6 Benefits of Yoga That Will Make You Want To Start Now

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6 Benefits of Yoga That Will Make You Want To Start Now Title Card - In the background a woman does a standing yoga pose, stretching her arms behind her.

Hello Lovelies:

One minute on Instagram and it becomes incredibly clear that yoga is POPULAR. Incredible poses, dazzling smiles, inspirational captions… it’s pretty lovely to look at.

But if you can’t make your butt touch your face, can you actually benefit from yoga?! Is it possible that this awe-inspiring activity is for everyone?

Heck yes it is! Yoga can actually be amazing for your joints, bones, mental health, and more. How cool is that?

And I promise that you don’t have to be able to turn yourself into a pretzel or fit into a size zero to make it happen (I certainly can’t do either of those things and I adore my yoga time ;)).

Let’s look into what makes yoga so awesome and why you really should give it a go (even if you can’t touch your toes):

Why I Do Yoga

Sara of mshealthesteem.com doing a yoga post on a train track.

(psst – that’s me!)

Back before my Graves Disease days I never would have even considered yoga as one of my go to workouts. I wanted abs for days and yoga seemed a little too low endurance for me. Boy was I wrong!

When my illness demanded that I keep my heart rate low and avoid any intense exercise, yoga seemed like a godsend. My legs muscles were a spasming mess and my heart was always racing but yoga was so gentle and kind and helped me move my body in a way that worked for me. I was so grateful!

And, super bonus, yoga even helped me to develop a new love and appreciation for my body. I started to feel less angry with my illness and less like my body was working against me. Instead I developed a sort of kinship with my gorgeous bod and realized that we were in this together, not working against each other. To this day yoga continues to be a relaxing form of self care.

What’s The Deal With Yoga

A dark silhouette of someone outside at night, pretending to hold the moon.

Yoga is like the triforce of workouts. We’ve got exercise, breathing techniques and meditation all worked into one. This practice hails from India and has been praised as a physical and mental health supporting activity for over 5000 years. (source)

Yoga not only gives you the opportunity to stretch and move, it’s also a chance to connect with your gorgeous body and be more present in the moment. Kind of cool, eh?

If you’re worried about injuring yourself, set those fears aside.

As long as you make sure to work with your own individual flexibility, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) says that yoga is a safe option (source).

A woman sits in a yoga pose, enjoying the benefits of yoga outside.

In fact, a meta analysis of over 300 yoga related studies found that one of the many benefits of yoga is that it’s a safe form of exercise (source). Yoga related injuries are not common and typically don’t send people running to the doctor. This study found that less than one percent of the people who do get injured need to stop doing yoga all together.

And while the idea of doing yoga can be pretty intimidating (especially when you see experienced yogis doing some pretty intense poses), it’s important to know that it’s ok to be a beginner. You do not have to be able to fold yourself into a suitcase to start doing yoga. This is a wonderful exercise and form of self love that can work for everyone! No experience needed.

If you want to give it a go, sign up for a beginner course or look up some beginner yoga sequences on YouTube or Instagram. You don’t even have to leave the house if you don’t want to. It seriously doesn’t have to be complicated – don’t feel intimidated. Even the best yoga masters out there started from scratch. You’re allowed to be a novice!

Related: 9 Surprisingly Powerful Tips About Yoga For Beginners

6 Awesome Health Benefits of Yoga

A woman holds a yoga pose. In the background a field of beautiful greens can be seen

1. Yoga Benefits Our Joint Health

Your joints are kind of cool (like the rest of your body – biology is fascinating!) Anyone who has arthritis can totally attest to the importance of joints. And yet it’s something we don’t tend to think about or appreciate until they aren’t feeling the best. It’s honestly so important that we take really good care of them.

So why should we make sure to move our joints on the regular?

Cartilage, a structural component in the body that cushions the ends of your bones, doesn’t even have it’s own blood supply (woah!) Instead your cartilage gets it’s nutrients delivered from the surrounding synovial fluid (which also carries away waste – such a hard worker!) But movement is a key part of the process; the more you move those pretty joints the more that fluid can circulate, keeping your cartilage happy.

If you aren’t too sure what cartilage does for your joints, think about it as a cushion. It works as a shock absorber and allows your bones to glide over each other comfortably when you’re shaking it like a Polaroid picture (or, you know, walking…) (source)

And yet we tend to move less and less as we age. Running around at the park kind of takes a back seat to working hard for our money and taking care of our homes. Not exactly the best for those sweet joints of yours. You know the saying ‘use it or lose it‘… well it certainly applies here. A sedentary life style can eventually lead to some pretty unhealthy joints. And eventually that means damage and pain.

So why yoga?

From an exercise perspective, yoga is pretty unique. It’s not just focused on muscle flexibility, joint mobility is important too. And trust me, those two things are not the same. One of the benefits of yoga is that it puts us through many different ranges of motion, moving our joints around and giving them some love. And we already know that movement is a pretty important part of joint health!

And the benefits of yoga continue, because it can be a really gentle way to move those joints and keep that cartilage happy. Woohoo! Plus, it’s also pretty wonderful that it exercises your muscles and ligaments and supports your bone health too (we’ll touch more on that later).

If you want to do a little joint supporting yoga, these moves are a great place to start.

Is Yoga Good For Arthritis?

A woman rests her hands on her head and, with her eyes closes, leans back so the sun kisses her face

Arthritis pain can be awful! And while long term inactivity isn’t great for sore joints, a lot of exercises can be too intense. But the good news is that yoga might be where it’s at for any arthritis warriors in the house.

According to this study published in the Journal of Rheumatology, yoga might be an awesome option to help arthritis sufferers increase their physical activity and even improve their physical and mental health. Fantastic, right? 

But the goodness doesn’t stop there!

Rheumatologist Sharon Kolasinski at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine feels that “yoga not only safely exercises the muscles, ligaments, and bones in and around the joints, but also triggers a relaxation response that can help reduce pain and improve functioning.” (source)

A woman does a standing yoga pose, stretching her arms behind her, enjoying the benefits of yoga

And if that wasn’t enough, The Arthritis Foundation is even on board, recommending a gentle yoga practice as a great way to “help reduce joint pain, improve joint flexibility and function and lower stress and tension to promote better sleep.” (source)

Sounds kind of awesome right? Just remember to be gentle with yourself and take it at your own pace. The goal here is to support those joints, not to push them too far. Don’t be afraid to tell your yoga teacher about your arthritis or, if you’re practicing yoga at home, look up modified yoga postures for arthritis. And hey, talk to your doctor or physio therapist while you’re at it – they may have some awesome pointers.

Related: 4 Incredible Benefits of Walking Just 30 Minutes a Day

2. Yoga’s Marvelous for Your Mental Health

A woman stretches outside, indulging in a moment of yoga. Water and a rock-face can be seen in the background.

While we may think about yoga as simply an exercise, it can actually function as a form of moving meditation as well. That might sound a little strange, but when you really think about it it all makes sense.

Mindfulness meditation is all about focusing your mind on the present. One way that you can achieve this is by paying attention to your breathing. In fact, meditation involves deep, relaxing breaths in and out.

But you don’t have to focus on your breath. Focusing on one specific thought like a mantra or on your body and its surroundings, centering your mind on your senses and the present moment works pretty well too.

Yoga also includes deep, relaxing breaths and encourages us to focus on the present moment and our incredible bodies. And if that aint a form of meditation. then I don’t know what is.

What can yoga as a form of moving meditation do for your mental health?

A woman holds a tree pose in the woods, enjoying some outdoor yoga

  • Reduce Anxiety and Stress
  • Improve Focus and Concentration
  • Decrease Blood Pressure
  • Increase Empathy and Compassion

How awesome is it that the benefits of yoga include supporting our mental health? That is a whole lot of potential goodness for you to tap into!

Related: 5 Ways Mindfulness Meditation Supports Your Health And How to Get Started

3. Yoga Supports Your Bone Health

So maybe this isn’t a huge surprise, since I already went over the benefits of yoga for your joints. But bone health is so much more than just joint health. And there are a few ways that yoga supports your bones.

Regularly practicing yoga actually increases your balance and coordination. And that means less falling flat on your face. While this may seem a little silly, it’s actually a pretty big bonus for those bones of yours. Especially if osteoporosis is a concern.

But it goes way further than simply staying on your own two feet. One study found that just 12 minutes of yoga every day helped to significantly increase bone density in the spine and had a positive effect on hip bone density too. Yahoo! (source)

A black and white photo of a man enjoying yoga on the beach.

While more studies are needed, this gives us the chance to at least be optimistic.

Dr. Loren Fishman, the Assistant Clinical Professor at Columbia Medical School who was involved in the study believes that yoga’s support of bone density is incredibly promising. “We did a bone mineral density (DEXA) scan, then we taught half of [the study subjects] yoga, waited two years, and did another scan. And not only did these people not lose bone, they gained bone. The ones who didn’t do the yoga lost a little bone, as you would expect.” (source)

He’s so passionate about the health benefits of yoga that he decided to study it in India and even uses it in his rehabilitation practice. Here are some yoga poses he recommends for osteoporosis.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, Yoga can help by improving strength, balance and even flexibility. But certain poses might not be safe for someone who has osteoporosis or a high risk of bones fractures. So please work with your physio therapist and doctor before you start practicing yoga so that you know which positions are safe for you.

Related: Why You Totally Need to Try a Jump Rope Workout

4. Yoga Protects Your Heart Health

Vascular Surgeon Dr. Dilip Sarkar, a heart attack survivor and yoga advocate, has this to say about the benefits of yoga for heart health: “Hypertension is due to a constriction of blood vessels, and heart disease is due to blockage in the coronary arteries. When relaxation sets in, yoga therapy relaxes blood vessels and reduces blood pressure while increasing the blood flow to the heart muscle.” (source)

And the science backs it up! This study found that regularly practicing yoga improved cardiovascular health, lowered blood pressure and even reduced obesity rates. Which means tons of happier, healthier hearts. (source)

And I think we can all agree that any simple way to support your heart health is golden. Those tickers are pretty important after all!

5. Yoga is Gentle Enough For Graves Disease

But one of the benefits of yoga is that it’s very slow and gentle and keeps that heart rate low! So if you get the go ahead from your doctor, yoga can be a kind way to move your body without pushing yourself too hard.

Personally, Graves Disease also decided that my leg muscles should just spasm all the time… talk about not fun! Walking around the block was an impossibility. But you don’t even have to stand up to do certain yoga poses. So it was a wonderful way to get my body moving without making those legs (or heart) any angrier.

If you experience muscle spasms too know that you aren’t out of options. Work with your doctors and find what works the best for you <3. Yoga might be a fan-flipping-tastic option!

The goodness doesn’t stop there – this study showed that doing yoga as little as twice a week for just three months can potentially lower inflammation, boost energy, and lift your mood. And less inflammation is pretty sweet for any chronic illness warrior. So get that yoga on (with your doctor’s approval of course).

Related: 7 Uplifting Self-Love Lessons From A Graves Disease Diagnosis

6. Yoga is a Wonderful Form of Self Love

A woman takes a moment to indulge in some yoga on some rocks by the sea.

It all comes back to love baby! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – self love is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle! And darling, you deserve all the love.

Yoga allows us to connect with our bodies and truly appreciate it and all of it’s glory. How often do we slow down and focus on our movement. When do we simply breathe and move and realize how wonderful this gorgeous body we were gifted with truly is? Yoga is the chance to silence that inner mean girl and simply appreciate and respect yourself.

Sounds a little cray, right? But it’s totally real. This study even found that university students who did yoga left feeling good about self-control, self-perception, well-being, body awareness, balance, mind-body connection and reflexivity.

Even Dr. Dilip Sarkar has a pretty positive opinion on the benefits of yoga and their effect on self-perception. “The word yoga itself means union. It unites your mind, body and spirit. During yoga practice, we inhale positive emotions and exhale negative emotions. Yoga also helps quiet the mind chatter.” (source)

Final Thoughts

A photo of people enjoying a mindfulness class, hands in a prayer position with eyes closed as if meditating

Let’s stop worrying about how great we are at touching those pretty toes and just get on that yoga mat. You’ll be supporting your joints and bones, benefiting your mental well-being and heart health and being super kind and gentle with yourself while you’re at it. There’s a ton of goodness to gain here, one pose at a time.

Do you do yoga? Are you looking to add it to your self care plan? What health benefits of yoga would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

Health and love,


Thought of the day: Sometimes it’s the gentle forms of self-care that have the most incredible outcomes.


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Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

Sara Flanagan is a wellness writer and the creator of www.mshealthesteem.com, where she shares her story of being diagnosed with Graves Disease, a chronic autoimmune disease, and empowering herself to do everything she can to thrive in spite of her diagnosis. She writes articles on self-love, acceptance, wellness and nutrition. Join the Health-Esteem Family today and share in the journey.


  1. Reply

    janna conner

    April 11, 2018

    I’ve never been able to get into yoga myself, I wish I could because there seem to be so many health benefits. Glad it’s helping you with your Graves disease!

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      Hey – you can’t hurt yoga’s feelings. The most important thing is that we find a form of exercise that we enjoy. If you don’t enjoy it you won’t stick to it! So if yoga isn’t your thing, no worries ^^. What kind of exercise do you enjoy?
      And thank you! Awesome doctors and a healthy diet and lifestyle have done so much for me! It was so nice to find an exercise that worked when I was too weak to do anything too stressful! And I still adore it. I’m so grateful for your well wishes! Wishing you tons of goodness as well Janna <3

  2. Reply


    April 11, 2018

    I love HIIT. When I injured myself doing some at home workout (it wasn’t the workout- it was a pre existing condition that I had been ignoring oops), I had to let go of all my hard hitting workout dreams. I admit I felt a little bitter for a while too. Until yoga. I really love the calming and just relaxing feel and it really is so good for your joints. I haven’t done it for a while but I’ve been feeling the call more and more lately so I think I’m going to put it on my calendar this week! <3 Jamie

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      I’m so sorry to hear that you experienced an injury that slowed you down Jamie! It really is frustrating when you can’t move in the way you use to, eh? It’s wonderful that you found yoga too and that it brought you so much joy! That’s fan-flipping-tasting ^^.
      Are you able to do HIIT again? I hope that you’re feeling much better! And that you get the chance to hit the yoga mat soon! Sending you tons of love <3

  3. Reply


    April 11, 2018

    I love yoga, for all of the reasons that you mentioned here. Especially the self love piece, I always feel fantastic afterwards. It gives me a chance to focus on me and nothing else. I have been toying around with the idea of setting my alarm to go off a little early so I can start my day with yoga. I feel like it would give me a centered, relaxed start to the day. Maybe I’ll give it a shot tomorrow 🙂

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      Oh I am so happy to hear that this is a wonderful, go to form of self care for you! A little you time does so much for your well-being. We all truly deserve it! Did you give morning yoga a go? What did you think of it? I hope it was wonderful hun! Wishing you tons of self love and relaxation! 🙂

  4. Reply


    April 11, 2018

    my life would not be the same without my practice. it can be as simple or complicated as you choose and you always walk away feeling amazing in your body and mind. love IT

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      That is so incredibly true Jessica! I couldn’t agree more. Even if you only have enough time for 5 minutes of yoga, you still feel fantastic afterwards. It’s truly marvelous. I hope you get to enjoy some time of your yoga mat soon! I’m glad you’ve found a form of exercise and self care that works so wonderfully for you.

  5. Reply


    April 11, 2018

    I used to do yoga and then stopped but dang, I really need to get back into it!! Awesome post!!

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      I hope that you have fun getting back into it! We all go through phases – as long as you have forms of movement that you love you’re golden! <3

  6. Reply

    Kristy Wyatt

    April 11, 2018

    Wow! I learned so much! I really need to try yoga – can you believe there are people out there who’ve never done it? LOL.

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      I’m so happy to hear that you’ve learned a ton! That’s wonderful ^^. And always a huge goal of mine. And hey – I’m sure you aren’t alone. There was a time when I had never given it a go either. I bet you’ll be rocking the crow pose in no time (although, I should warn you, I fell on my face quick a few times before I was able to hold that one hahaha. I hope you have better luck ;)).
      Wishing you have an absolute blast as you discover yoga Kristy! I’d love to hear what you think.

  7. Reply

    Codrut Turcanu

    April 12, 2018

    I never thought to give Yoga a proper consideration. This article made me re-consider some of these exercises for many of their health advantages. Thank you1

    • Reply


      April 24, 2018

      You’re so welcome Codrut! I hope you have a blast adding some yoga into your workout routine. ^^

  8. Reply


    April 14, 2018

    Bane I didn’t know. I need definitely to start with it.. Wish I had just more time

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      Even if all you have is 5 minutes to just sit and take deep breaths you are still rocking it Jasmin! A huge part of yoga is breathing and being with yourself and your wonderful body. No need to worry if time with your little ones doesn’t give you the chance to do much more!
      If you are interested, I adore Anavi https://www.instagram.com/yoga.vi/ – she is a yogi and a new mama. And she shares mama/baby yoga time. It’s pretty cute and a huge inspiration (and totally honest and real). Plus, she is the absolute sweetest. I think you two would get along really well. 🙂 Sending you tons of love <3

      • Reply


        April 15, 2018

        Oh cool. I’ll check it later out. Thank you so much

        • Reply


          April 15, 2018

          I hope you adore her hun! <3 Wishing you a wonderful night ^^

  9. Reply

    Elaine Michaels

    April 14, 2018

    There are so many benefits of yoga but i learned a few more from your post! I am going to share it with my friends. The flexibility and positive motion it puts your body in before your day begins is just amazing! Thanks for sharing.

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      I couldn’t agree more Elaine! It’s absolutely amazing what a few minutes of yoga can do for you. What a wonderful way to start your morning ^^. I love to do yoga before bed – it makes me feel relaxed and ready the end my day on a positive note. But I also adore it when I have the opportunity to fit it into my morning routine. Thanks for reminding me to make that a bigger morning priority!
      I’m so happy to hear that you learned a little more! <3 I hope you get some time on your yoga mat again soon. Enjoy :)

  10. Reply


    April 15, 2018

    Very interesting post about yoga it had been recommended to me to help me relax.

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      Have you tried it yet Joanne? I absolutely agree that it’s such a great form of relaxation. The deep breathing alone makes me feel so calm and joyful. I hope it does the same for you :). Let me know what you think when you give it a go <3.

  11. Reply

    Courtney Spaulding

    April 15, 2018

    Great post, makes me want to get back on my mat! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      You are so welcome Courtney! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I hope you have a blast getting back into yoga! <3

  12. Reply

    Nina | Lemons and Luggage

    April 15, 2018

    Yoga is just amazing and the best form of self care for me. I try to do it right after I get up in the morning and then again when I get home from work.

    • Reply


      April 15, 2018

      I love that Nina! It’s like a happy little yoga sandwich. It’s amazing how uplifting and relaxing yoga can be. I love to do it before bed – but when I have time I’ll add it to my morning routine too. It just makes your day! I hope you enjoy your next session! Wishing you a wonderful week Nina!

  13. Reply

    Layan Bee

    April 15, 2018

    Thank you for mentioning mental health, mental health is a huge reason why i practice yoga. sometimes its hard to just turn your brain off and relax but in a yoga studio with all the positive and calming vibes, it all just seems a little easier

    • Reply


      April 20, 2018

      I’m so happy that you have such an awesome go to to support your mental well-being Layan! It’s truly amazing how much Yoga helps. I find it calms me right do. It’s actually the reason I love to do a little yoga before – it helps me shut my brain down and get ready to sleep. Makes me happy to know that it does something similar for you. Hope you have a lovely yoga session soon <3. Happy weekend!

  14. Reply


    April 16, 2018

    I love this! I hate it when people say “yoga is just stretching”… well it’s so much more than that! This post is a good resource to explain to people the benefits of doing yoga beyond just being flexible!

    • Reply


      April 20, 2018

      Heck yea! It’s so true! And I think it’s such a shame that a lot of people think that. You don’t even need to be crazy flexible to get a ton out of yoga. I definitely can’t become a pretzel on demand, but I still get a lot out of my yoga time. Glad you do too! <3 And I'm glad you have a ton more info to shut down those silly "yoga is just stretching" comments. They couldn't be more wrong!

  15. Reply

    Channon Gray

    April 22, 2018

    I think you have just inspired me into Yoga Sara!!

    • Reply


      April 22, 2018

      That’s fantastic Channon! I hope you adore it <3.

  16. Reply


    September 19, 2019

    I never understood the hype behind yoga… until I tried it. It’s amazing how much it can change your mood and how you feel overall.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so glad yoga helped you so much! I totally agree – I used to feel really skeptical, but it makes me feel so good! I think it’s a wonderful addition to someone’s self-care routine <3

  17. Reply

    Kelly Martin

    September 20, 2019

    Yoga has so many health benefits. I really need to start doing yoga!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Isn’t it awesome how much goodness can be had from yoga Kelly? I hope you enjoy it if you give it a go! Let me know what you think <3

  18. Reply

    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    September 20, 2019

    I have tried yoga only once and it is because of the prodding of my friend. I found it difficult to get into poses which may have been the reason why I never did go back. My friend is going to get me into a easier yoga class for people with mobility issues. Hopefully I can start soon and reap the benefits of yoga!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I hope you enjoy it on your next go Kristine! But know that it’s totally ok if it isn’t for you! Self-care isn’t one size fits all and there are so many other options out there. If something doesn’t work for you it’s ok to move on to another activity that’s a better fit. Wishing you well! Let me know what you think if you try it out again. 🙂

  19. Reply

    Ntensibe Edgar Michael

    September 20, 2019

    Nnnniiiccceeeee….in my case, even just 5 minutes of yoga calm me down so much to the point of smiling again.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Yes! I love that Ntensibe! That’s wonderful. It really doesn’t need to be a long session. Like you said, just 5 minutes can do so much for us :). Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!

  20. Reply


    September 20, 2019

    I have a lot of autoimmune diseases and have thought about yoga, but I am extremely overweight. Can I even begin to do any of these moves if I’m overweight?!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Absolutely! Yoga is for every beautiful body. Just make sure to listen to your body as you go. I think you might adore Jessamyn Stanley, she’s a body-positive yogi and the author of Every Body Yoga. Here’s a little 8 Minute Self-Love Yoga Session with her so you can check her out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdIX8auOH_M Let me know what you think <3

      I hope yoga helps you as much as it helped me. It was the first form of mindful movement I adopted after my autoimmunity diagnosis. Sending so much love your way Jessie! <3

  21. Reply


    September 20, 2019

    I LOVE yoga! At first I thought it was slow but I realized I just hadn’t found the right class for me. SO many benefits.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m so glad Brianna! And I love that you brought that up – there are so many different forms of yoga. If one isn’t right for you it’s absolutely possible to find another one that you adore. I’m happy you found the right form for yourself. Have fun during your next session <3

  22. Reply

    Steph S

    September 20, 2019

    Yoga has changed my life! My whole body feels lose and not tense anymore after I spend a little time doing yoga! It’s made me so much more flexible and I feel like its really gonna help when I get old:)

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      That’s awesome Steph! I’m really glad it’s been such a positive experience for you too. Yay! Yoga is wonderful <3

  23. Reply

    Emman Damian

    September 20, 2019

    Yoga relaxes me. It also helps me to meditate and think more. It’s very good way to stretch my limits. I sweat a lot too!

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      That’s marvelous Emman! And I’m so glad you brought up the meditation aspect of yoga. I feel it’s often forgotten, but yoga is truly such a beautiful form of moving meditation. I’m really glad yoga’s been such a positive experience or you 🙂

  24. Reply

    Dreams Abroad

    September 20, 2019

    Indeed there is science behind yoga! I use it for a positive metal health and relaxation throughout the day.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m really glad to hear that! 🙂 It’s amazing how many awesome benefits their are. I’m really happy yoga’s been such a positive addition to your self-care routine too!

  25. Reply


    September 21, 2019

    Yeah, in my experience, yoga is really good for your overall mental and physical health. Whenever I feel troubled or confused, I just do yoga and then I get some sort of clarity and some sort of peace. It has helped me cope with some unfortunate events in my life.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m really happy yoga’s been so wonderful for your well-being! It’s amazing how helpful it is and how wonderful it is for your mental health. Such a beautiful addition to your self-care routine <3

  26. Reply

    Angela Ricardo Bethea

    September 22, 2019

    I’ve tried yoga a few times in the past and it’s great. It’s good that it has so many health benefits.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      Isn’t it awesome how helpful it can be? I’m really glad you enjoyed it Angela! 🙂

  27. Reply


    September 22, 2019

    All the benefits look tempting and yes, you are right I feel like starting yoga right now. Thank you for fueling me. Thank

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I’m really glad to hear that Nilakshi! I hope you had a blast <3.

  28. Reply


    September 22, 2019

    I absolutely love yoga, and I love all that you highlighted all these fabulous reasons that it’s good for us. ❤

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      EEE I’m so glad to hear that Nicole! I hope you enjoy your next session honey <3

  29. Reply

    Shannon Gurnee

    September 23, 2019

    I have friends who do yoga and they love it. I would love to get into it. Thanks for sharing.

    • Reply

      Sara | Ms. Health-Esteem

      October 4, 2019

      I hope you get the chance to give it a go Shannon! I’d love to hear what you think if you try it out 🙂

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