The Ultimate Foodie Guide to Healthy Hair

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Hello Lovelies:

I used to have a cabinet full of hair products. I wanted that sexy, healthy hair look. Hair spray? Check. Colour infuse shampoo? Check. Leave in conditioner, deep conditioners, wave spray, shiner spray… check, check, check, check. My collection was extensive. And my main goal was to load up on all the self-care products I could, and spend as little as possible. Today my standards have changed… and so has my knowledge on what truly makes our bodies (hair included) shine.

While there are certainly a ton of products that can give you that luscious, healthy hair look, it’s hard to out-condition a bad diet. Hair products can definitely help our hair shine; but eating the right foods can create gorgeous hair for the inside out.

It’s also worth considering what we’re putting on our hair. Remember, the self-care products we use on a daily basis often expose us to known or probable human carcinogens, reproductive and developmental toxins and endocrine disruptors (source). It’s worth our while to feed our body with kindness, so that it has the tools it needs to provide us with the healthiest glow possible. And cutting down on the products we’re using, whilst ensuring that we select healthier options, can also make all the difference as well.

In short, health comes from the inside out first and foremost. Self-care products should be a secondary way to support and nourish our bodies, from the outside in.

So what should we add to our diets to nourish our bodies and help to create gorgeous, healthy hair?

The Ultimate Foodie Guide to Healthy Hair - What you eat can be the difference between dull, thin, brittle locks, or gorgeous, shiny, thick tresses. Here are the best foods for healthy hair!

Awesome Foods for Healthy Hair

Pumpkin Seeds

These delicious babies are full of zinc, sulfur and vitamin A. Sulfur plays a role in protein synthesis. Since our hair is mostly protein, protein synthesis is kind of an important part of healthy hair growth. Along with Vitamin A and Zinc, Sulfur helps to build strong, beautiful locks. Add in Vitamin C, which joins Vitamin A to play a role in sebum production. Think of oily sebum as your body’s natural hair conditioner. It’s kind of a big deal.

Almond and Peanut Butter

Proteins, fats and vitamin E – Can you say hair health heaven? Vitamin E is another awesome nutrient lending it’s hand to hair growth, helping to give you those thick, luscious locks you deserve.

Quick and Healthy Apple Crumble for Healthy Hair

Enjoy your almond and peanut butter with a Cacao Apple Crumble or Nectarine Lucuma Crumble

Nutritional Yeast

I can’t get enough of this stuff and will likely never stop talking about it (sorry to my sister Amanda, who’s not quite ready to give it a go)… This baby is a complete protein and a vitamin B Complex. That means we have all the B vitamins in the house! And in abundance, giving you well over your daily value of almost all of them per serving. B vitamins help with hair growth and shine. So feel free to sprinkle this cheesy, nutty goody on anything and everything.

Add Nutritional Yeast to your diet with this Vegan Mac and Cheese Recipe, or this Cheesy Chickpea Recipe.


These humble roots provide your gorgeous body with lots of vitamin C, sulfur and silicon. These nutrients work together to help build strong, healthy hair.

Orange Fruits and Veggies

Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, butternut squash… what do these beauty foods have in common? Beta-Carotene! Your body turns this into vitamin A, which we already know helps to build strong hair. It also promotes a healthy scalp. And a healthy scalp grows healthier hair, so win win!

Fill up on orange veggies with Carrot Soup, Butternut Squash Soup or Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.

Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, beet greens… your leafy green goodies have you covered in the hair health department. We’ve got iron, folate, vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and a ton of other amazing, health-supporting nutrients. All of this goodness leads to stronger locks and a healthier scalp. You can honestly never go wrong with gorgeous, green leafy’s.

Get some kale on your plate with this delicious Kale Basil Pesto Pasta.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Chia seeds, hemp seeds and oil and fish oils can provide you with this incredible, health supporting fat. This baby is an anti-inflammatory and supports the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Sounds like we’ve already reached too-good-to-be-true levels? We’re not there yet – these fats also keep your skin and hair soft and healthy. Trust me, Omega 3’s are a dietary must have!

Overnight Blueberry Chia Pudding Parfait for Healthy Hair

Load up on Omega 3 with an Overnight Blueberry Chia Pudding Parfait.


Eggs are full of protein, iron, biotin (one of those hair healthy B Vitamins), vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids. Vitamin D may play a role in activating hair growth (source). Iron plays a role in hair growth as well. Too little iron can even cause hair loss. And we now know that omega fatty acids are a wonderful fat that creates shiny, full tresses and healthy, happy skin. Healthier, happier chickens make healthier eggs. So please support ethical farming initiatives, and buy from local, happy chickens.

Enjoy some delicious eggs with these Protein Pancakes by Misty Totzke.

Now it’s your turn gorgeous! What are your favourite foods for healthy hair? Will you be adding anything to your diet to support your lovely locks? Have you considered how food may affect your hair health before? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Here’s to good food, gorgeous hair and happy, healthy bodies.

Health and love,


Thought of the day: When you feed your body with love, your body is better able to love you back. 

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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply


    January 30, 2017

    Sara – this is really awesome – I know your suggestions have helped a certain someone, who we will not name!! Lots of love – Mom

    • Reply


      January 30, 2017

      Thanks mama! So glad you like it ?. And that it has helped that Mr. Love you!

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