Right on the money Alexander! You put it so well :). I’m really glad you shared your insight, because we truly can’t be present for others when we aren’t present for ourselves. Everyone needs that reminder sometimes!

      It’s also lovely to hear that you’ve started meditating and that it’s been helpful! It’s so simple and yet has such a powerful impact. I hope you love every minute! <3 Thank you so much for sharing your insight and experiences with us!

  21. Reply

    Sheila Price

    October 31, 2018

    Great list! I love that some of these were unexpected. Also, “yes!” to doing nothing! Doing nothing is seriously underrated.

    • Reply


      November 2, 2018

      Totally Sheila! We need to give ourselves permission to just chill sometimes. I like to think that resting is healing and doing nothing is a great, big, beautiful part of that! Super underrated and yet super awesome! I’m really glad you agree :).

  22. Reply

    Paige McEachren

    February 11, 2019

    Some really good ideas. It’s so true we need to care for ourselves and many times as a mother I not only put myself last, but don’t leave time to care for myself!

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Hiya! I’m Sara

I’m a wellness writer, Graves Disease thriver and self-love advocate.

And I’m passionate about empowering you to prioritize self-care and love yourself fiercely.

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Hiya! I’m Sara.

I'm here to help you build your ultimate healthy lifestyle. Learn how to feed your body with kindness, love yourself wholeheartedly and look and feel your best. Let's have some fun!
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I am sharing my Health-Esteem journey with you in order to inform and inspire. However, it is incredibly important that you discuss your health with your doctor or healthcare provider.